Chapter 296 Sweet
What happened next in the private room, Lu Ming and Lin Wan had already left is unknown.

The two left the restaurant, and he had already called the hotel's special car back.

It stands to reason that as long as guests in the presidential suite say something, the hotel's special car will wait for them to take them back after they finish their meal.

But Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't do that. They just went back and took a taxi, so they didn't have to wait for so long.

Turning on his phone, Lu Ming checked.

I actually found that there would be traffic jams if I took a taxi on the way back, which would take at least close to an hour.

If you walk, it only takes less than half an hour.

He immediately suggested: "Honey, why don't we go back for a walk? Taking a taxi will cause traffic jams, and it's not as fast as walking."


Lin Wan readily agreed. She was very interested in the idea of ​​walking the streets with Lu Ming.

The two held hands and walked onto the street.

A large number of common green trees, Sophora japonica, were planted on both sides of the road. Many leaves fell on the ground and were swept into piles by sanitation workers.

"Is it cold?" Lu Ming asked, looking at Lin Wan's slightly red face.

Lin Wan also drank a lot of red wine, with a slight blush on her face.

"well enough."

Although Lin Wan said this, Lu Ming still took off his coat and put it on Lin Wan.

A large and wide coat covered Lin Wan's body. Lin Wan could clearly feel Lu Ming's body temperature on the coat. When she lowered her head and smelled it, she could still smell bursts of body fragrance.

This not only made Lin Wan's body warm, but also made her heart feel warm.

Lin Wan suddenly stood on tiptoe impulsively and slapped Lu Ming on the face.

"What are you doing, kissing me suddenly..." Lu Ming turned around and smiled, saying dotingly.

Lin Wan snorted and said domineeringly: "Humph, you are my husband, I can kiss you if I want!"

Lu Ming was not to be outdone: "Then you are my wife...I will kiss you a hundred times now!"

Holding Lin Wan's face, she pursed her lips and nodded crazily like a woodpecker. She kissed her many times in an instant like the wind and rain, making waves of sounds.

"Ah... no! It's outside!"

Lin Wan was stunned by Lu Ming's actions and struggled to run away.

"I learned this from you. You are my wife. What are you afraid of? Come on, I just kissed you more than ten times, and there are more than eighty more to go!"

Lin Wan pretended to be disgusted and responded: "If you kiss me a hundred times, my face will be broken by your kisses! No more!"

Lu Ming didn't agree, so he pretended to move and chased after her: "No, it's only a hundred kisses, I want to kiss you a thousand more!"

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan was so frightened that she took steps forward and ran forward.

Lu Ming smiled and chased after him: "Don't run, little white rabbit, you can't escape the palm of my hand!"

Although he said that, Lu Ming actually did not chase Lin Wan with all his strength, but hung behind her leisurely, otherwise he would have caught her earlier.

On the pedestrian streets of Kyoto, two figures chased and played happily.

A beautiful figure in front laughed like a silver bell, and the figure in the back cooperated to play with her and make trouble with her.

The appearance of the two people is very eye-catching, coupled with the enviable love, countless passers-by on the road looked at Lu Ming and Lin Wan and cast their eyes one after another, their eyes full of envy and memories.

There may have been such a person accompanying him/her in their memory, but he/she may have gotten lost and will never be able to return to the past.

After playing around for a while, Lu Ming saw that Lin Wan was also tired from running, so he surrendered.

"Okay, I won't kiss you anymore, so don't run away."

Lin Wan then stopped and returned to Lu Ming. She knew that Lu Ming had been letting her go, but she was also very happy inside.So this time I kissed Lu Ming on the lips.

"Now, this is your reward, a surrender gift for you."

Lu Ming touched his lips with his fingers. Lin Wan's kiss was refreshing and cool: "Oh, if I had known there was such a good surrender gift, I would have surrendered earlier."

Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming and smiled without saying a word.

The two held hands again and walked on the street like an ordinary couple.

When he reached a corner, Lu Ming suddenly saw a sign.

Lotus Park.

It is an open community park.

"Would you like to go in for a walk?"


Lin Wan felt very happy walking with Lu Ming, but she didn't want to walk back to the hotel so early.

The two of them turned around and walked towards the park.

Although it was already around ten o'clock in the evening, there were still many people in the park.

The lights are brightly lit, and many people are walking, chatting and playing in the park.

In fact, there are no special scenery in the park, just some trees, plants and green lawns, but it is a good place for people to relax.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan walked aimlessly, sometimes stopping to look at the boys and girls playing skateboards in the open space, and the gray-haired elderly couple sitting on the bench chatting together. They all found it very interesting.

All stages of life can be seen in the park.

Until, Lu Ming and Lin Wan heard the singing coming from the front.

The two of them unconsciously walked over there, where a lot of people were already gathered.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan took a closer look and saw a girl wearing a white school uniform and short hair singing.

The equipment is very simple, just an old guitar, a microphone, and a stereo.

"Ill-fated, obsessed and indifferent, bid farewell to countless stations of youth

You are A Diao, you are a free bird..."

Lu Ming heard the song the girl sang. The girl sang very well. Even with the broken equipment, he could hear that her voice was pure and high-pitched. What was even more rare was that it contained rich emotions. It would be difficult without a bumpy experience. Can sing this feeling.

Judging from the girl's white clothes, it was not difficult for Lu Ming to find that it must be related to her family background, otherwise she would not have to come out to sing.

Lu Ming also noticed that many onlookers extended a helping hand, taking out cash and putting it in the guitar case or scanning the QR code to pay.

At this time, she and an aunt next to Lin Wan were chatting with others.

"Xiao Wan is so distressed... Just go and spend a few hundred more dollars..."

From their conversation, Lu Ming and Lin Wan learned that the singing girl was named Xiao Wan. She had a miserable life experience. Her father was a gambler and a drinker. He broke up the family and passed away, leaving only mother and daughter dependent on each other. The girl's mother was not in good health. Take medicine all year round.

So Xiao Wan has been very sensible since she was a child. Neighbors like them all see it and help whenever they can.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan only heard the girl's name was Xiaowan, which sounded the same as Lin Wan's Wan, but they didn't know it was night.

But the same-sounding name and tragic life experience easily attracted Lin Wan.

Her childhood experience is very similar to Xiaowan's. The difference is that hers is fake and the final result is good, but Xiaowan...

Lin Wan bit her lower lip gently, with tears in her eyes...

 Thanks to book friends for the sackful of happiness, Decadey2012’s monthly pass!
  I wish you all a sweet love!

(End of this chapter)

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