Chapter 300 Major Clients

The next day, Lin Wan woke up very early.

Although I fell asleep very late last night, I had something on my mind and didn't sleep deeply.

Lu Ming felt the warmth in his arms disappear, and he squinted his eyes and woke up.

"Honey, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Lu Ming looked at the time and saw that it was only after eight o'clock.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon before the appointment with Xiaowan's family, so it was still early.

"No, I can't sleep." Lin Wan got out of the bed and opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains.

The weather outside was very gloomy. Although it wasn't raining, you could hear the howling wind. In short, the weather was not very good.

I opened a small gap in the balcony, and a gust of cold wind came in.

Even Lu Ming, who was hiding under the quilt, couldn't help but trembled: "Honey, come back quickly, don't catch a cold outside."

Lin Wan was also excited. After closing the balcony door, she jumped into the quilt and felt the warmth again.

"Why is it so cold today..." Lin Wan complained.

Lu Ming checked the weather on his phone. Today's temperature was only 7-12 degrees Celsius, which was much lower than yesterday.

"The temperature has dropped suddenly." Lu Ming showed Lin Wan his cell phone.

"It seems that the clothes we brought are too thin, why don't we get up first and buy some clothes?"

Lin Wan did not expect that the temperature in Kyoto would suddenly drop so drastically, and the clothes she had brought were relatively thin.

Lu Ming listened to Lin Wan's suggestion and thought for a while. If he goes out to buy clothes in such a cold weather, why don't he suffer from the cold first?He doesn't want to suffer this kind of punishment!

He turned on the heater in the room with his backhand.

"First order some breakfast, and I'll take care of the clothes."

Lin Wan nodded and took charge of ordering meals at the hotel.

Lu Ming picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Dear Mr. Lu! I am your exclusive customer service Lisa. Do you have any needs?!"

Lisa was very excited on the phone. Ever since she became the exclusive customer service of the Universal Black Card, her big customer had never contacted them proactively.

Even every time the bank distributed precious gifts to a major customer to maintain customer relations, the major customer never cared. He only left an address and asked them to send it there, and told them not to disturb him.

That's right.

What Lu Ming called was his exclusive customer service for the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card of the Universe.

A top-notch black card that is only owned by bosses with a net worth of tens of billions. The number of people who own this black card in the world does not exceed two digits.

The benefits of the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. During holidays and when something goes wrong, Universe Bank will call to take care of you and distribute some precious gifts or provide some precious resource discounts.

But Lu Ming didn't care about these. Instead, he disliked Universe Bank for harassing him and almost blocked this exclusive customer service representative.

But this time it came in handy.

I heard that the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card has great power. It is child's play to get concert tickets for some stars without any problem. It can even cause the flight to "break down" for a while when it is late to catch the flight.

It’s not a problem to have brands deliver clothes to your doorstep for you to choose from.

"I'm in Room 2, Presidential Suite 601, Four Seasons Hotel. I need some winter clothes. You can pick out a few brands and let them send them over. Both men's and women's styles are available."

Lu Ming stated his needs simply and neatly.

Lisa, the dedicated customer service person on the other side of the phone, answered the call without hesitation.

"Mr. Lu is happy to serve you, our Universe Bank will make arrangements for you right away!"

Lisa didn't care. The customers of the Supreme Dragon Mark Black Card were the most precious customers of Universe Bank. They would respond to any needs they had. If they couldn't meet their needs, they would report them to the leaders who could make the final decision.The demands of such customers are sometimes extremely outrageous. Lu Ming's demands can only be considered a trivial matter, and she can solve them.

"By the way, arrange an SUV for me with a better driving experience."

When Lu Ming hung up again, he suddenly made another request.

It suddenly occurred to him that they would need a car for their next trip in Kyoto. It would be okay to always call the hotel service car, but this would be inconvenient for him.

Don't bother the two masters, just let Universe Xing solve it together.

"Okay, I will hand the car over to you personally."

Lisa has already decided to pay attention. It is rare that this distinguished customer has needs. She must do her best this time, personally follow up the entire process to ensure the completion of the task, and stop by the hotel to refresh her face.


Lu Ming hung up the phone without saying anything more.

After Lisa heard the phone was hung up, she immediately started calling again and again to communicate with different people.

Then he got up and left his seat and came to the key account director's office.

"Director, I have something urgent to report..."

Seeing Lisa in such a panic, the director was about to say a few words to her.

But Lisa spoke first: "Mr. Lu Ming, the supreme dragon pattern black card customer, just called..."

As soon as he heard Lisa's words, the director no longer bothered to teach Lisa a lesson and stood up abruptly.

"What?! Is it Mr. Lu, who has more than [-] billion in deposits in our bank and keeps a low profile and doesn't let us disturb him?!"

Memorizing the information of major customers is their basic skill, let alone a customer as unique as Lu Ming. He is famous in their major account department for never mentioning any needs and telling the bank not to disturb him.

But now they have made a request to the bank, so they must let their big customers experience the service and warmth of Universe Bank!
"Yes!" Lisa clasped her hands and nodded.

"What needs did Mr. Lu put forward? Has it been arranged? We must make sure that Mr. Lu feels the best service from our Universe Bank!"

The director was very excited, as if he had returned to the passion for work when he was a young clerk.

Lu Ming became the big boss that their big account department worked hard to conquer.

"Well, it's been arranged. Mr. Lu's needs are as follows..."

Lisa repeated what Lu Ming had just said to the director, who thought about it for a while.

"You are responsible for the winter clothes. You must choose international famous brands and bring some of various styles. Make sure Mr. Lu can choose clothes that you are satisfied with.

Even if they emptied the store and took them there, they would not hesitate.

I will take care of the vehicle matters personally. I immediately went to the 4S store I cooperated with to pick up a brand new Bentley Bentayga and urgently handed it over to Mr. Lu. "

Lisa was secretly surprised when she heard the director's words.

Because the director paid much more attention to the big customer Mr. Lu than she thought.

In order not to leave any flaws, the director even spent 400 million to deliver a brand new Bentley to the customer.

This operation to serve customers will cost at least 600 to [-] million yuan.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The two of them left the office one after another, and other employees outside were also busy contacting various brands.

Because of Lu Ming's phone call, the entire Universe Bank's key account department became crazy busy...

 Thank you book friend 854***519 for your 3 monthly passes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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