Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 308 Daughter-in-law and nephew-in-law

Chapter 308 Daughter-in-law and nephew-in-law
In the end, the little tour guide was at a loss and announced a temporary break, allowing everyone to take pictures as much as they wanted.

"Honey, you take a rest here and I'll buy some water."

Lu Ming just saw a service point selling drinks and food on the road. They traveled lightly and didn't bring anything with them. They just bought what they needed now.

"Well, let's go."

Lu Ming nodded and walked towards the route in his memory.

After he left, Lin Wan walked around alone, taking photos from time to time.

Unexpectedly, without paying attention, he turned around and bumped into a figure.

"Auntie, are you okay? Did you hit anything?"

Lin Wan accidentally bumped into an aunt from a tour group.

"it's okay no problem…"

The aunt who was hit was wearing a red knitted hat and looked rich. She was a little confused when she collided with Lin Wan.

However, when they turned around, they collided slightly due to perspective issues, but nothing happened to them.

"I'm sorry, little girl, I didn't pay attention just now." Aunt Red Hat said embarrassedly. She was just looking at the photos on her phone and didn't pay attention to the road.

"Auntie, just be okay. I didn't notice it just now. I should say I'm sorry."

The aunt in the red hat looked at Lin Wan in front of her, and felt that the girl in front of her was very pretty.

This appearance, this figure, this temperament, there is no choice.

She also seemed to have a good personality. It was clear that she accidentally bumped into someone, but Lin Wan was not angry at all. Instead, she immediately cared about whether something was wrong with her and took the blame on herself.

Isn’t this the perfect daughter-in-law of my dreams? !

The aunt in the red hat looked at Lin Wan straightly: "Xiao Nizi, what is your name?"

The tone was gentle and kind, but she knew it. Nowadays, when girls are looking for boyfriends and getting married, they pay great attention to what their mother-in-law is like.

She was worried that if she met an evil mother-in-law, life would be difficult in the future, so of course she behaved well.

Lin Wan was stunned for a moment, but still answered truthfully.

"Auntie, my name is Lin Wan..."

"Lin Wan, your name is so nice, and you live up to your name...can I call you Wan Wan, or Wan'er?"

Faced with the enthusiasm and closeness of Aunt Red Hat, Lin Wan was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what she wanted to do.

They were not related, they just bumped into each other accidentally. As a result, she was so close to him and even called him by nicknames... This made Lin Wan very uncomfortable.


Before Lin Wan responded, the red hat aunt continued to ask.

"Wanwan, how old are you have a boyfriend?"

"No, but I have..." Lin Wan hadn't finished saying the word "husband".

The red hat aunt only heard the two words before she was so excited that she took Lin Wan's hand and patted it excitedly.

"Ouch! That's great!

Wanwan, listen to me, aunt, I have a son who is about the same age as you...

He is a doctor who has returned from overseas and has just returned to China to start a business. Auntie thinks you are a good fit!How about you guys know each other? !I think you guys will definitely get along.

To be honest, my aunt's house is pretty good and has a lot of houses. You will definitely be able to live a good life after you get married. "

Aunt Red Hat had a beautiful thought. She had just met Lin Wan and knew her name, and she already regarded Lin Wan as her daughter-in-law. After a while, her grandson might start thinking of names.

After hearing what the red hat aunt said, Lin Wan couldn't laugh or cry. She already had a husband, so why would she want a boyfriend?

She wanted to explain, but the red hat lady spoke too fast, and she didn't even have a chance.When the red hat aunt finished speaking, Lin Wan was about to speak clearly...

A group of aunts gathered around me cheering.

The scene where they collided just now was seen by many aunts from a distance. They thought that the aunt in the red hat and Lin Wan had a quarrel. The aunt in the red hat held Lin Wan's hand and refused to let her leave, so they quickly called their friends and rushed away. come over.

In an instant, Lin Wan was submerged in the crowd of aunties.

"What happened?!"

"Shuqin, are you okay?! This girl bumped into you?!"

"Don't let her run away!"


A group of aunts surrounded her, talking in a flurry of words. Lin Wan felt like her ears were going to go deaf and her head was going to explode.

She tried to speak out: "..."

But it was obviously useless. Even the small tour guide's loudspeaker could not suppress them. How could they hear Lin Wan's weak voice?

The aunts all blamed Lin Wan. They thought Lin Wan had hit the red hat aunt and wanted to escape from the crime scene.

At this time, it was the red hat aunt who took action and shouted loudly.

"I'm fine!!
It was me who accidentally bumped into someone, not her problem.People even take the initiative to care about me! "

After some explanations from the red hat aunt, the aunts finally calmed down, and some apologized to Lin Wan for wrongly blaming her.

"I saw you fussing with others, so I thought something had happened!"

"That's right. It turns out I misunderstood my little girl. I'm sorry."

"Such a beautiful girl must be a good person!"


Facing the aunt's inquiry, the red hat aunt also said: "I'm just too excited. This girl is so beautiful and kind-hearted. It would be great if she could be my daughter-in-law!"

As soon as the red hat aunt said this.

Many aunts were suddenly enlightened!

Yup! !
How great it would be if this were my daughter-in-law!The aunt's eyes all looked at Lin Wan.

Although we are all sisters, there is no discussion about the daughter-in-law. Where can I find such a good daughter-in-law? Of course I have to grab it!
"Nizi, you are so good. Auntie, I have a son who is 28 years old. He is a lawyer. You can get to know him!"

"I have a nephew who is very handsome. He looks like a star on TV. Are you interested in getting to know him?!"

"Girl, look here, look here. This is a photo of my son. How about it? Do you still like it?!"

The aunts and eight immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers.

When the red hat aunt heard this, she immediately became anxious. She knew that she had done something bad, so she accidentally let it slip. Now the plastic sisters are going to steal the house!

"What are you doing? This is my daughter-in-law... I met Wanwan first!"

"There is no first-come-first-serve thing about daughters-in-law. It depends on the conditions. My son is handsome and gentle, and Wanwan will definitely like it!"

"Your son is far worse than my son, and my family is rich!"

"It's great to have money. Who doesn't? My nephew has a very good personality and will definitely be very considerate to Wanwan!"


Lin Wan looked around blankly, feeling very speechless. She didn't say a word, how could she become the daughter-in-law or nephew-in-law of so many aunts...

(End of this chapter)

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