Chapter 322 Too tender

Wang Yi trotted all the way until he ran a few blocks away and was completely far away before he dared to stop.

He was breathing heavily, as if he was escaping some terrible horror for the rest of his life.

The speed and mileage he had just escaped had really unleashed his whole body's potential. Otherwise, with his fat body, he wouldn't be able to run so fast.

But Lu Ming's sharp gaze just now was like a sharp sword.

Just looking at each other, Wang Yi felt that he was at a critical moment of life and death. He exploded with all his strength and fled the scene, not even daring to look at the same thing again.

"Wori, why is that pretty boy next to Luo Ziqian so fierce?!
I eliminated a group of gangsters by myself, but luckily I hid outside and didn't go there with Xie Jianglong and the others..."

Wang Yi couldn't help but feel grateful for his wit.

Although he was eager for revenge, he still chose to hide and watch the show, otherwise he would probably be lying on the ground now.

"Ring bell bell!"


A phone rang suddenly, causing Wang Yi, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, to take a breath of air.

Feeling guilty, he thought the movement was someone chasing after him. After he calmed down, he heard clearly that it was the sound of a cell phone ringing.

He took his cell phone and saw that it was his mother-in-law.

"Wang Yi, why don't you get home! You came back an hour ago and you're not home yet!

You're not fooling around again, are you? "

As soon as the call was connected, a loud and rude voice came from the mobile phone.

"It's nothing, honey. I met an acquaintance on the road and was delayed for some time. I'm really almost home!"

Wang Yi explained carefully.

He couldn't help but picture his wife with a bucket stuck in her waist, a cold face, pointing at him and yelling curses, which made him shiver even more.

Although his wife at home is fierce and ugly, Wang Yi really doesn't dare to do anything to her.

His current status as the department manager of Universe Bank is all due to his connections with his mother's family, which is his backer in the bank, so he can dominate.

After explaining to my wife in a lustful voice, I finally hung up the phone.


Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. His mood today was like a roller coaster.

First, he was scolded by his usually obedient subordinates, full of anger, and then he met Xie Jianglong, who was looking forward to his immediate revenge, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face right away. All his troops were defeated, and he almost confessed to it himself.

After finally escaping, he was scolded by his wife again. What will happen to him when he returns home?

Wang Yi felt that today should be the most frustrating and upsetting day in his life.


When he thought about tomorrow, Wang Yi felt better again.

Tomorrow, Luo Ziqian will come to Universe Bank to complete the resignation procedures. At that time, Luo Ziqian will be his plaything. He can ridicule, manipulate and vent his anger to his heart's content.

He was quite sure of this, which made Wang Yi look forward to tomorrow.

Not daring to delay, Wang Yi quickened his pace and rushed home.

On Lu Ming's side, he saw Wang Yi running away, but he did not pursue him.

If he really wanted to capture Wang Yi, he would definitely not be able to escape from his grasp, but he did not do that.

After dealing with these gangsters, Lu Ming returned to Luo Ziqian and patted him on the shoulder.

Only then did Luo Ziqian come to his senses.

"Damn it, Lao Lu, since when did you get such good skills?!

One beats eight, oh no, nine! "

Luo Ziqian unconsciously raised his voice and was shocked. Lu Ming's skills were beyond his imagination. "Hey, now that things have come to an end, I've shown my all my cards and won't hide my identity anymore...

In fact, I am a descendant of ancient martial arts..."

Lu Ming said jokingly, and Luo Ziqian immediately heard it.

"Screw you, I still have 20 years of skill in grinding sticks!"

Luo Ziqian did not go into details and made a joke. Everyone has secrets and there is no need to know everything.

"Let's go, we'll take you back."

Lu Ming put his arm around Luo Ziqian's shoulders and returned to the table together.

This time Luo Ziqian did not reject Lu Ming's proposal. Although he was shouting loudly with the gangsters at the beginning, he actually felt very guilty. Especially when he started to take action later, he felt really scared.

They were all ready to be beaten up, but luckily Lu Ming showed off his power and solved them.

So I still feel safe with Lu Ming. What if something happens on the way back?

"So you understand, right? What I just said?"

Luo Ziqian turned to look at Lu Ming, blinking his eyes, full of innocent and clear stupidity.

"Ah? Understand what?"

Lu Ming looked at Luo Ziqian's confused look. It was obvious that he still hadn't thought through these things and shook his head.

"Fat man, can you do this? I can't figure this out. You can also see that these gangsters are deliberately trying to trouble us, right?"

"Yes! Of course I know this. If we don't take the easy way out, they have to come to our side."

"As long as you can see it, Lin Wan and I just came to Kyoto and didn't offend anyone. What about you? Who did you just offend? Have you forgotten now??"

Lu Ming patiently guided Luo Ziqian's ideas.

Luo Ziqian frowned and thought for a moment, then immediately reacted.

"Holy shit! What the hell, Wang Yi called these??!! They are specifically here to cause trouble for me!"

After being guided by Lu Ming, Luo Ziqian finally figured it out and was so angry that he jumped on the spot.

He didn't expect that he had just offended Wang Yi today, and that night Wang Yi would send people to trouble him.


He also remembered what Lu Ming said to him before, that society is dangerous and there are many gray areas that they don't know about.

At this time, the facts happened before his eyes, and he had to admit that what Lu Ming said was right.

It was impossible for Wang Yi to let him resign in such a safe and dignified manner. What Lu Ming predicted about Wang Yi hiring gangsters had already happened, and he probably wouldn't have an easy time tomorrow.

Seeing Luo Ziqian frowning in thought, Lu Ming didn't mind giving him some more information to make him more impressed by today's events.

"Actually, Wang Yi came just now and was watching from the side. He probably wanted to see you get beaten up with his own eyes..."

Listen to what Lu Ming said.

Luo Ziqian was immediately stimulated and became furious.

"What the hell, it's not enough for Wang Yi to ask someone to teach me a lesson! He's hiding and watching! Why don't you stand up and stand upright if you have the guts!"

Lu Ming patted him on the shoulder to calm him down and gave him the reason.

"This way he can pick himself off. If I don't tell you, how would you know it was him..."

Luo Ziqian's whole body shrank immediately.

Only then did he realize that, let alone compared with Lu Ming, even compared with Wang Yi, he was still too young...

 Thanks to book friends 20230105203911721 and 20230109151437851 for their monthly tickets!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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