Chapter 325 Not allowed in?

After Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming and Lin Wan stepped into the office, the office was completely silent and no one spoke.

They all stared at the computer with their heads down, typing on the keyboard from time to time, and looked like they were busy working.

But Lu Ming could see that many of them were secretly sizing up these two unfamiliar faces, himself and Lin Wan.

Regarding their attitude, Luo Ziqian would be lying if he said he didn't feel uncomfortable. When he first joined the data department, he still had two or three colleagues with whom he had a good relationship.

But since Wang Yi made things difficult for him for some unknown reason, these people have distanced themselves from him, for fear of getting into trouble.

Although he knew that it was human nature to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, Luo Ziqian could not fully understand it when this happened to him.

In fact, even if he hadn't made an appointment with Lu Ming to meet for a drink, and then refused to work overtime to offend Wang Yi, Luo Ziqian probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for much longer. After all, it was too suppressing to his physical and mental state.

Luo Ziqian walked to his workstation without saying a word, in a corner.

Just like his presence in the office, a marginal figure, many times, the position of the office can also reflect the person's status in the office.

Although not all follow this law, most do.

Of course, the ones with the highest status are independent offices, and those with long experience and good reputation will occupy a more advantageous position in the public office area. Those who are excluded will naturally be in the corners.

The only advantage is probably that it is close to the glass curtain wall, so you can see the buildings outside and the pedestrians passing by at a glance.

Luo Ziqian began to pack up his personal belongings and put them away one by one, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan waited for him silently.

A weird atmosphere filled the office.

Everyone in the office looked at Luo Ziqian's actions with surprise and curiosity.

Packing away personal belongings on your desk, does this mean you are leaving your job? !
I just don’t know if I can’t stand it anymore and resigned voluntarily, or if I was fired by that Wang Gou thing? !
The spirit of gossip burned in everyone's hearts.

Finally, someone couldn't help but raised his little finger and asked a question in a private chat group.

"What's going on, Luo Ziqian?! Is he resigning?"

"I have packed my things. My resignation is definitely a resignation, but I don't know whether I resigned voluntarily or was fired."

"I don't know, both are possible. Who can bear to be targeted like Wang Gou? If it were me, I might not be able to hold on and leave long ago."

"Sister Li, do you know something??"

"Yes, Sister Li, don't you know about this?"

Several people in the group liked Sister Li one after another. She was Wang Yi's assistant and could often get first-hand information. She had always been the number one information source and weather vane in their office.

Whatever happened, whether Wang Yi was in a good or bad mood, she would often let the news out, so they could avoid it.

For example, when Wang Yi came to work so early today, they immediately went to the tea room to ask Sister Li about the situation.

"I'm just as confused as you...I don't know what's going on."

Sister Li also came forward and said that she didn't know.

"I see, everyone has to be careful today. Wang Gou came very early today and Luo Ziqian resigned. There are so many strange things happening today. Everyone should protect themselves first."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Someone needs to go upstairs to meet me, otherwise I'd better run away..."


Most of the people in the office participated in this discussion.

Suddenly, the sound of keyboard typing in the entire office became much more frequent.


Some people began to find this a bit strange, or some people felt guilty.

Luo Ziqian was still there, and in front of Luo Ziqian, everyone secretly discussed and speculated about him in the group.

"Hey, hey, don't hit the keyboard so loudly, you'll expose us all!!" "Uh..."

Seeing this, many people who felt guilty couldn't help but stop.

But that doesn't stop them. The keyboard doesn't work, but they still have mobile phones.

Many people secretly took out their mobile phones and continued the discussion on their mobile phones.

"Hey, Luo Ziqian came to apply for resignation, why are there two people following him?"

"His friend, are you here with him? Help him support the scene?? If Wang Gou makes things difficult for him, are there any friends who can help him?"

"That's true, but if Wang Gou makes things difficult for him, his friend will be of no use..."

"I don't know, but I can tell you that these two friends, Luo Ziqian, are really good-looking. They are handsome guys and beautiful women. They are very eye-catching!!"

"Yes, yes! There seems to be an indescribable temperament in the key person."

Lu Ming could feel that there were more and more eyes peeking at him. Those lesbian eyes pretended to sweep past, then swept past, and then swept past again...

After a while.

Luo Ziqian packed up his personal belongings and put them aside.

Then he said hello to Lu Ming and Lin Wan, and walked towards Wang Yi's office.

Wang Yi's assistant, Sister Li, has her workstation closest to Wang Yi's office.

She is having a lively chat in the group.

Suddenly I saw Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming and Lin Wan walking over, as if they were about to enter Wang Yi's office.

Suddenly a shock.

She had just received instructions from Wang Yi that no one could disturb him today unless he walked out of the office himself.

If Luo Ziqian and his group were allowed in, her crime would be huge.

So Sister Li quickly put down her phone, stood up, and reached out to stop Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming, and the others.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang has important things to deal with today, so he won't receive anyone."

Luo Ziqian was stunned for a moment.

"I'm here to see Wang Gou... Oh, he's about to leave his job. Sister Li, please go in and say something."

Sister Li looked embarrassed: "Mr. Wang said that no one can disturb him, including me...

I can't help you go in and talk to him, otherwise I..."

She didn't mean to make things difficult for Luo Ziqian. In fact, Wang Yi asked her to do this. After this, Sister Li suddenly understood why Wang Yi gave such an instruction.

Wang Yi obviously knew that Luo Ziqian would come to resign today, so he came to the company so early.

"Otherwise...? Just wait a moment...Maybe Mr. Wang will come out soon...or come back later?"

When Sister Li said this herself, she seemed to have no confidence. She just wanted to temporarily persuade Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming and others to retreat so as not to cause trouble for herself.

As soon as Luo Ziqian heard Sister Li's words, he knew that Wang Yi was targeting him and deliberately not letting him in.

But Sister Li blocked him in front, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

at this time.

Luo Ming's voice came to Luo Ziqian's ears.

"Not allowed in? Then let's smash up his office, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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