Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 327 There are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys dominate

Chapter 327 There are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys dominate
What Wang Yi said at this time was completely without thought, he was just eager to prove his innocence.

As soon as he said the words.

Everyone in the office looked at Wang Yi with disgust, as if he was mentally retarded.

Sister Li, who was asked to smell it, had a distorted and horrified look on her face!
Is this a job that humans can do? ? !
She was so frightened that she quickly and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Ask her, an older young woman, to smell the crotch of a greasy, fat man? !Isn't this perverted? !
Even if she loses this job, she can't do it!
Sister Li's resistance could be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and Lu Ming couldn't help laughing and mocking her.

"Why don't you listen to what you say?!
Asking a female subordinate to smell your place...are you sexually harassing me? !Or are you just a pervert? ? "

Lu Ming said this.

Wang Yi then thought about it and realized that his words were indeed inappropriate.

Since you can't explain it clearly, then control the number of people and scope who know about it!We cannot let this rumor leak out outside the Data Department, or even outside this office!

He has absolute power in the data department, and his subordinates dare not speak nonsense.

So the immediate priority is to control Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming and others!
Wang Yi changed his mind and decided to arrest them.

"Notify the security department immediately!! Unknown people smashed the data department of the Universe Bank!! Serious losses have been caused! Let them come and control them quickly!!!"

Wang Yi shouted loudly. He was calling his subordinates to make a phone call.

Sister Li in the office took out her mobile phone tremblingly. He was Wang Yi's subordinate and must follow his instructions.

But as soon as he took out the phone, Lu Ming turned around and glanced at her.

"Click." A sound.

Sister Li was so frightened that she dropped her phone to the ground.

At this time, Lu Ming was like a devil in her eyes. He was smiling on the surface, but when he moved his hands, he was shaking the world. How could a normal person kick open the aluminum alloy door?
The data department employees hiding outside also heard Wang Yi's words.

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes wandering, wondering whether they should make this call, or rather, waiting.

Waiting for someone to stand up, take the initiative to take this responsibility, and make this call.

In this case, whether things turn out or not, it has nothing to do with them.

that's it.

The data department staff outside were trying to pass each other off, but no one made the call.

Now that Wang Yi had the confidence given to him by the Security Department, he became arrogant again.

"Luo Ziqian! Originally I just wanted to teach you a lesson and let you suffer a little bit! Young people... it is not a bad thing to suffer a little and suffer a little setback.

But I didn’t expect you to really seek death!Since you dared to bring someone to force your way into my office, you even smashed my door!
Do you still know where this place is? !
This is the Cosmic Bank!The universe building!Is this a place where you can run wild? !
Just wait to be caught! "

Wang Yi's words caused Lu Ming and Lin Wan to roll their eyes.

Young people... it's not a bad thing to suffer some hardships and setbacks? ? ?What kind of poisonous chicken soup is this.

Being suppressed, squeezed, taught a lesson, and made things difficult for him, could it be that it was better for Luo Ziqian? !It was obviously a deliberate attempt to retaliate against Luo Ziqian, but he had to say it in such a high-sounding way.

Sometimes hypocrites are more annoying than real villains.

Luo Ziqian was originally panicked and scared before, but now that it's over, what should happen has happened.

Instead, he is slowly calming down now. The outcome is already determined anyway. Even if he is caught, he still wants to know a question.

That's why Wang Yi kept targeting him, constantly adding tasks to him and making him work overtime.

It was fine at first, but then Wang Yi suddenly changed his attitude towards him.

"Why are you deliberately targeting me??" Wang Yi leaned on the table and stood calmly. He felt that he had held the whole audience now.

Soon, the security guards of the building will arrive, and Luo Ziqian and the others will also be arrested. He will be the winner of the game.

So he didn't mind answering Luo Ziqian's question.

Wang Yi thought carefully.

He really forgot why.


After thinking for a while.

"Oh, I remembered.

Actually, it's nothing. I just had a fight with my wife that day and was in a bad mood... You happened to bump into me and I didn't like you. "

Wang Yi said it very casually.

But it is indeed because of this, a completely untenable reason, that is enough for him to do such a thing to his subordinates.

The only thing he concealed was that it was his wife who scolded him so much that day. He didn't dare to refute at all and was so angry that Luo Ziqian just became his punching bag.

"that's all???"

Luo Ziqian couldn't believe it. He thought he had offended Wang Yi somewhere.

It turned out that Wang Yi was in a bad mood. When he first saw himself, he became someone he disliked.

"Yeah, it's that simple."

Wang Yi spread his hands and smiled indifferently.

For this kind of contract worker who has no backing and no establishment, he is the one he can manipulate at will.

After hearing this, Sister Li and the data department employees outside the office couldn't help cursing Wang Yi in their hearts.

They had been speculating for a long time, asking how Luo Ziqian offended Wang Yi, why Wang Yi wanted to kill him, and what kind of hatred this was.

The result is this?

Just because you're in a bad mood?
Every employee in the data department is feeling insecure, maybe they are the next Luo Ziqian...

I knew that King Dog was not a good thing, but I didn't expect him to be so perverted!

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were not too surprised when they heard this reason. There was no need for Wang Yi to lie to them. This seemingly absurd reason was actually a microcosm of this society.

Money and power are the easiest ways to distort a person's psychology.

Many rich and powerful people have made a distinction between themselves and other people. They are above them, while the people below them are like ants in their eyes, and they can manipulate them at will.

This is a manifestation of Wang Yi's expansion to the point of rampage. He doesn't know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky.

If it is too expanded, it is easy to encounter a stronger and higher being than him, and it can also decide his life or death according to his mood.

After all, this is a state, and only those who have reached it can have good control over their own money and power.

"Looking at you, you must have done a lot of things like this, right? Aren't you afraid that your teeth will pop out if you encounter a tough opponent?"

Lu Ming still asked with great interest, looking at Wang Yi who thought he had a chance to win, it was like looking at a monkey with no tigers in the mountain and a monkey ruling the roost.

He wouldn't mind letting the monkey sing for a few more minutes...

(End of this chapter)

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