Chapter 329 Dangerous!

Wang Yi trembled as he saw that everything within his sight had been smashed by Luo Ziqian, but he did not dare to say anything.

He was afraid that Luo Ziqian would go crazy and the golf club would fall on his head in the next second.

The employees of the data department outside listened to the sound of Luo Ziqian smashing Wang Yi's office. Inexplicably, they also felt very refreshed. They felt that they were venting their anger and it was like they were smashing Wang Yi's office.

But soon, rhythmic footsteps came from outside.

When everyone took a look, the figures of the security department personnel appeared.

All of them were wearing the uniforms of the Security Department of the Universe Building. They were tall and energetic, holding dark anti-riot sticks in their hands.

The security department of the Universe Building is not just a decoration. It is not like those in some companies. They are all people who come in to eat and wait to die. All of them are either old men or weaklings with no fighting ability.

On the contrary, in order to protect the safety of the Universe Tower, the security personnel of the Universe Bank are directly hired from military veterans.

All of them are leaders in the military, and some have even participated in peacekeeping activities and seen blood.

Among the seven, the leader of the security force, Wang Hao, was like this.

Sanda champion in the army, outstanding scout, first-class medal... He won a series of honors. He is indeed a tough guy, and then he became the captain of the security force.

I saw someone from the security department.

The employees of the data department quickly dispersed, and Wang Hao saw the office with the open door at a glance.

With a sweep of his hand, he led the team into the office.

Although Wang Yi's office is not small, it seems a bit crowded now that there are about ten people in it.

After Wang Hao entered the office, he glanced around and saw that the entire office was in a mess, with glass and ceramic shards all over the floor, and all kinds of furniture staggered here and there.


A gleam flashed in Wang Hao's eyes.

His eyes were fixed on the two office doors on the ground.

There is a visible footprint on this high-strength aluminum alloy door!

Wang Hao's reconnaissance ability was very strong. After careful identification, he could see that the footprints had three layers, which meant that the owner of the footprints had kicked them three times.

The kick hits exactly the same place every time!
How much strength and fine control this requires!
The footprints and shoe patterns on the aluminum alloy door are even clearly visible, as if they were imprinted during the production process.

Judging from the amplitude of the bumps, Wang Hao has no doubt that if it hadn't been for the third kick, the connection between the aluminum alloy door and the wall could no longer withstand the huge force and separated.


On the fourth kick, a hole will be kicked out of this aluminum alloy door!
"Is this person a monster??! Can his body bear this? Won't it hurt?!!"

Wang Hao couldn't help but have this idea flash through his mind.

He prides himself on being strong and strong, but after all, humans are made of flesh and blood and can feel pain and suffer injuries and fractures.

And a simple truth is that the forces between objects are mutual.

In other words, even if the owner of this footprint can kick the aluminum door with such great force, at the same time, this force will react on his body and legs.

This force, which is enough to penetrate the aluminum alloy door, rebounds onto a person. Can this person bear it? ? ? !
Doesn't he feel pain?No injuries or fractures? !

Wang Hao glanced around and saw that the people in the office looked like ordinary people, weak and weak, not like monsters who could do such things.

Even Luo Ziqian, who looked like he was smashing the office with a golf club, ignored him.

His pale complexion and heavy dark circles under his eyes showed that he had little strength.

"Captain Wang!! You are finally here!!"

Wang Yi obviously knew Wang Hao and shouted for help as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"They! It's the three of them! They broke into my office and smashed it like this!! If you come a little later, maybe they will attack me!!
Get them quickly! "Seeing the troops from the Security Department, Wang Yi finally dared to speak out.

With people from the security department present, he finally felt safe and didn't have to worry about being beaten.

Now he just wants the people from the security department to take action quickly, catch Lu Ming and Luo Ziqian, and punish them.

But Wang Hao didn't seem to hear Wang Yi's words. He didn't take action immediately, but asked.

"Who kicked in this door??"

The words were full of vigilance and seriousness.

Wang Yi was furious when he saw Wang Hao ignored him.

"Didn't you hear me? Catch them quickly!!"

Wang Hao still didn't move, and the members of the security department behind him also stood quietly with their hands behind their backs.

Although he is only a squad leader of the Security Department, the Security Department has a special status in the Universe Building.

What is implemented is military management. If he does not speak for himself, his subordinates will not listen to Wang Yi.

Although Wang Yi, the manager, has a higher position than himself, he cannot control himself at all.

They only follow orders from their immediate superiors!

In short, Wang Yi's orders are of no use to him!

Their security department has its own way of doing things, and it's not Wang Yi's turn to dictate to them.

Although it was obviously this group of people who destroyed Wang Yi's office.

But the most important thing is to find the initiator of the footprints on the aluminum alloy door first!

He is no match for this man!
Not even a whole team of security personnel combined!
Such footprints wouldn't be able to come out even if he kicked his feet to pieces, so to be cautious, he had to ask first.

"Who kicked this door open..."

Wang Hao repeated it again.


Wang Yi had no choice but to answer Wang Hao's question quickly.

"It was him, he kicked it, so why don't you arrest him quickly!"

Wang Hao looked at Lu Ming in the direction he pointed.

His eyes were fixed on Lu Ming, looking deeply at him.

He had already seen everyone when he entered the door just now, and Lu Ming's pretty face didn't attract his attention at all.

But now Wang Yi actually said that this person was the one who kicked the door open? !

How can this be? !
Just his thin arms and legs? ?Can you kick open an aluminum alloy door and leave such footprints?!
Wang Hao didn't believe what Wang Yi said.

He frowned tightly, his eyes fixed on Lu Ming like an eagle's eye, as if he wanted to see through Lu Ming.

But after looking at it for a long time, I couldn't see anything unusual.

until the next second...

Lu Ming turned his head slightly, and his eyes met Wang Hao for a moment in mid-air.

Wang Hao instantly felt his mind went blank and lost his mind.

Danger!Danger! !Danger! ! !
This was due to his many years of combat experience and he was making a frantic alarm. The blood in his body was flowing faster and his muscles were tense.

His body was telling him not to move...!
(End of this chapter)

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