Chapter 331 What are you kidding?
At this time, Lisa still didn't know why Lu Ming was in the Universe Building, nor what happened in the Data Department.

But now that their big customers have come to Universe Bank's territory, they must treat them well.

Lisa immediately stood up and rushed to Director Qiu Wenhua's office as quickly as possible.

The sudden movement startled his colleagues, who looked at her running figure in shock.

"The sky is falling? There is such a big movement..."

The colleague next to her complained, but she was right. If Lu Ming's matter was not handled properly this time, Lu Ming would be provoked to take some measures.

To the Universe Bank, that would be more terrifying than the sky falling.

Lisa rampaged all the way and once again broke into Qiu Wenhua's office without knocking.

Qiu Wenhua was looking through some documents when Lisa rushed in. His hands shook in fright, and the documents were scattered on the ground.

"Lisa! What's wrong with you! Don't you know you have to knock on the door first?! How can you serve our big customers well when you are so crazy all day long!?"

Qiu Wenhua criticized Lisa with an unhappy look. This was not the first time she had made this mistake.

Last time, because it was an urgent matter involving his supreme customer, Mr. Lu Ming, he did not blame Lisa.

But this time...

Qiu Wenhua just wanted to continue to criticize and educate Lisa.

Lisa had already spoken: "Director, Mr. Lu Ming called just now and said he was in the data department of our Universe Building and asked you to come over immediately!
I specially emphasized that you must go there quickly! "

Lisa explained the situation crisply and concisely.

The purpose of their key account department is that customers come first and customers are God!So no matter how many times she broke into the director's office, as long as it was about a big client, it was correct and innocent.

It's all about meeting customer needs as quickly as possible, but the premise is...

This customer must be big!The big account department!Only big customers deserve this.

After hearing this, Qiu Wenhua was stunned on the spot and asked: "How come Mr. Lu Ming is in our Universe Building? Or is he in the data department in that ungrateful place?!"

The Key Account Department is the most important department of Universe Bank. It has a high weight and controls countless resources. Naturally, it looks down on small departments like the Data Department.

Qiu Wenhua said, already taking steps forward, and immediately walked out of the office with the wind blowing under his feet, not even caring about the information scattered on the ground just now.

He heard clearly just now that the customer emphasized that he must be quick!
So without any delay, he left the office directly and walked towards the elevator.

Lisa followed closely behind, and the two of them walked and talked at the same time.

"I don't know either. Mr. Lu Ming said this and hung up the phone without saying much...

But Mr. Lu Ming should have been in the Universe Building for a while. I saw his figure downstairs an hour ago, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye. I thought I saw him wrong..."

Lisa reported everything she knew.

But the two of them couldn't figure out how Lu Ming could be related to the data department of their bank, and why he went to the data department.

All we could do was follow Lu Ming's instructions and rush to the data department as soon as possible.

Even though they tried their best to rush, Wang Yiyao's people had already arrived before they arrived.

Lin Xingxian, the director of Universe Bank, rushed into Wang Yi's office with a cold expression, taking four employees from the security department behind him.

The already crowded office suddenly became even more crowded.

The employees in the data department couldn't help but take a breath when they looked at Lin Xingxian's ugly face and angry aura. "Damn it, Director Lin is here! Is this such a big deal!?"

"Nonsense, this matter is already big! Wang Gou's office was smashed to pieces, how can it not be big?!"

"But why didn't Captain Wang listen to Wang Gou and arrest those people??"

"I don't know...but now Director Lin is here. Even if Captain Wang can disobey Wang Gou, he must listen to Director Lin. These people are in dire straits..."

Employees in the data department heard some information outside and witnessed the development of things with their own eyes.

From the beginning of the big scene, to the foreplay, to the passing, to the climax, they have watched it all, but with the arrival of Lin Xingxian, this scene is finally coming to an end.

At least that's what the data department employees thought. The ending was that Lin Xingxian came and gave Wang Hao an order. Wang Hao had to obey the order and arrest Lu Ming and his party.

Game over...

But what they didn't expect was that the real climax had not yet begun!But it’s coming soon!
After Lin Xingxian entered the office, he saw the mess at a glance, and Wang Yi, who was also caught in the cracks, instantly turned uglier.

Before he could speak, Wang Yi had already started screaming.

"Dad! Great! You're finally here!"

As soon as he said the words, Lin Xingxian glared at Wang Yi fiercely.

How many times has he said, don’t call him dad in the company, call him Director Lin!If more people listen to him calling him like this, wouldn't it cause criticism?
Wang Yi stopped immediately, understood what he meant, and changed his words.

"Director Lin! Our employee Luo Ziqian, together with unknown outsiders, not only broke into my office, smashed public property, and seriously threatened my personal safety.

After receiving the call, the security force leader Wang Hao delayed coming. After arriving at the scene, he even started chatting with this group of dangerous elements.

I asked him repeatedly to arrest and subdue him, but he remained indifferent. I seriously suspected that they were colluding! "

Wang Yi immediately changed his righteous words and became impassioned and official.

This behavior of not having 300 taels of silver here made Lu Ming laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha, you look like a dog, you look like a bullshit leader."

Lin Xingxian looked at Lu Ming dissatisfied. He was already here, but this group of people was still talking so arrogantly.

Turning to look at Wang Hao: "Captain Wang, is that true? You refuse to arrest and subdue this group of people?"

Wang Hao looked troubled.

Lin Xingxian is a director of the company, and it is impossible for him to treat him the same way he treats Wang Yi.

Even if Lin Xingxian is not directly in charge of their security department, it will be difficult for him to keep his job as long as he says something wrong on the board of directors.

Wang Hao had no choice but to directly explain the reason why he did not take action.

"Report to Director Lin! I did not arrest them, but I don't know them!
just because of……

We are no match for him! "

As soon as Wang Hao said these words.

Everyone in the office was stunned on the spot!

Are you kidding me? ? !So many of you are not his opponent alone? !

(End of this chapter)

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