Chapter 337 What's going on?

"Immediately investigate the cause with all your strength!"

Qiao Jingtong suppressed the panic in his heart and issued the order. This was the biggest crisis that Universe Bank had ever encountered since its establishment.

Whether it is policy changes or opponent attacks, Universe Bank has never been in such a dangerous situation. It is a matter of life and death. If this matter cannot be solved perfectly, his life's hard work will be in vain.

Although the situation is urgent, as the leader of the Universe Bank, he must stabilize the morale of the army and cannot mess up the situation first.

At the same time, Qiao Jingtong also gave instructions.

"Let the directors and managers come over for an emergency meeting immediately!"

As he said that, Qiao Jingtong's cell phone rang again.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from Qiu Wenhua, director of the Key Account Department.

It happened that he wanted Qiu Wenhua and the others to come to a meeting, so he picked up the call: "Wenhua, come up to the 25th floor for a meeting! There is an emergency!"

Qiu Wenhua was overjoyed when he heard that the call was finally connected and Qiao Jingtong's voice.

He called several times, but Qiao Jingtong's phone was always busy.

Qiu Wenhua said hurriedly, not wanting to respond to what Qiao Jingtong said.

"Chairman! I want to sue Lin Xingxian! He used your name indiscriminately and actually ordered members of the security department to attack our big customer Mr. Lu!
No matter what happens, I have never heard of a bank attacking its own customers!This will make our bank face customers in the future! "

Qiu Wenhua chattered a lot, but Qiao Jingtong didn't want to listen. Dealing with the banking crisis is the most critical thing now.

And he also heard from Lin Xingxian about this matter, why hasn't it been dealt with yet.

"Put this matter aside for now. You and Director Lin come to the 25th floor for a meeting! Now hundreds of companies want to terminate their cooperative relationships with us. This is a matter of life and death for our Universe Bank!"

As soon as Qiao Jingtong finished speaking, an exclamation came from the other side of the phone.

"What?! So fast?! Hundreds of businesses?!!!"

Hearing Qiu Wenhua's exclamation, Qiao Jingtong keenly picked up some clues.

"Wenhua!? What's so fast??! Do you know something?!"

Qiao Jingtong quickly asked!

Qiu Wenhua also immediately explained: "Just now our Supreme Dragon Black Card customer Mr. Lu Ming called and asked all his companies and companies with cooperative relationships to sever cooperative relationships with our bank...

It's only been ten minutes, how come hundreds of companies have responded so quickly? ? ! …

Moreover, Mr. Lu Ming also wants to transfer all his deposits in our bank..."

When Qiao Jingtong heard Qiu Wenhua's explanation, his mind suddenly exploded as if a grenade had been thrown into it!It's down!
He never expected that the person who caused his bank's life-or-death crisis would be a Supreme Dragon Marked Black Card customer of his bank...

This supreme dragon-patterned black card customer named Lu Ming actually had such great power. With just one order, all his bank's partners and customers ran away...

“Qiu Wenhua!!!!
How do you, the director of the key account department, do your job! ! ! ! "

It is impossible for the bank's supreme dragon-patterned black card customer to attack the bank for no reason. As the director of the key account department, Qiu Wenhua failed to maintain the relationship between the key customer and the bank, and it was his duty to do so.

"Chairman! It's not me! It's Lin Xingxian!!
It's his responsibility!He made Mr. Lu Ming angry by mentioning your name, and Mr. Lu decided to sever cooperation with us in a fit of anger. "

Qiu Wenhua hurriedly explained that he came to complain to Qiao Jingtong and save Universe Bank, but now he almost took the blame.

"Chairman, Mr. Lu Ming and I are in the data department right now! Come and take a look, maybe you can make Mr. Lu Ming change his mind!" To untie the bell, you still need someone to ring it. Now that we know the cause of the banking crisis, Naturally, we have to find Lu Ming to solve this crisis.

"Please comfort Mr. Lu, I'll go down right away!"

Qiao Jingtong took a few deep breaths. His mind was now in a mess.

Although Qiu Wenhua told him some things, coupled with what Lin Xingxian had reported to him before, the scattered information could not be pieced together, but he finally knew the source of this major accident.

"If the people from the board of directors come, ask them to find me in the data department!"

Qiao Jingtong gave an order and hurried towards the data department.

In the data department, Qiu Wenhua had a sad look on his face after hanging up the phone.

"Lin Xingxian, Lin Xingxian!! You are finished! You have really caused misery to our Universe Bank!"

Although Qiu Wenhua knew that he would definitely win this confrontation by siding with Lu Ming, he did not feel the pleasure of a winner.

Because of this victory, Universe Bank paid a high price!
After hearing Qiu Wenhua's words, Lin Xingxian's heart skipped a beat, but he pretended to be very calm on the surface.

He heard the complaint from Qiu Wenhua and the chairman, saying that he had taken away a customer of the bank's Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card, but he was completely unaware that countless companies had severed cooperative relations with Universe Bank and the bank was facing a life-or-death crisis.

He was just weighing it in his mind.

I have caused the bank to lose a Supreme Dragon Mark black card customer. What kind of price will I have to pay... How can I minimize this price... Who should I find in the faction to intercede for me...

He didn't care at all that Lu Ming had just made the first call to sever the cooperative relationship between his company and Universe Bank.

As for what Qiu Wenhua said about what harmed Universe Bank, Lin Xingxian thought he was talking about the loss of a Supreme Dragon Mark black card customer, and felt quite disdainful.

Cosmic Banker has a great cause. Although the Supreme Dragon Mark Black Card customers are important, losing one will not cause the bank any harm.

he was thinking.

Rapid footsteps sounded in the Data Department, and another figure appeared.


"Joe Dong!"

Qiu Wenhua and Lin Xingxian saw Qiao Jingtong and greeted him at the same time.

"Chairman, why are you here?"

Lin Xingxian asked tentatively, thinking that Qiao Jingtong came over in person to blame him.

But Qiao Jingtong ignored his words and walked directly to Lu Ming according to Qiu Wenhua's instructions.

No one knew what was going on, and everyone was watching.

Qiao Jingtong lowered his head and bent his waist!
He bowed to Lu Ming!And he was still lying down!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu! It's our bank's fault that we didn't serve you well. I don't know why you want to sever the cooperative relationship with our bank? We hope to make up for it and correct the mistakes in time. Please be kind and let us go to Universe Bank this time!" "

Qiao Jingtong said while bowing.

The biggest chairman of Universe Bank! !Bow and apologize to Lu Ming as soon as he came in? !
What's the situation? ? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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