Chapter 342 Little Lazy Pig

Wake up refreshed.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the hotel, they immediately started to catch up on their sleep and fell asleep comfortably.

Lu Ming woke up first and saw that Lin Wan was still sleeping like an octopus in his arms. His hands and legs were tightly clamping him, and his head was resting on his shoulder.

The two of them seemed to be joined together. They might have dreamed of something happy in their sleep, with a smile on their lips.

Lu Ming looked at the time. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening. It was probably already dark outside.

He was already hungry at this time, but seeing Lin Wan sleeping so soundly and hugging him tightly, Lu Ming was worried that if he moved too much when he got up, he would wake Lin Wan up.

So I didn't get up at all, touched the mobile phone beside me, and started playing with it.

play and play.

Lu Ming saw that the four people in their university dormitory had accumulated many chat messages.

Click in to have a look.

Good guy.

During this afternoon, the other three people in the group, Luo Ziqian, Kou Zhong, and Lao Xie, were chatting animatedly in the group.

Mainly it was Luo Ziqian who was talking.

Luo Ziqian gave a thrilling description of what happened in the past two days to Kou Zhong and Lao Xie. Not to mention, Luo Ziqian knew how to titillate people.

Kou Zhong and Lao Xie kept urging him to continue talking as if they were chasing updates on a novel.

Then Luo Ziqian took advantage of the situation and asked them to treat him to dinner in the future, and owed him a few meals.

This is a trick they often used when they were in college.

Mainly for fun, no one cares about asking for two or three meals. Nowadays it is difficult for everyone to meet. If we can meet at a gathering, let alone a meal, it won't be a problem for everyone.

This seemed a bit funny to be true, so Lu Ming continued to look at the chat history.

As expected, Kou Zhong and Lao Xie were extorted for several meals before they listened to Luo Ziqian's story of the past two days.

In the end, the two of them declared that they had been fooled!

Luo Ziqian became the manager of Universe Bank thanks to Lu Ming. They should kill Luo Ziqian, a big banker!

In the end, he owed Luo Ziqian instead. It really shouldn't have happened.

The two of them were making a fuss about attacking Luo Ziqian. They would definitely work together to teach Luo Ziqian a good lesson when they meet next time. He actually dared to play tricks on their fathers.

After reading the last message, it was more than an hour ago, so Lu Ming remained silent.

However, Lu Ming couldn't help but sigh. It had been two or three years since graduation. The four brothers in their dormitory were so far apart that they had never had a gathering. They could indeed consider finding a time for everyone to get together.

But they are not as free as themselves. Everyone is busy with work and it is difficult to find a time when everyone is free.

But Lu Ming thought about it immediately.

Otherwise, when your private plane is ready to fly, you can just fly there to meet each other one by one.

This time I met Luo Ziqian, and the next time I met Kou Zhonglao Xie, a bowl of water was even, covered with rain and dew.

After all, they are all rare brothers and close friends. They may be busy and have little contact with each other at ordinary times, but if anyone has something to do, we will never be vague.

Just like this time, if Luo Ziqian is in trouble, Lu Ming will definitely support him.Lu Ming believed that if he did not have the wealth and power he has today and encountered other difficulties, his brothers would not ignore him.

And even if everyone now knows his status, Luo Ziqian, Kou, Chong, Lao and Xie have never thought about getting anything from themselves, so they took the initiative to help them. The last time they speculated in futures, they took the initiative to let them join. .

Later, Lu Ming was no longer harassed, and everyone worked diligently on their work.

On the contrary, those people who did not have a close friendship with or even dealt with in the university, when they first found out that he was the chairman of Hongyan Group, they all immediately approached me and tried to talk to me at all costs...

This comparison highlights the difference.

After reading the chat records in the brother group, Lu Ming processed some other accumulated information.

In the dim room, the screen light of the mobile phone shone faintly on Lu Ming's face.

Lin Wan was drowsy and woke up with half-closed eyes. The first thing she saw was Lu Ming's face. "husband…"

Lin Wanjiao exclaimed, every time she wakes up and sees her beloved by her side, this is the most secure and happiest time.

Lu Ming lowered his head when he heard the sound.

"Wake up... did you sleep well?"

Lin Wan didn't respond. She kept leaning into him and nodded.

Lu Ming put down his cell phone, put his hand on Lin Wan's back, and patted it gently from top to bottom.

that's it……

Seeing that Lin Wan seemed to be quiet again, Lu Ming asked softly.


Lin Wan did not respond.

This is……

He put him to sleep again...

Lu Ming smiled helplessly. He originally thought he could get up and prepare to eat, but Lin Wan fell asleep again.

He gently patted Lin Wan's round area.

"This little lazy pig..."

Lin Wan seemed to be aware of it, her face wrinkled unhappily in protest, and then she stopped making any movement.


At this time, Lu Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.

As soon as the call rang, Lu Ming reacted quickly and hung up.

At first glance, it was the call from assistant Xu Zixin. It should be that some things at work had made progress.

But work matters were not as important to Lu Ming as Lin Wan's sleep. He was being held by Lin Wan and couldn't leave, so he didn't want to call Xu Zixin at this time.

Xu Zixin on the other side was stunned for a moment when she saw that the call she just made was immediately hung up.

There was a new development in the Liming Charity Foundation. He originally wanted to report it to Lu Ming, but he didn't expect that the call he made was immediately hung up.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zixin realized that it was probably not convenient for Lu Ming to answer the phone at this time.

So I didn’t call again and had to find another time.

But suddenly, Xu Zixin couldn't help but wonder what Lu Ming was doing at this time?Why is it inconvenient to answer the phone?
"Oh my God! Isn't it with Sister Lin...??!"

Xu Zixin suddenly had some pictures in her mind.

"No, no, how can I think so wildly about the chairman...!"

Xu Zixin quickly shook her head to get rid of the images in her mind, gripped the mouse tightly, and stared at the computer, reminding herself to continue working hard.

But next second.

"Isn't it too early to do such a thing at this time..."

Her mind lost its grip again, and she then "criticized" the scene just now.

Lu Ming didn't know that hanging up the phone from Xu Zixin would make her think so much. He just didn't want to disturb Lin Wan.

Then the phone was operated and changed to airplane mode to ensure that there would be no further calls.

I stuffed my phone under the pillow, hugged Lin Wan and continued to sleep...

 Thanks to book friends 20230114113742434 and 20220910221255033 for their monthly tickets.Thanks!
  Please vote, everyone, the data has plummeted/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~.

(End of this chapter)

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