Chapter 344 Lost Soul

Looking at the insect corpses all over the table, Lu Ming and Lin Wan couldn't help but take a few steps away.

Are these really edible? ?
The two of them usually saw things like cicada chrysalis at barbecue restaurants, but this made them no longer willing to try it. Even if others told them how delicious it was, they didn't dare to touch it.

I didn’t expect that the food in Kyoto is so wild, even insects can be fried.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan just stopped and took a few more glances. The waiter at the door noticed them and greeted them warmly.

"Friend, come and try one! It looks terrible, but tastes delicious! It's crunchy and tastes like chicken in every bite!"

"No, no, thank you!"

Lu Ming waved his hands and quickly pulled Lin Wan away.

The two of them hurried to the place below to see if there were other delicious food above.

Go shopping and eat.

Next, Lu Ming and Lin Wan saw many specialty gourmet restaurants, such as Enema, Jiao Ring, Honey Twist, Ai Wo Wo, Pea Huang and so on.

Lin Wan ate a lot of pastry snacks such as Aiwowo and Pea Yellow, and she liked them quite a lot.

It is said that these pastries and snacks were used by the royal court in the past. The old chef of the restaurant they just ate at was a craftsmanship passed down by the royal chef. I don’t know whether it is true or not. Anyway, that’s what the menu said. It’s delicious.

After eating like this, Lu Ming and Lin Wan finally filled their stomachs.

The two of them were walking on the snack street, and Lin Wan suddenly realized something.

"Husband, compared to the snack streets over there, Kyoto's snack streets always feel like there's something missing..."


Lu Ming was suddenly confused, thinking that Lin Wan was not used to the food here.

"Don't you like to eat?"

"No, apart from bugs and offal, many things are delicious. I'm not talking about the taste, but the feeling!"


Lu Ming carefully recalled Lin Wan's words and felt the surrounding environment.

Oh he got it!
When Lin Wan said this, he really felt that the snack streets in Kyoto were missing a little soul.

"Is it because of these shops?!"

Lu Ming already understood what Lin Wan meant. In the snack street on the seaside, each family pushed a snack cart. There were not many places. Many people held food in their hands and ate while shopping.

I ate what I had in my hand, and after a few bites I was almost done. Then I went to a new stall to buy new food.

But here in Kyoto there are some storefronts.

Everyone goes in and eats and then comes out. It feels a bit like going to a restaurant, without the atmosphere of a snack street.

Lin Wan's eyes lit up when she heard Lu Ming clearly pointed out the problem.

"Yes! The snack streets here in Kyoto are all storefronts..."

Lu Ming thought for a moment.

"Hmm... maybe because it's the capital city, the requirements for clean environment and sanitation are relatively high, so they have been upgraded to storefronts."

Lin Wan nodded, feeling that what Lu Ming said was reasonable.

It's just that she still prefers the snack street on the seaside. Although such a snack street is a bit messy, it has a more lively atmosphere.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Now that they were full, Lin Wan didn't feel anything about this place, so Lu Ming greeted them and went back.

"Ah? Are you going back?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Do you want to eat anything else?"

Lin Wan shook her head: "No, no, I was thinking of going to the shop that sold aiwowo and pea yellow to send some to Yinyin and the others..."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Wan in surprise.

Yo, what day is today?Lin Wan actually thought of Lin Ruyin. When she ate something delicious, she remembered to bring a portion to Lin Ruyin.

You know, Lin Ruyin usually has a very low sense of presence, and Lin Wan often forgets about her, including but not limited to marriage, moving, traveling, and other major and minor events.

Lin Wan seemed to see Lu Ming's surprise.

"Oh, I didn't even tell Yinyin when I went out this time. She only found out about it by looking at her WeChat Moments, and she almost went home without a trace.

She was still complaining about me on the phone last time. Why don't you give her something delicious to stuff her mouth? ! "

After hearing this, Lu Ming smiled and gave Lin Wan a thumbs up and a thumbs up.

"Husband, go and drive over here. I'll go back and buy it and come out right away."

"I will go with you."

"No need to pull, it's so close, I can do it quickly. Go quickly, go quickly."

Lu Ming originally wanted to accompany Lin Wan, but she refused.


Anyway, it was only a matter of a few steps and a few minutes, so Lu Ming agreed to Lin Wan and let her buy it by herself while he drove over.

"Then I'll go."

Lu Ming also turned around and walked away towards the parking place.

When he found the car, he found that his car was blocked by a colorful Maserati.

I parked in the parking space in a well-regulated manner, but I couldn't bear the thought of someone parking randomly, blocking my way out.

After looking around, Lu Ming couldn't find a phone number that could be dialed on the windshield, so he patiently used the software to check the car owner's phone number and notified the other party to move the car.

But I made several calls in succession, and the call was immediately hung up at first, and then I couldn't get through again. Maybe I was blacklisted.

Now Lu Ming also completely lost his patience.

Since the other party didn't park properly and disappeared, we can't blame him for being unkind.

The other party drives a car like a Maserati and has it modified in such a fancy way. It is very likely that he is some rich second-generation kid. It is time to teach them a lesson.

Lu Ming returned to the car.

He started the car directly, turned the direction, and drove towards the Maserati. A large hole was instantly bitten out on the left side of the Maserati.

But Lu Ming's Bentley Bentayga was also uncomfortable, injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging himself eight hundred.

But he didn't care. It was just a small scooter, given free of charge by Universe Bank. It wouldn't be a problem if it was smashed into scrap metal.

Pressing on the accelerator, the Bentley Bentayga revved up its power, pushed the Maserati out, and opened a road that could be passed by the car.

Now Lu Ming can drive out.

But this Maserati is terrible.

Lu Ming looked back and saw that this Maserati was indeed the hottest among luxury cars. He had so many brands of luxury cars, but he had never bought a Maserati.

Now the fender on the left front of the car has completely fallen off, as if a corner is missing. I don't know if it can still be driven.

But this is not what Lu Ming cares about. He just spent a long time calling the car owner and wasted time. Lin Wan should be waiting for him.

Lu Ming sped forward and saw Lin Wan's figure in the distance.

She was holding a box and stood quietly at the entrance of the snack street, which was the most popular place in the snack street.

As soon as she stopped here, she became the most beautiful scenery, like flowers swaying in the wind, attracting the attention of many people.

Several young people were attracted and stepped forward...

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(End of this chapter)

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