Chapter 350 Friends of Friends

"Ten miles of streams, hundreds of pools of waterfalls, thousands of acres of red apricots, and tens of thousands of acres of forest."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were walking on the plank road of Shuanglong Gorge. Today, the two of them finally had time to play.

"Husband, I can't tell you have some literary skills!"

Lin Wan thought this sentence was improvised by Lu Ming after visiting Shuanglong Gorge, and felt that the description was very appropriate.

But this was not created by Lu Ming himself, but something he saw when he was working on a guide. When he saw these scenery, he suddenly remembered it.

It wasn't what he thought, and Lu Ming wouldn't pretend, so he explained immediately.

"No, this is what I saw online when I was working on the guide, B degree B science hahahaha!"

After Lin Wan heard this, she immediately changed her explanation.

"Husband, you remember all this, your memory is very good and great!"

Lu Ming smiled hoarsely, can this be praised? ? ?It’s true that when someone wants to praise you, they can praise you for anything!

But no matter what, I feel good after receiving compliments from my wife.

This may also be a way for couples to get along.

You should usually see each other's strengths and praise each other, so that the emotional atmosphere between the two will be good.

On the contrary, if you only focus on the shortcomings, you will definitely have constant quarrels and love will be exhausted.

"Your mouth is so sweet, I like it!"

Lu Ming lowered his head and gave Lin Wan a sip. The two of them walked slowly, admiring the scenery along the way.

"Hello, could you please take a photo for us?"

When the two of them walked to the front, a woman who looked a bit like an Internet celebrity, wearing sunglasses and a beige travel hat, came over and asked Lu Ming and Lin Wan to take pictures.


Lin Wan took the camera handed by the other party, and the internet celebrity woman quickly returned to his male companion. The two of them posed with their backs against the lake.

These two people were clearly Miao Ziyi and his internet celebrity female companion!
They had already had some interactions with Lu Ming, but they didn't know that this was indeed their first serious meeting and seeing each other.

Lu Ming stood aside and waited quietly, while Miao Ziyi cooperated with the little internet celebrity to take photos.

Normally, he doesn't like to come to places like this where you can see mountains, rivers and scenery. Young people like fashion and excitement. They usually go to places like haunted houses and escape rooms, where they can also have sex with girls. touch.

But today Miao Ziyi was really frightened and his courage was exhausted.

So I found a place with such a beautiful scenery to relax.

Unexpectedly, they collided with Lu Ming, but neither of them knew each other. In their eyes, the other party was just an enthusiastic passerby in the scenic spot.

"It looks great, thank you!"

After taking the photo, Lu Ming and Lin Wan left.

The two of them walked and chatted, and then Lin Wan received a message from Lin Ruyin.

"Mom, we received the stuff! It's delicious! Where are you???"

Lin Wan replied immediately.

"Just received it. I was playing outside and will go back to the hotel soon."

Then he put his phone away and looked at Lu Ming: "Husband, Yin Yin has received the pea yellow we sent over, and she also said it is delicious."

At this moment, Lu Ming and Lin Wan were still completely kept in the dark by Lin Ruyin, and they didn't know that they were already flying towards him.

"Let me just say, private jet delivery is fast, it would take several days to use express delivery."

"But it's expensive...!"

While chatting about a ride, Lu Ming and Lin Wan slowly walked out of Shuanglong Gorge Scenic Area.Their car was parked some distance outside. Outside vehicles were not allowed to enter the long internal road in the scenic area, so they had to walk out.

At this time.

A Mercedes Benz passed by them and stopped.

The car window was lowered, Miao Ziyi stuck his head out and shouted: "Brother, come up here. I'll take you out!"

His Maserati has been taken for maintenance. This Mercedes-Benz is the family car, and there are passes for people inside the scenic spot. He got it after saying hello to his friends, so their car can drive inside the scenic spot. Come.

It happened that they were about to leave at this moment, and they saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan, who had just taken pictures for them, so Miao Ziyi thought of repaying the favor and sent the two of them off.

"No, thank you. We can just walk out. It's only a few steps away."

Lu Ming politely declined Miao Ziyi's invitation.

"No, you guys helped us just now, come on, come on...!"

"You're welcome, Sister Fairy, you just took such a beautiful photo of us, just let us give it away!"

Small Internet celebrities who had the foresight also began to help Miao Ziyi solicit customers.

Even though Lu Ming declined again, Miao Ziyi was still very enthusiastic and kept asking them to get in the car, and even got out of the car to pick them up.

The reason why Miao Ziyi has so many friends is because of his enthusiasm and loyalty.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at each other. Miao Ziyi had invited him three times. In the end, they couldn't refuse, so they had to get into the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

"That's right! Brothers, are you driving? If not, I can take you back. It's not easy to take a taxi here!"

As soon as he got into the car, Miao Ziyi became very familiar with him, and the bad talk of a big man in Kyoto was clearly revealed.

"Our car is parked at the front entrance, just take us there, please."

"Oh, okay, brothers, are you here to play in Kyoto? Where are you from?"

Miao Ziyi talked while driving. He always liked to look back at Lu Ming while talking, which made Lu Ming really worried about his driving skills.

"Magic City."

As soon as Lu Ming said this, Miao Ziyi exclaimed.

"Oh! I'm familiar with Magic City too! I know a few friends there, Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di, Wang..."

Miao Ziyi named several people in succession, and then continued: "They are all members of famous families in the Magic City. I wonder if you know them. When I go to the Magic City another day, let's go out and drink together!"

He heard Lu Ming say that they were from the Magic City, and the two of them seemed to have good temperaments. They were probably from the upper circles of the Magic City, or maybe they were friends of friends.

After hearing what Miao Ziyi said, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di's names were mentioned.

Lu Ming was also a little surprised. The people he met casually in Kyoto and could not even be said to be acquaintances turned out to be friends of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

But on second thought, it's normal.

Looking at the other party, he is obviously a rich second generation, and the rich second generations from different regions also have exchanges with each other.

"Well, I know Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di."

Hearing that Lu Ming was really a friend of his friend, Miao Ziyi immediately became excited and was about to say something.

But Lu Ming spoke first.

"Our car is right here, please stop for a moment. Thank you."

Following the direction indicated by Lu Ming, Miao Ziyi and the little internet celebrity couldn't help but look at her.

A Bentley with some impact marks on the front appeared in front of them, the license plate!

Jing Q032A!

(End of this chapter)

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