Chapter 371
Silent all night.

When Chu Yue woke up the next day, she found that Wang Lingling, who slept in the same bed with her, was no longer around.

Listening to the noise in the bathroom, it seems like you are taking a shower?

Didn't you wash it last night?Why do you get up and take a shower at the same time?Chu Yue remembered that Wang Lingling did not have this habit.

"Ah uh..."

Chu Yue stretched out her body on the soft big bed, and her body moved, making her very comfortable.

After a little activity, Chu Yue lay on her side, her white and tender legs and feet pressed on the quilt, and a large pile of quilt was held in her arms like a person.

Her head was buried tightly in the soft quilt, as if it were the embrace of her lover.

next second.

Some pictures flashed through Chu Yue's mind.

This made him blush immediately. She remembered that this was the scene in her dream!

Every scene is filled with scenes that make people blush.

This position of hugging the quilt is also seen in the dream, and there is even a more chicken-eating position...

And the hero in the dream...

It was Lu Ming!

Sure enough, I think about it every day and dream about it at night. The image of Lu Ming was so deeply rooted in people's hearts yesterday that I dreamed about it at night. It was still spring...

These memories were suddenly aroused by the action of hugging the quilt, and they kept revolving in her mind.

Chu Yue quickly shook her head, trying to get rid of these scenes. Now in broad daylight, she didn't want to think about these!

But no matter how much she tried to restrain herself, those scenes kept coming back more clearly, even the details came out.

And people's imagination is endless. She seemed to feel that the original picture was becoming more and more vivid, and began to turn into a continuous movie, with movements and sound effects.

In the end, it turned into a complete work playing in her mind, with her as the heroine and Lu Ming as the hero.

Chu Yue's face began to turn crimson and her body felt a little warm.

What's more important is that my body seems to have received some mysterious call and has become uncontrollable.


Chu Yue couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, like a frightened deer.

She discovered that it rained last night!
Even the hot pants outside were soaked by the rain...

As you can imagine, the rain is quite heavy!

We can't let other people know about this rain, the evidence must be destroyed!
Chu Yue subconsciously wanted to get up, took a few changes of clothes to take a shower, and changed her clothes at the same time.

Finally, when I walked to the bathroom, I remembered that Wang Lingling was taking a bath inside.

"No way……?"

With her own experience, Chu Yue couldn't help but suspect Wang Lingling's abnormal behavior of taking a shower after getting up early in the morning.

My little sister won’t be like me, it’s raining, right? !
It was hard for Chu Yue not to think so.

Wang Lingling was currently using the bathroom. After standing there for a while, Chu Yue decided to go to the bathroom in another room.

She took the clothes and left the room, preparing to go to Lin Ruyin and Pan Xiaoman's room.

Come to the living room.

I happened to bump into Pan Xiaoman.


"Good morning, Yueyue." Pan Xiaoman responded, and then asked.

"Is the bathroom in your room empty, Yueyue? I want to take a bath..."

At this time, Chu Yue discovered that Pan Xiaoman was also holding some clothes, which made Chu Yue suddenly stunned.

No, no, no? ! !

Why does Xiaoman have to get up early in the morning and take a shower? !
They have lived together in college for so long, and they know that Pan Xiaoman does not have this habit!
Chu Yue was stunned for a moment, and Pan Xiaoman quickly explained.

"Well, the quilt was a bit thick last night. It made me sweaty and sticky, so I wanted to take a shower over there."

It's okay if Pan Xiaoman doesn't explain. Once he explains, Chu Yue thinks that there is no 300 taels of silver here.The quilts in the hotel are all the same, how could I be so stuffy and sweaty!Look, the sweating is fake, but the stickiness is real.

But Chu Yue couldn’t expose her!
After all, I also need to take a shower, and I have all my clothes in hand.

I had no choice but to be shameless and follow Pan Xiaoman's words.

"Don't you have a bathroom over there? Lingling is taking a bath here.

Yes, the quilt in the hotel is indeed a bit thick. I am also sweating, and I want to go over to your place to wash it..."

Do not ask.

I asked because I was sweating and wanted to take a shower.Chu Yue directly misappropriated Pan Xiaoman's excuse.

When Chu Yue said this, Pan Xiaoman also saw the clothes in her hands. He seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but blush.

"Ah...Yinyin is using the bathroom here...

Is Lingling taking a shower over there? ?Then... I'd better go back and wait for Yin Yin to finish washing. "

After saying that, Pan Xiaoman quickly turned around and returned to the room.

She thought of something incredible, and she was so frightened that she quickly turned around and ran away.

Pan Xiaoman could think of it, and so could Chu Yue.

When they woke up early in the morning, the four sisters, who had never had the habit of taking a bath in the morning, suddenly rushed to take a bath.

Judging from the situation in my dream, which belongs to spring and rain...


It rained not just once last night!
It rained a full four times, making everyone want to take a shower right out of bed.

Lu Ming's power is so terrifying...

Won the title of Rain God, but this rain falls in the girl's dream.

Thinking of this, Chu Yue also turned around and went back to her room. After all, the bathroom in that room was also busy.

Chu Yue threw the clothes on the bed, jumped on it, and rolled on it.

It feels especially uncomfortable after it rains outside. I always feel that the road is too muddy. The rainwater is mixed with the mud. If there are pedestrians walking by, it will make a squeaking sound.

Chu Yue frowned, feeling that Wang Lingling had been washing for too long.

It's been a while and you haven't washed it yet? ?Does it take so long to take a shower?

Um? ? !
You won't do anything bad in there, right?Digging and diverting water manually? ? !

Chu Yue suddenly thought of a very colorful possibility.

No way no way? !
Thinking like this, Chu Yue couldn't help but get up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom door, put your ear against the door and try to hear something suspicious.

But the water was so loud that it was almost difficult for her to hear other sounds inside.


Chu Yue was still listening carefully.

The sound of water suddenly stopped and the bathroom door was opened.


Wang Lingling came out and was startled by Chu Yue who was eavesdropping.

"Yueyue, what are you doing standing there? You scared me to death..."

"I...I want to take a shower too, let's see if you've done it..."

"Oh, you need to take a shower too, so go ahead."

Wang Lingling left the bathroom directly after saying these words, as if she didn't dare to say too much to Chu Yue.

She is very self-aware, but with her silly personality, she is afraid of being exposed if she talks too much!


Chu Yue was just about to say something, but when he saw her running so fast, he had no choice but to prepare his clothes and go take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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