Chapter 385 The Third Gift

You know, most of the palaces of Qing princes or former residences of celebrities have now become tourist attractions in Kyoto, and the remaining ones with poor geographical locations and small scale have also become miscellaneous courtyards.

There are only a few well-protected grand courtyards in the hands of some wealthy people in Kyoto, and the six-entry courtyard that Wang Weimin mentioned is the top one among them.

He had purchased this a long time ago. Now, not to mention how many times the value has increased, it can only be said that it has a price but no market, and can no longer be bought.

Originally, Wang Junjie wanted to tell Wang Weimin and move in when the time was right.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weimin wanted to give away this courtyard house.


Lu Ming was a little surprised when he heard that Wang Weimin's second gift was a courtyard house, and had to lament the sensitive sense of smell of an old fox in the business world like Wang Weimin.

They just visited the Siheyuan. Wang Weimin immediately discovered that they were interested in the Siheyuan and sent it over immediately.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan visited Wang Weimin's second courtyard, they really thought about buying one as a place to stay in Kyoto.

Although the number of large courtyard houses is small and almost impossible to buy, small one-to-two-enter courtyard houses may still be able to buy them with their connections and financial resources.

Wang Weimin's second gift, the courtyard, was certainly good, but Lu Ming was still hesitant.

The first gift, the Fantasy Star Sea Stone, had special meaning to him, so he accepted it.

The second gift, the courtyard house, is just a piece of real estate and a place to stay. He doesn't have to buy a courtyard house, but buying a villa with a large flat floor won't make much difference.

But the bad thing is that he has already accepted the first gift, so it is difficult to refuse the second gift.

Seemingly sensing Lu Ming's hesitation, Wang Junjie quickly introduced him.

"Mr. Lu, this six-entry courtyard house is located in XC District. It can be said to be the best in XC District. It is definitely the largest and most complete courtyard house in XC District.

Let's put it this way, even if there is one larger than it, its location is not as good as it, nor is it as completely protected.

And although it is a courtyard house, it is definitely modern and smart inside. Over the years, a professional team has been maintaining the courtyard house and installing modern electrical appliances concealedly inside without damaging the courtyard house.

It not only retains the original style of the courtyard house, but also does not lose the convenience of life..."

Wang Junjie kept selling his dream courtyard house. Even though he liked this courtyard house very much and had been responsible for its maintenance all these years and was waiting to move in, he still had to listen to Wang Weimin's words and now he still has to do it. Explain in person.

Lu Ming listened to Wang Junjie's explanation, and he could also hear the preciousness of this courtyard house. XC District has been an area where dignitaries have concentrated since ancient times, and it is also the area with the highest housing prices in Kyoto.

Therefore, it is really rare to have such a large-scale courtyard house in the XC area.

But a gentleman does not take what others like...

"Mr. Wang, this courtyard is too precious, or..."

Seeing that Wang Junjie still couldn't convince Lu Ming, Wang Weimin had no choice but to go up by himself: "Mr. Lu, the maintenance work of the courtyard for many years has just ended now. No one has ever lived in it. You can move in directly with your bags now.

Maybe this is also the fate between you and the courtyard, it is waiting for you!
And besides, no matter how precious this courtyard is, is it as important as my life?If you hadn't saved my life, there would be no use for me to have this courtyard!

Wang Weimin was talking good and bad again, and kept saying all kinds of good things.

There was only one purpose, which was to persuade Lu Ming to accept his second gift, leaving Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyike stunned.

They have never seen their father/Uncle Wang be so good at flattering and flattering.

As the richest man in Kyoto and their elder, Wang Weimin always looked majestic in front of them, and everyone waited carefully. Seeing this scene of people rushing to beg people to keep gifts, their views were simply shattered.

But Zhao Haifeng seemed normal. He had experienced this kind of thing before!
When they were in the Magic City, the members of their three major families would also give the best real estate, the city garden, to their eldest brother!
There's nothing surprising about this.In his mind, it was normal for people there to give Lu Ming the best real estate wherever he went.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Wang is really serious, I'll accept it..."

It's just that I don't come to Kyoto often, so I always feel like it's a waste. "

In the end, Lu Ming couldn't stand Wang Weimin anymore. If he didn't accept it, Wang Weimin would probably keep talking.

"Okay, okay! It's okay!"

Wang Weimin said three good words in a row, with a happy face. He was very happy after giving away the sky-high price of the courtyard house.

"Mr. Lu, I have a third gift..."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone present looked at Wang Weimin, all eyes focused on him, even his son Wang Junjie was no exception.

Wang Junjie looked confused. Were these two gifts the only ones Wang Weimin asked him to prepare?Where did the third copy come from? !

Wang Weimin kept this in the dark, and he didn't know either.

"and also???"

Lu Ming looked at Wang Weimin in surprise. Judging from the value of the first and second gifts, each one was more precious than the other.

He had already felt that it was almost done, and the matter of taking over the courtyard was over.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weimin had a third gift. If the rules were correct, what would the third gift be? !How much is it worth? !

"My third gift is 15.00% of Wanjiang Group's shares!"

Wang Weimin just said it.

"What?! Dad!"

Wang Junjie was so shocked that he screamed.

He had no idea that his father, Wang Weimin, had actually given up 15.00% of the group's shares to Lu Ming!

You must know that although Wanjiang Group was founded by Wang Weimin, after so many years of development, many shares have been dispersed. His family barely controls the group with 53.6% of the shares.

If once the shares are given away and the voting rights are obtained by others, wouldn't they be in big trouble?

Wang Junjie didn't believe that his father, Wang Weimin, hadn't thought of this, but why would he do it? !

Why didn't you discuss this matter with yourself? !

Hearing Wang Junjie's voice, Wang Weimin did not speak, but turned his head and stared at him.

The shock and disbelief that Wang Junjie was filled with just now disappeared immediately.

He understood Wang Weimin's eyes.

In the final analysis, Wang Weimin is the real owner of Wanjiang Group, and he has no right to question it.

(End of this chapter)

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