Chapter 387


Lu Ming accepted all the gifts from Wang Weimin. The atmosphere in the room was already full of laughter and chatting, but with Wang Ziqiang's shout, the atmosphere became even more lively.


“Finally the food is served!”

Some eager snackers were particularly happy.

"Roast sea cucumber with green onion, sweet and sour carp, white braised four treasures, fried prawns in oil..."

As Wang Ziqiang introduced the dishes one by one, the large round table was filled with dishes brought by the waiter.

There is a dazzling array of dishes, and more than a dozen dishes are steaming together, making people feel their index fingers moving after taking a sip.

"Mr. Wang, you're lucky." Lu Ming said to Wang Ziqiang with a smile.

Although Wang Ziqiang entertained them for this meal, it was not an easy task to cook more than a dozen dishes. Lu Ming still had to respect Wang Ziqiang who had been busy for so long.

"Thank you, Grandpa Wang!"

"Long live Grandpa Wang!"

"Uncle Wang, thank you for your hard work, sit down quickly!"

Everyone followed Lu Ming and praised Wang Ziqiang.

Hearing this, Wang Ziqiang opened his mouth happily, smiled happily, and said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, the dishes are all here. Everyone use your chopsticks quickly!"

But after he finished speaking, no one moved their chopsticks for a while.

Lu Ming looked at Wang Lingling, and Chu Yue looked at the dishes eagerly, her little nose moving, as if she couldn't help but touch the chopsticks.

In table manners, generally the person with the highest status or the elder at the table moves the chopsticks first, and then others can move the chopsticks.

Today they followed Lu Ming out. Although they were naughty and delicious, they still paid attention to basic etiquette. After all, they were Lu Ming's people and could not embarrass him.

So no matter how tempting the food in front of them is, they don’t dare to use their chopsticks first.

Lu Ming couldn't help but feel that their appearance was a little cute and a little funny, so he turned to Wang Ziqiang and asked.

"Mr. Wang, please use your chopsticks, otherwise these little girls won't dare to eat."

When Lu Ming said this, Wang Ziqiang looked at Chu Yue in surprise. Wang Lingling and others happened to see their watery eyes, and couldn't help but be struck by how cute they were and laughed.

Wang Ziqiang also had an impression of them. The last time they had a meal, they all praised themselves. The chef likes diners who love to eat and enjoy eating.

However, he still made no move and rejected Lu Ming's invitation.

"Mr. Lu, how can I use the chopsticks?! Of course you have to do it...! Look at this position..."

Wang Ziqiang is self-aware and does not dare to rely on his old age to take on this job because he is the oldest in the room.

Lu Ming smiled hoarsely, he was indeed sitting on the main seat, and he no longer pushed Wang Ziqiang back and forth. If he continued pushing like this, the little girls would become anxious and the rice would get cold.

So immediately, he picked up the first chopstick and put it into Lin Wan's bowl.

Everyone looked at it and immediately saw Lu Ming's affection and thoughtfulness for Lin Wan. Before everyone started eating, Lu Ming stuffed a handful of dog food.

"Everyone, eat quickly."

After Lu Ming moved his chopsticks, everyone started to move their hands to the dishes in front of them.

Everyone was talking and laughing, praising Wang Ziqiang's craftsmanship with the people around him while eating the food.

He patted Wang Ziqiang with compliments as if they were free of charge, making him very happy.

"Mr. Wang, you have nothing to say about your craftsmanship!" Lu Ming also gave Wang Ziqiang a thumbs up.

Lu Ming's words were the most useful to Wang Ziqiang. Lu Ming was the expert among them all. He was most concerned about Lu Ming's answer.

Everyone ate happily.

After a while, the frequency of using chopsticks gradually decreased, and it seemed that everyone had almost eaten.

Many of the meals on the table were already empty.Wang Ziqiang stood up. After everyone had eaten, there were a lot of bones piled up in the bone plates. He didn't want to call the waiter in, but planned to help everyone clean it up himself.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, what are you doing!" Wang Ziqiang was the first to help Lu Ming clean up, but he immediately stopped him.

Wang Ziqiang is the oldest among the people. He is the chef and it is normal for him to cook, but he cannot be allowed to do things like cleaning up the garbage.

That's a bit too much.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll clean it up." Wang Ziqiang didn't feel at all that his behavior would lower his status or anything.

"That won't work."

Lu Ming looked at Zhao Haifeng with the same look.

As the younger brother, Zhao Haifeng immediately understood what his elder brother meant, stood up and walked over.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Wang Weimin also looked at Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi with obvious eyes.

"Why are you still standing there??!"

The two people also stood up quickly, so the three of them acted as waiters and began to circle around to clear the tables for everyone.

"Brother Wang, let these young people clean up. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea."

Wang Weimin pulled Wang Ziqiang to sit down, and then Wang Ziqiang gave up.

Zhao Haifeng, Wang Junjie, and Miao Ziyi first changed a pot of hot tea for Lu Ming and others, and then cleared the tables one by one. Lin Ruyin and others were also a little embarrassed, so they quickly helped a little.

Soon, the dishes and garbage on the table were cleared away, and the table became clean again.

After eating and drinking, Lu Ming was not in a hurry to leave. It was very comfortable to sit down and have a cup of tea and chat.

While everyone was chatting, Wang Ziqiang's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

After Wang Ziqiang apologized, he took out his cell phone and looked at it with a look of surprise on his face, and then immediately connected the call.

"Are you at the restaurant?"

"Yep, it is!"

"Is Mr. Lu there?"

"Here I am."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After Wang Ziqiang said a few words of um, the other party hung up the phone, and he still hasn't come back to his senses.

"What's wrong?" Wang Weimin asked, looking at his stunned expression.

"Mr. Duan is here, almost there..."

"Mr. Duan??! So fast?!"

Hearing the news, Wang Weimin couldn't help but be stunned.

I did hear Wang Ziqiang say today that Mr. Duan wanted to come over and meet Lu Ming, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, right?

Isn’t it possible that after hanging up the phone today, he immediately bought a plane ticket and flew over? !
Wang Ziqiang nodded blankly. He was also surprised that Mr. Duan arrived so quickly. He originally thought that it would take a day or two for Mr. Duan to pack up and get ready before arriving in Kyoto, but he didn't expect that he would be arriving soon.

Lu Ming listened to the conversation between the two and heard something.

"Mr. Duan? Mr. Wang's Chinese medicine practitioner?"

Wang Ziqiang told him in the car today that Mr. Duan wanted to meet him, but Lu Ming still wanted to let it go and see him whenever he could.

Unexpectedly, they rushed over in such a hurry.

Why is such a master of traditional Chinese medicine, who is seventy or eighty years old, rushing over to see me in such a hurry?
Lu Ming couldn't figure out the other party's purpose for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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