Chapter 394

The comments in the circle of friends continued to increase, but Lin Wan stopped going to see it for the time being, otherwise the two of them would probably have to stand on the road for a long time.

"Let's go." Seeing Lin Wan put away her phone, Lu Ming pulled him and continued walking.

The ancient alley is very long, and they can't see the end at a glance.

However, the two of them did not feel too tired or bored. The old man selling candied haws on a stick and Tang Yiniang were like treasure spots in the ancient alley. They received many blessings and surprises, and the scenery below was full of expectations.

Continuing walking on the road, Lu Ming fed Lin Wan with the candied haws and candy figures in his hand.

Lin Wan ate one candied haws in one mouthful and one animal candy man in one mouthful.

She took great care of the rose candy figures made by Lu Ming and didn't dare to have any accidents, but these little candy figures she bought didn't get the same treatment.

Lu Ming didn't eat much of these things. He was not interested in things that were too sweet. Girls prefer sweet things.

"Husband, you should eat too."

Lin Wan noticed that Lu Ming hardly ate much.

Lu Ming shook his head. He wanted to say that these things were too sweet and he didn't want to eat them, but another sentence came out casually.

"The days with you are sweet enough, so there is no need for these sweets."

My skills in coaxing my wife are absolutely perfect. Max!

After Lin Wan heard this, she immediately burst into a bright smile. Her smile was as bright as a flower. She was obviously very impressed by Lu Ming's words: "My husband has such a sweet mouth!"

The way he walked became a little cheerful and jumping.

"Then do you want to try again?"


Lin Wanjiao squeaked and stopped responding to Lu Ming. There were some things she could do casually at home, but she was still very shy outside.

Although girls love sweets, after eating some, Lin Wan really couldn't eat anymore.

Lu Ming continued to feed Lin Wan, but she quickly refused: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat. The calories are so high. If you eat any more, you will get fat!"

"How can you gain weight so easily? Come on, eat more."

For a moment, Lu Ming really thought that Lin Wan was afraid of getting fat. He knew that Lin Wan was not easy to gain weight.

So she said and brought a bunch of rock candy strawberries to Lin Wan's mouth. Lin Wan subconsciously ate it, but frowned.

When she ate her first rock candy strawberry just now, she thought it was so delicious!Sweet sugar + strawberry, two girls’ favorite things, they are a perfect match together!
But now that I have eaten too much, it becomes unpalatable to eat strawberries with rock sugar.

"Come on, eat another one."

Lu Ming is still feeding.

Now Lin Wan had no choice but to surrender quickly: "I won't eat it if I don't want to, it's too sweet! It kills me!"

Lu Ming knew that this girl really didn't want to eat anymore, but looking at the many candied haws and candied fruits left in his hand, Tangren felt troubled.

There were so many things left that neither of them wanted to eat, so the disposal of these things became a problem. It would be too wasteful to throw them away, not to mention that this was Grandpa Candied Haws's wish.

"What should we do with the rest...?" Lu Ming asked.


Lin Wan became embarrassed when she looked at the remaining things, thinking.

She now regretted why she bought so many candy figures from Tang Yiniang just now, but these candy figures were so cute and interesting that she couldn't help but pick a lot of them.

"Hey, there is!"

Lin Wan had an idea.

"Let's give these things to Yin Yin to eat! This way they won't be wasted!"

Feeling that he had come up with a good idea, Lin Wan was still feeling proud, but Lu Ming was already stunned by Lin Wan's words at this moment...

"This...isn't this possible?!" "Why? There's no need for a private plane this time. Just call Shunfeng Cold Chain and it will be fast. It won't break!"

Lin Wan thought that Lu Ming thought that he would use a private jet again. In fact, she also felt that it was not worthwhile to always use a private jet to send these small things.

It's okay occasionally, but it's not good to do it often. Even though you have money, you can't build it like this!

What's more, although private jet crews are paid to do their jobs, they have flown back and forth several times recently, and it would be too torturous for them.

So Lin Wan didn't think about using a private plane from the beginning, but just sent the cold chain express directly.


Lu Ming shook his head crazily.

He didn't care about using a private jet at all times, it was mainly about the idea!
Lu Ming opened the bag and showed the situation inside to Lin Wan.

I see.

Most of the candied haws and candied fruit skewers are only eaten one or two at the front, and the ones at the back are not touched at all, so they all look like they are half eaten!

How can I send it to Lin Ruyin to eat like this?You can tell by looking at it that it’s leftover!

Is this appropriate?Inappropriate? !
Mainly because Lu Ming and Lin Wan ate while shopping, so they ate one or two pills each time and put them back in the bag. The next time they took out one pill, there was a new one, and they ate the previous one again, and so on. .

The entire bag of candied haws and candied fruit skewers were eaten.

Only the remaining little sugar man survived and remained intact.


Seeing the situation in the bag, Lin Wan was also stunned. She didn't know this situation.

Now she knew why Lu Ming said it was inappropriate. If she sent it back like this, wouldn't her daughter Yinyin explode when she saw it? !


For a moment, Lu Ming and Lin Wan fell into deep thought.

But it didn't take long.

"Hey, yes, yes!!" Lin Wan had another idea.

"We can take out one bunch of candied haws and insert it into another bunch, and it will be complete?! Then it won't be visible at all!"

Lin Wan thought of a way to hide the truth and change the situation, and she couldn't help but admire her own quick wit.

"Is that so, hubby, what do you think?!" He also asked Lu Ming what he thought.

But her trick was like a thunderbolt, which stunned Lu Ming.

Is this okay...? !

My mother!This definitely looks like my real mom!

After catching Lin Ruyin and cheating him, Lu Ming didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune that Lin Ruyin was adopted by Lin Wan.

This method is theoretically feasible, but if you think about it carefully, it is not very humanitarian.

"Forget it, after all, it's the leftovers we ate, it wouldn't be good even if it's given to Yin Yin."

Hearing that Lu Ming rejected her idea, Lin Wan was still a little unhappy: "What happened to the leftovers I ate? I used to eat Yinyin's leftovers..."

"Forget it, she will definitely share it with her good sisters then..."

"Oh, yes..."

After hearing that innocent people might be harmed, Lin Wan gave up this plan.My daughter can be cheated, but others can't.

"Well, let's take it back and eat it slowly."

Lu Ming said, thinking secretly in his heart: "Lin Ruyin, Lin Ruyin, you have to thank me this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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