Chapter 396 Peach Flavor
After returning to the car, Lu Ming started the car and drove towards Joy City.

Joy City is a famous shopping mall in BJ. It covers an area of ​​more than 8 square meters. Not only that, but unlike other shopping malls, its floors are also very high, with an eleventh floor. , is said to be the tallest shopping mall in the country.

If Lu Ming and Lin Wan go here, they can definitely buy what they need, and they don't have to worry about dinner.

Following the navigation route, Lu Ming drove easily through the traffic with one hand, and was able to chat with Lin Wan while distracted.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

When he saw Lin Wan holding her cell phone, the smile on her face never dropped.

"Look at Moments! A lot of people liked and commented on the Moments I posted today. I'll reply."

Lu Ming immediately understood that this was the interaction between the real owner and the CP fans.

"Honey, let me read the comments to you!"

Lu Minggang wanted to say no, but Lin Wan was already reading.

"It's so sweet, and this pair of CPs is so delicious! All celebrity CPs are fake, and they are all inferior to me, Sister Lu Gelin!!"

"I carry the banner for Lu Lin CP!"

"Sister Lin is so happy!"

"Senior Lu is so awesome! This candy man looks so delicious!"


Lin Wan read, her tone full of joy. Lu Ming could see that she enjoyed doing this, so he didn't stop her from reading.

But Lu Ming suspected that Lin Wan must have filtered out some comments from people who didn't like eating dog food and expressed protest.

Otherwise, why would it be that they were all positive comments, all from people who were addicted to CP, gave blessings, and praised Lu Ming? These are what Lin Wan wanted to see, so she happily read them out.

After Lin Wan finished reading, Lu Ming smiled: "Well, thank you all for me..."

Although he usually doesn't like to show affection, he still has to thank everyone when he receives compliments and blessings from others.

After finishing speaking, Lu Ming remembered something: "Honey, think about it and help me make a list of the things we want to buy."

In this way, they won't be like headless flies wandering around or buying something they owe.

"Yeah, okay!" Lin Wan accepted it happily, opened the memo on her phone and started to record it.

"Well... toiletries, towels, bedding... Husband, please help me think about it."

Lu Ming thought for a while, but couldn't seem to think of anything. Lin Wan usually took care of his daily life, and he didn't need to do anything at all. How could he think of what he was missing?

Seeing that Lu Ming couldn't think of a reason for a long time, Lin Wan had no choice but to continue thinking on her own.

"'s okay. Maybe we go to the mall, and when we walk around and see that thing, we will know whether to buy it or not."

Lu Ming made an excuse for himself, and Lin Wan gave him a look. Just now, Lu Ming said he wanted to make a list.


The two came to the shopping mall Joy City.

The two went straight to the place where they bought furniture and daily necessities. Maybe because it was meal time and everyone went to eat, there were very few people in this area.

Lu Ming pulled a small cart and the two of them strolled leisurely.

Immediately he saw the area where shampoo and shower gel were placed. Lin Wan looked for it and found that there was no brand that he and Lu Ming often used at home.

But there are also many good brands, such as MVMV Geranium Shower Gel, Arden Green Tea Shower Gel, etc.

There were many types, and Lin Wan couldn't make up her mind for a while, so she asked Lu Ming.

"Husband, look, do you prefer this green tea flavor or this peach flavor... There are also vanilla and lemon flavors here..."

Lin Wan held a bottle in her left and right hands, wanting Lu Ming to make a choice.

But Lu Ming was amused by Lin Wan: "It smells like green tea, peach, and vanilla all at once. If you don't know, you might think you are cooking, hahaha!" Lu Ming thought of this because of the taste. , and Lin Wan seemed to have thought of something, and blushed a little, but quickly hid it, and Lu Ming just didn't notice it.

"I hate it! Husband, please choose one!"

Lin Wan put the bottle in front of Lu Ming's nose so that he could smell the scent of shower gel.

"Hmm... it tastes like peach, it has a light fresh and sweet taste, it's pretty good."

"Yeah." After Lu Ming made his selection, Lin Wan put the peach-flavored shower gel and the same brand of shampoo in the car.

Then the two went to buy toiletries, bedding and other things, which took more than an hour.

After all the shopping was completed, it was already past eight o'clock. Although neither of them was very hungry, it was time to eat something, so they found a restaurant in the shopping mall.

Michelin three stars, JRP.

Lu Ming had only one feeling, this three-star Michelin star was not reliable at all. They had stepped on a thunderbolt!

If I had known earlier, I might as well have told Wang Ziqiang and asked him to prepare some dishes for me.

Wang Ziqiang has already told Lu Ming that as long as Lu Ming needs it, there is no need to make a reservation. As long as he wants to eat at any time, Lu Ming can just go there and eat.

So when Lu Ming and Lin Wan were on their way back to the hotel, this Michelin-starred restaurant, JRP, had been the target of their complaints.

It wasn't until we got to the hotel that we stopped talking.

After returning to the room, Lin Wan immediately took out the rose candy man from the bag and looked at it carefully.

After making sure it was intact, I put a layer of protection on it and placed it firmly in a compartment in the refrigerator. Only this was placed in the compartment.

The rest of the candied haws and so on didn't get this treatment, they were just put aside casually.

After doing this, Lin Wan immediately urged Lu Ming to take a shower.

Lu Ming didn't think much, picked up his clothes and went into the bathroom, and finished washing them in a short time.

Just when he came out, Lin Wan also hurried into the bathroom with a bath towel, but what Lu Ming didn't know was that there was something small hidden under Lin Wan's bath towel.



Lu Ming suddenly heard the sound of the hair dryer in the bathroom, which made Lu Ming feel a little strange.

Usually, after Lin Wan comes out of the shower, he blows her hair?Why did you dry your hair in the bathroom this time?
Although he felt a little strange, Lu Ming didn't go in to take a look.

After a while.


Lin Wan's voice came from the bathroom, and Lu Ming was just about to get up and prepare to go there.

Lin Wan was seen slowly walking out of the bathroom, wearing the men's white shirt she had worn in the morning. She exuded an aura of purity and desire, and a temperament that refused to welcome.

Lu Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly thought of what he said in the morning.

“Not only does it look good, it’s also delicious.”

Lin Wan slowly walked towards Lu Ming, her red lips slightly opened: "Hubby, you can eat now..."

As Lin Wan got closer and closer, Lu Ming smelled a faint smell of peach.


"Gulu." Lu Ming swallowed.

He wants to eat the peach in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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