Chapter 402 Calligraphy
Wang Junjie spared no effort in promoting the calligraphy master, Liu Yuankai, and how excellent and popular Master Liu's works were.

He saw that Lu Ming was very interested in this calligraphy, and hoped to promote it successfully and gain some credit.

But in fact, Lu Ming was telling the truth.

Master Liu's works, so powerful and popular in Wang Junjie's eyes, are indeed just good in Lu Ming's eyes, nothing better.

A good piece of calligraphy used on a poor plaque material seems to highlight the calligraphy.

This is the reason why Lu Ming pays so much attention to this plaque, otherwise the words alone would not be worth a second glance for him.

"Mr. Lu, what new name do you want to give the house? After you think about it, I will contact Master Liu immediately..."

Lu Ming did not respond. Not to mention that he did not like Master Liu's handwriting. Just because of Wang Junjie's talent in selecting wood, Lu Ming did not dare to leave this matter to him.

If he chooses some junk wood to make a plaque again, wouldn't it be another joke?

Wang Junjie was still talking, but Wang Weimin had already slapped him on the head.

"To shut up."

Wang Weimin said angrily, this son is simply embarrassing.

He had seen Lu Ming's calligraphy at the Hongyan Auction!At that time, Lu Ming's four-character calligraphy sold for an unimaginable sky-high price, which even made Master Wang Yizhu, previously recognized as No. 1 in the calligraphy circle, sigh.

"I have received the holy treasure today, and I will hear the truth in the morning and pass away in the evening!"

He has even emphasized in public many times that his calligraphy level is not as good as one ten thousandth of Lu Ming's.

And the calligraphy master Wang Junjie mentioned, Liu Yuankai, Master Liu, whose reputation and level are not as good as Wang Yizhu's, how could he be assigned Lu Ming's courtyard inscription? !
Isn't it true that no cat or dog is worthy of inscribing an inscription for Lu Ming?Maybe even Wang Yizhu would not dare to do anything in front of Lu Ming when he came!

Wang Junjie was stunned by Wang Weimin's sudden slap. He didn't know what he had done wrong. In his opinion, Mr. Lu was interested in calligraphy, so if he helped Mr. Lu get a set of calligraphy, wouldn't he be making a meritorious service?

Why do you still beat yourself up? ? ?

Seeing the clear stupid look on Wang Junjie's face, Wang Weimin couldn't help but say.

"Mr. Lu's calligraphy is even inferior to Master Wang Yizhu, who was previously recognized as the No. 1 calligraphy circle!"

What do you think Mr. Lu needs from Master Liu’s inscription? !Mr. Lu’s courtyard house, Mr. Lu will naturally take action himself! "

In other words, Wang Weimin's words mean that Lu Ming is already No. 1 in calligraphy and No. 1 in the world!
His words directly made Wang Junjie, including Wang Ziqiang, Zhao Haifeng, Luo Ziqian and others present, open their mouths and be stunned.

"Ah...?! This...this...this?!"

Wang Junjie was so shocked that he was speechless.

Wang Yizhu has been the No. 1 calligrapher for many years and is well-known in the global calligraphy circle. Even people who are not interested in calligraphy and have no understanding of it have heard of his name.

Such a current calligraphy sage actually felt inferior to Lu Ming and was sincerely convinced?

Then doesn’t Mr. Lu become the latest calligrapher in the world, No. 1 in calligraphy? !

Does he really have no idea this is happening? !Otherwise, how dare you overestimate your capabilities and keep offering to help Lu Ming find Liu Yuankai's inscription!
Wang Ziqiang couldn't help but asked: "Is there still such a thing?!"

He didn't doubt what Wang Weimin said, nor did he doubt whether Lu Ming was really that powerful.I was just so shocked that I couldn't help but say that as a chef, although I have reached the top of the industry and the position of national chef, I am not so proud of it.

On the contrary, he often felt that his cultural literacy was relatively low. He had no conditions in his early years and could not afford to eat, let alone go to school.

In the final analysis, a national-level chef is just a cook, so he respects educated and knowledgeable people, such as masters of traditional Chinese medicine like Duan Liangcai.

As far as he knew, Lu Ming had already shown proficiency in cooking before, and his level of Chinese medicine had even led Chinese medicine masters like Duan Liangcai to travel thousands of miles to ask for advice. He sighed, "Listening to you is worth ten years of studying." "Book", the title of the book should also be "Lu Duan's Medical Collection".

Lu Ming's two skills, cooking and Chinese medicine, were enough to make Wang Ziqiang a god. But he didn't expect that Lu Ming could also calligraphy, and he was still the No. 1 calligrapher today!
What kind of god is it that can master so many skills and reach the top level? !This made Wang Ziqiang admire Lu Ming even more!

Wang Weimin nodded without any doubt, these were all things he had seen with his own eyes.

Even though Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi were shocked, they did not dare to ask anything due to their status. Zhao Haifeng was Lu Ming's younger brother. Hearing his eldest brother's great comments, he felt that they were both honored and honored.

Luo Ziqian, on the other hand, didn't have so many worries. After hearing this, he immediately looked at Lu Ming.

"Damn it, Lao Lu! Do you still have this hand??! Calligraphy?! When did you secretly learn this skill behind my back?
Even became No. 1 in calligraphy? !

Then you must show it to your brothers quickly! !Send dozens or hundreds of pairs! "

Luo Ziqian said, as if he wanted Lu Ming to write for him and then lock him in a small dark room and not feed him if he didn't write calligraphy.

"Come on, fat man, do you understand what I'm writing? Do you appreciate calligraphy? Don't even know the rare words by then!"

"I can't! If I don't know how, can't I read it? If I can't understand it, I'll just leave it alone!
Besides, aren’t you No. 1 in calligraphy? That must be very valuable!I keep it as a treasure and leave it to my sons and grandsons!If it goes bankrupt, you can still sell it! "

Lu Ming and Luo Ziqian were hurting each other.

Everyone looked at Luo Ziqian with envy. Only he could talk to Lu Ming so brazenly.

As he spoke, Lu Ming suddenly turned his head and asked Wang Weimin at the side.

"There is a study inside. Are there any four treasures of the study?"

Wang Weimin was caught off guard by the question, but he quickly reacted and responded in surprise: "Yes! Yes!"

He realized what Lu Ming was going to do!

Lu Ming asked because he was really inspired by Luo Ziqian to start writing.

And the courtyard house integrates living, leisure, entertainment and learning. How could there be no study room and the four treasures of the study room? !

That's where rich people like them are arty.

No matter why Lu Ming suddenly wanted to start writing, Wang Weimin only had one idea in his mind.

"Maybe I will be lucky enough to get a pair of Mr. Lu's calligraphy works today!"

This is his best chance to get Lu Ming's calligraphy treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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