Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 404: There is sacrifice and gain. The benevolent do not worry and accumulate strength to be

Chapter 404: There is sacrifice and gain. The benevolent do not worry and accumulate strength to be strong.
Lu Ming thought about it for a while and didn't speak.

But in Wang Weimin's eyes, he thought it was Lu Ming who didn't want to write the inscription, but didn't know how to say it better.

In this case, he naturally did not dare to force it.

"I was rude, otherwise I would have taken everyone to visit the courtyard..."

Wang Weimin was about to say what he wanted to say, but he didn't have time.

Then he saw that Lu Ming had taken action again with a wave of pen and ink.

There is something to be desired.

This is the inscription that Lu Ming thought was more suitable for Wang Weimin after thinking for a long time.

Wang Weimin was stunned.

Staring straight at the four big words on the paper, his eyes couldn't help but turn red. Only he knew that there was a sacrifice and a gain. These four words were not only written extremely well, but also written into his heart.

Life is about constant giving and gaining.

Especially at his age, he needs to know what he wants and what he has to give up.

It is no longer possible to grab both hands and have both your cake and eat it as you did when you were young.

Wang Weimin had many sighs in his heart, but he did not speak out loud because Lu Ming was still continuing. After opening the rice paper, Wang Weimin carefully took it and put it aside.

The benevolent do not worry.

Accumulate strength and become a hero.

Lu Ming wrote two more paintings in succession before putting down the pen again.

Everyone's eyes were focused on these three new copybooks, admiring their unique beauty.

"Mr. Wang, this is for you." Lu Ming pointed at the benevolent person and said.

This is what he specially wrote for Wang Ziqiang. It is the most suitable for him. A benevolent person will not worry. A person with a benevolent heart will not be worried. He will treat people and things that bring him sadness with tolerance.

This is probably the impression Wang Ziqiang gave Lu Ming. As a top national chef, he never forgets his original intention and remains humble at all times. He was always busy helping his friend Wang Weimin when he was suffering from a strange illness.

On behalf of Wang Weimin, he worked as a driver and a chef for himself without any complaints, just so that he could get a chance to get treatment, but it seemed that he had no benefits.


Wang Ziqiang showed an astonished expression. He did not expect that Lu Ming would specially inscribe a copybook for him.

Even Wang Weimin had to ask before Lu Ming wrote an inscription for him. Besides, he knew that Lu Ming's copybooks were so precious, and he never dared to think that he could get one too!

"Is that bad?"

Wang Ziqiang was a little embarrassed and felt that he couldn't take Lu Ming's copybook for no reason.

"Mr. Wang, just take it and treat it as food money. I may have to go to your private kitchen to bother you in the future."

After Lu Ming said this, Wang Ziqiang felt much more at ease.

"And this one belongs to you, Fatty. Don't say I didn't give you a copybook! Remember what you said before, keep it well and keep it as a family heirloom."

Accumulate and build strength, this is what Lu Ming inscribed to Luo Ziqian. Accumulating over time, learning deeply, being real, and not being fake are all the results of accumulating strength. Let him understand the importance of accumulation, and don't care about immediate gains and losses. Accumulation over time will lead to success. is the most important.

No matter what happened in the past, Luo Ziqian now has the platform of Universe Building and the connections he has made today. More importantly, he has Lu Ming as his backer. If he is willing, he can definitely achieve something.

Luo Ziqian understood what Lu Ming meant, looked at the inscription a few more times, and said it jokingly.

"Aren't you going to write a dozen or twenty copies for me? This one isn't enough!"

"Get lost! Why do you want so much!" Lu Ming was familiar with Luo Ziqian's character and responded to him unceremoniously.

"If I get married and have more than one child, how can I divide that copybook into a family heirloom? Who should I pass it on to?! You can't favor one over the other!"

Luo Ziqian spoke righteously, as if this was really the case, as he had anticipated that he would have more than one child.

"You're a single guy. You're not even married yet, but you want to have more than one child! You'll tell me when you have one!"

"Don't underestimate me, maybe I'll get married and have a baby right away, faster than you!"

"Okay, okay, hurry up and have children. If you have more children, I will write one for each child. I will make sure that each of them has a family heirloom!"

Lu Ming and Luo Ziqian were talking to each other, and the other people in the study were really jealous!

Give birth to a child and a copybook?
I wish I were Luo Ziqian, so I would get married right away, start working hard to have children, and get a few more copybooks.

Especially Miao Ziyi, Wang Junjie, and Zhao Haifeng.

This copybook does not belong to them!But they didn't dare to take the initiative to ask Lu Ming.


At this time, Wang Weimin's cell phone suddenly vibrated, startling him who was carefully admiring his own copybook.

Fortunately, he turned on vibration and didn't disturb anyone else.

Wang Weimin took out his cell phone and saw the note on it.

Zhao Hongyi is an old friend of his and a powerful figure in Kyoto.

But it was not convenient for him to answer the phone at the moment, and he was too busy admiring the show of willingness, so he simply hung up the phone.

But the other party still continued to bomb him.

Wang Weimin had to send him a message: "Don't bother me, I'm busy!"

Zhao Hongyi immediately replied to the message: "What else can you be busy with!"

Wang Weimin suddenly thought of something, took a photo of the copybook and sent it.

If you have something good, you just want to show it off to your old friends, which will make you feel even more happy!Zhao Hongyi is also a person who loves calligraphy, and his research is much deeper than him, and his collection of works is better than him. He usually shows off to him, but today it is finally his turn.


As soon as the message was sent, Wang Weimin's phone vibrated again, and he continued to hang up.

Zhao Hongyi knew that Wang Weimin really didn't answer the phone, so he could only continue to send messages.

"What are you doing? Why don't you answer the phone?! Where did you get this copybook?! Which master is it?!"

Zhao Hongyi immediately took the bait after seeing the copybook and kept asking questions.

Wang Weimin felt so comfortable when he saw it. He was like Zhao Hongyi now. He fell in love with a copybook he collected and tried hard to let him transfer it to him, but in the end he didn't succeed. Now he has to make good use of his old friend. Have a taste of this.

"This was just a question?! Which calligraphy master are you with? I'll be there right away! Please help me get one too!"

Perhaps because the ink was not completely dry, Zhao Hongyi saw the clues and tried to get one.

But how could Wang Weimin dare to tell him that he had found it with great difficulty, and if Zhao Hongyi came over hastily, he would definitely fail and return, and he might even make Lu Ming uncomfortable.

I had no choice but to dare not even reply to the message, turn off my phone and make it disappear. I would explain it to him properly next time.

(End of this chapter)

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