Chapter 431
Zhang Ruxin's shout did make the middle-aged woman pause, but she did not give up this behavior.

Holding the key in her hand, she started carving on the bricks of the Great Wall. She wanted to carve a commemorative photo and thought it was a very majestic thing.

Although Zhang Ruxin tried her best to run over, it was too late, and the bricks on the Great Wall suddenly suffered a lot of man-made damage.

In desperation, Zhang Ruxin grabbed the middle-aged woman's hand and stopped her from continuing to carve.

"Aunt Peng! You can't carve it!"

When someone interrupted and grabbed her hand, the middle-aged woman's face immediately turned ugly, she turned around and shouted angrily.

"Who are you, are you taking care of me?! You don't care whether I write or not, just let me go!"

As he spoke, he shook Zhang Ruxin's hand away with all his strength.

Zhang Ruxin quickly gave her a popular science explanation: "The Great Wall is a national key cultural relics protection unit, and tourists are prohibited from carving on it! Doing so is illegal and you will be arrested!"

Although the middle-aged woman was usually very harsh on her, Zhang Ruxin didn't want to watch her employer being caught breaking the law, so she rushed out to stop her as soon as she discovered it.

But with a middle-aged woman with a low IQ and no cultural literacy, how could she care about what Zhang Ruxin said? In this kind of person's world view, she is the superior one, and what she thinks is right. What a nanny said to her There is absolutely no need to believe it.

"I just saw other people's engravings in other places. If others can do it, why can't I??! You look down on me?"

After saying that, he ignored Zhang Ruxin and continued to carve.

"What I said is true! Aunt Peng, please stop carving."

The movement they made also attracted the attention of the surrounding tourists, who all looked at them.

There are still a few idiots like middle-aged women. Many tourists know that carving is against the law. Out of good intentions or to help Zhang Ruxin, some people also spoke up.

"The little girl is right! You can't carve words on the Great Wall! A while ago, the news said that people would be taken away and locked up for a few days."

"Why is this person so incompetent? The Great Wall is a national cultural relics protection unit, and he actually engraved words on it, but he still doesn't listen to what others say..."

"Hey, eldest sister, you'd better not carve it, otherwise you will regret it later."

"The little girl means well, but some people don't listen to advice, and it will be miserable later."


Every one of the tourists said something, and some of them gave good-hearted advice, but to the middle-aged woman's ears, they all sounded like instructions to her. She turned around and showed an ugly face, using her own strength to sneer at the onlookers.

"I have no quality? You just gossip and you have quality? What does it have to do with me carving words? Are you eating your rice?
Get out of here, go do whatever you have to do, and just take care of yourselves! "

After saying that, he got up and chased away the tourists who were surrounding her. The tourists didn't want to argue with this kind of person, so they all backed away after seeing her going crazy, but they still kept an eye on her from a distance.

After driving everyone away, the middle-aged woman seemed as triumphant as if she had won some kind of victory.

Then he turned around and came back to see Zhang Ruxin, put on a bad face again, and scolded.

"What do you call me when you're fine! I called everyone here! If it weren't for you, I would have already taken pictures!
You loser in the country, shut your mouth, or I'll fire you right away! "

The middle-aged woman actually blamed Zhang Ruxin for her mistake, thinking that it was Zhang Ruxin who yelled and stopped her from carving the words that attracted so many people, and she had lost face.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan had been watching the scene quietly. As early as the middle-aged woman made the first stroke, Lu Ming had already taken action.

As a good and enthusiastic citizen, of course you should report this kind of thing as soon as possible.When he was looking at the map under the Great Wall, there was a phone number of the scenic spot on it. Lu Ming glanced at it and remembered it completely with his memory, so people from the scenic spot should be on their way.

Such people cannot be tolerated and must be taken back and educated properly.

But when I heard that the middle-aged woman was confusing right and wrong, blaming Zhang Ruxin for her mistakes, and insulting her and threatening her.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan couldn't bear it anymore and stood up directly.

"Clean up your mouth!"

Lu Ming shouted coldly and stared at the middle-aged woman condescendingly.

The middle-aged woman was shocked for a moment.

"You... what are you doing?"

Zhang Ruxin obviously had good intentions and was caring for middle-aged women, but she didn't expect to be treated like this. She started crying in frustration. Lin Wan pulled her aside and held his hand to comfort her.

The middle-aged woman saw this scene and understood instantly.

"Are you in the same group??"

But she still didn't believe it in her heart. She felt that Zhang Ruxin was just a countryman and a nanny, while Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked extraordinary in terms of their clothes, appearance and temperament. One of them seemed to be heaven and the other earth. How could there be any intersection between them.

Lu Ming did not respond to her question, but directly pointed out her ugliness.

"A little girl works hard as a nanny for your family, and you actually exploit her and make her work more than ten hours a day, but the salary is pitifully low. Can you tolerate it in your conscience?
Even if you don’t know that it is illegal to carve words on the Great Wall, people have told you, but if you still don’t listen, you will blame others for your mistakes, curse and threaten others, are you embarrassed? "

The middle-aged woman was stunned by Lu Ming's aggressive tone. Perhaps she felt guilty for a while and did not dare to respond for the time being.

But it didn't take long, and I don't know where she got the courage.

"What are you talking about! It's obviously me who took pity on her and gave her a job so that she could have food! She should thank me! If it weren't for me, she wouldn't be able to stay in Kyoto!"

It turned out that from the perspective of the middle-aged woman, she felt that she was the savior, giving Zhang Ruxin a job and food. This was the reason why she convinced herself again and dared to confront Lu Ming again.

"So what if she broke the law? No one saw her just now! If she hadn't screamed and caused trouble, we would have finished filming and left now!"

Her remarks made Lu Ming laugh. It was really impossible to talk to people who were unreasonable and had problems with their outlook on life.

"Zhang Ruxin will no longer be your nanny from now on, she resigned!"

Zhang Ruxin on the side didn't say anything after hearing this. She was already frustrated and no longer wanted to be her nanny.

Instead, the middle-aged woman shouted immediately after hearing this.

"No! No!"

Lu Ming smiled. He had already expected that this kind of stuff would have already been blacklisted in the nanny industry.

Without Zhang Ruxin, their family would not be able to find anyone else, but they still keep threatening salary deductions and dismissal, which is nothing.

"Is there a contract? If so, you are welcome to find a lawyer to litigate with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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