Chapter 434
Luo Ziqian and the other four started wailing directly.

"Lao Lu! How can you talk nonsense about this matter? What will happen to our image?!"

Zhao Haifeng, Wang Junjie, and Miao Ziyi nodded quickly to express their agreement with Luo Ziqian's words. They wanted to lose their image in front of Lin Wan!

But they didn't want to think about it. As the rich second generation, they knew without thinking that they were all playboys, especially Miao Ziyi. Back then, Lu Ming and Lin Wan met him in the scenic spot with a small internet celebrity.

Lu Ming gave Luo Ziqian a look with a clear meaning: "What image do you want, what image do you have?!"

"Lin Wan, don't listen to Lu Ming's nonsense... We, we are all good people..."

Luo Ziqian tried to explain and save their image.

"It's okay, I don't mind, but you... still have to take care of your health..." Lin Wan said, thinking about Lu Ming's trick on them, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

She really didn't care how Luo Ziqian and the others played outside. Anyway, those were their affairs, and Lu Ming had no involvement.

Moreover, they are all unmarried young men. They are consensual outside, and they do not break the law or violate morality. They are not cheating on their wives behind their backs, so there is nothing to say.

After seeing Lin Wanxiao, Luo Ziqian and the others did not feel offended, but felt a lot more relaxed.

Smiling is good, it shows that you are in a good mood, but they are afraid that Lin Wan will have a dark face, and that Lin Wan will think that people who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark, so they may drift away from Lu Ming.

Since Lin Wan knew about this and didn't seem to care, Luo Ziqian simply explained his purpose.

This was what they were most worried about, and they came to see Lu Ming for two days.

"Lao Lu, please help us quickly and see how our complexion is? Have we recovered?"

Zhao Haifeng also echoed: "Yes, brother, we have followed your prescription for the past two days, drank medicine on time, slept at home all day long, recharged our energy, and ensured adequate sleep! We didn't go anywhere to play."

When Lin Wan heard this, she immediately let out a sigh and burst into laughter.

She knew that their bodies were not seriously injured. Lu Ming just prescribed an ordinary prescription to scare them. It looked like he really frightened them.

However, her smile immediately attracted the attention of four people. They all looked at Lin Wan, confused by her smile and wondering what Lin Wan was smiling about.

Being watched by the four people, Lin Wan felt a little embarrassed and quickly covered her mouth to stop her laughter. Lu Ming also quickly spoke up to help Lin Wan divert everyone's attention.

"Well, let me see."

As soon as Lu Ming spoke, the four of them were diverted. They looked away and moved closer to Lu Ming to let him see clearly.

After putting on a show.

In the expectant eyes of the four people, Lu Ming gave an answer that they found extremely touching.

"'s not bad, I've almost recovered."

Just when their joy had just risen and they were about to clap their hands in celebration, Lu Ming said something else.


and also? ?
But what? ?Is there any problem?
"But you still have to be careful not to mess around..."

Lu Ming said slowly.

"Let me go, Lao Lu, can you finish the sentence in one sentence? I was just happy at first, but my heart was almost frightened by you."

Luo Ziqian touched his little heart and said, after being manipulated like this by Lu Ming, his happy mood was gone.

What Lu Ming wanted was this effect, to scare them and at the same time let them remember this experience so that they would not dare to play around in the future, otherwise bad things would really happen in the long run. "Then let's have dinner together tonight to celebrate!" His recovery was good news, so Wang Junjie made plans to have dinner together tonight.

"Okay, brother and sister-in-law will come too!" Zhao Haifeng, Lu Ming and Lin Wan said.

"That's your celebration, it has nothing to do with me and Wan'er." Lu Ming immediately refused. He had other plans.

He had originally planned to have a meal with his friends in Kyoto the day after tomorrow to say goodbye when he left Kyoto, so he and Lin Wan would not go to the dinner party today.

Luo Ziqian and the others happened to be here, so they informed them in advance now so that they wouldn't have to talk to each other one by one, so Lu Ming spoke up.

"Lin Wan and I are planning to leave Kyoto the day after tomorrow. We won't go to the celebration today. Let's have a meal together the day after tomorrow.

Junjie, go back and tell Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang that they will come to my place the day after tomorrow. "

Luo Ziqian had the biggest reaction when he heard that Lu Ming and Lin Wan were about to leave Kyoto.

"Ah?! Lao Lu, you are going back so soon?! Why don't you stay longer? You have only lived in the courtyard for a few days!"

Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi also tried to persuade them to stay: "Yes, Mr. Lu, there are many interesting places in Kyoto."

Zhao Haifeng was the only one who didn't care, and was even happy. He was on a business trip and was about to return to the Magic City.

At that time, he could continue to see Lu Ming and Lin Wan and hang out with his elder brother.

"Brother, I might as well go back with you the day after tomorrow and take a ride on your private jet."

Zhao Haifeng suddenly had an idea to adjust his itinerary and go back with Lu Ming and Lin Wan. He only recently learned that Lu Ming and Lin Wan had a private jet at any time.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Lu Ming said that they were not flying directly to the Magic City, but were going back home first.

"All right…"

Zhao Haifeng was a little disappointed, but after hearing this, Luo Ziqian and the others stopped talking about playing for a few more days.

Lu Ming and the others wanted to go home to see their parents, so they couldn't be dragged back here.

"Okay! We won't come back until we get drunk the day after tomorrow! Drink Lao Lu down!"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan's schedule to leave Kyoto the day after tomorrow has been decided. Luo Ziqian suddenly made bold plans and decided to drink Lu Ming down at the farewell dinner the day after tomorrow.

"Are you sure? With your fish-keeping drinking capacity..."

Lu Ming expressed contempt for this. With his current physical condition, who can drink better than him?
Luo Ziqian seemed to have thought of the last time he drank at the barbecue stall, when he was drunk and Lu Ming still looked normal, so he quickly made up for it.

"If I can't do it alone, then the four of us can do it together! I don't believe it. The four of us can't drink one of you!"

When Luo Ziqian said this, Zhao Haifeng, Wang Junjie, and Miao Ziyi were also interested.

He was gearing up and really wanted to knock Lu Ming down together.

Lu Ming saw this and smiled: "Okay, then I will challenge four of you! I will knock you down one by one!"

He was also somewhat influenced by Luo Ziqian and started to say harsh words directly.

In this way, after everyone chatted and made noise for a while, the four people who came together also left together to have what they called a celebration party.

(End of this chapter)

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