Chapter 450 Gossip
"Big guy! Mr. Lin is back!"

"I guess he must have come back with Mr. Lu!"

"Hurry up, take photos, take photos..."

"Who is Mr. Lin???"

"What's going on, Mr. Lin and Mr. Lu? What are you doing at the front desk? His expression doesn't look right..."


More and more Shuangmu Group employees noticed the front desk. Some new employees may not know Lu Ming and Lin Wan, but the old employees have already hurriedly taken photos and sent the news.

Every time Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to Shuangmu Group, the news spread throughout all the chat groups before anyone could get involved.

Shuangmu Group Office.

Lin Wan's assistant Xiaoyu also saw the news of Lu Ming and Lin Wan's return in many small groups, and couldn't help being stunned.

There was no surprise on his face like before, only unspeakable surprise. After he came to his senses, he ran out of the office in panic.

She was not in a hurry to pick up Lu Ming and Lin Wan downstairs, but ran to a certain office to discuss countermeasures with some people.

Xiaoyu seemed a little flustered by Lu Ming and Lin Wan's sudden appearance.

"Mr. Bao! Mr. Lin is back...! What should we do?"

"Well, I also saw the news." Mr. Bao stood up calmly and came to Xiaoyu's side.

"It's okay, don't panic. You and I, as well as a large number of people in the company, cooperated. From the various reports, our data is perfect and there are no clues.

Even Tiantian's other senior executives in the company couldn't find her, so there was no need to worry about her coming back after such a long time. "

As he said that, Mr. Bao hugged Xiaoyu from behind and kept moving his hands.

Xiaoyu's attention was suddenly diverted, she was no longer so panicked, and her body began to tremble slightly.

"Okay... stop, I have to... go down and pick them up..."

As Lin Wan's assistant, she really had to go there as soon as she knew Lin Wan was back.

"Go ahead, don't be nervous, she trusts you very much, and maybe they came back this time on a whim, and just came to the company for a walk and then left."

After Mr. Bao stopped, Xiaoyu tidied up her outfit and left quickly.

As for Lu Ming and Lin Wan who were at the front desk of the Shuangmu Building lobby, the front desk staff was stunned for a long time without responding and did not swipe their cards.

Lin Wan could only glance around, and then clicked on someone who looked familiar.

"You, come here."

The old employee who was called was dumbfounded. After confirming repeatedly that it was him, he had no choice but to step forward.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong? You called me...?"

She was just eating melon and watching. Although she didn't know what happened, she could see that Lin Wan's face didn't look good.

When her name was suddenly called, she thought something had happened to her.

"Use your work badge and help me flash the machine..."

After hearing Lin Wan's words, she was stunned for a few seconds and then quickly ran to the checkpoint machine to swipe it.

"Beep..." The checkpoint machine is opened and can be passed.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't care about their work badges or the front desk staff and walked over directly.

"Aren't you going up??"

When Lin Wan said this, how dare the old employees stay, so they had no choice but to follow.After entering the elevator.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan stood at the back, with the old employees in front. She only felt the pressure was doubled. She always felt that the eyes of the two bosses were scrutinizing her from behind, making her dare not move.

"Which department are you from? It looks familiar."

Suddenly hearing Lin Wan's figure behind her, she quickly turned around and half-faced Lin Wan to reply.

"Mr. Lin, I am Bai Huanxin from the administration department. I have been in the company for three or four years and have met you a few times."

“Why can’t my work card clear the level machine??”

When Bai Huanxin heard this, he immediately understood why Lu Ming and Lin Wan were at the front desk with such ugly faces.

This is someone else's company, but I can't get in? !
"Um... maybe... because the company replaced a new machine a while ago, and everyone's work badges were remade and issued."

Although this reason sounds normal, after replacing the new machine, Lin Wan's old CEO badge cannot be used, and it is indeed impossible to swipe in or log in.

But thinking deeper, Lin Wan immediately discovered the problem.

She remembered that she did not see the replacement of checkpoint machines in the funding applications reported to her in the past, and she had not approved it.

And even if the funds used are small and she doesn't need to pass, if the company changes the checkpoint machine, her assistant must at least remember to tell her to mail a new work badge, right? !
Xiaoyu is his assistant, dedicated to serving him. With her work ability and thoroughness, how can she forget this? !

Lin Wan turned around and thought about it. The administrative department was in charge of the daily work of the company. It had access to all departments of the company and was the most well-informed.

There was no one else around right now, so she could just ask some questions.

"Is there any gossip circulating in the company recently?"

Sometimes, the gossip in a company is often very accurate and explosive. With so many pairs of eyes, no one can hide all the secrets.

The elevator was rising rapidly, but Bai Huanxin felt that his heart was falling rapidly in the opposite direction.

She was having fun with everyone, but she was named and followed in. It was already stressful to be in the elevator with her boss, but the boss still gossiped with her? ?
Should she say it, or should she not say it? !

Just when she was extremely entangled, fearing that whatever she did would cause trouble, Lin Wan spoke up again.

"Just tell me, I won't blame you and I will keep it a secret."

After receiving the guarantee, Bai Huanxin said cautiously.

“We have recently had several new people come to our administrative department… who were arranged by the above.

Thanks to the background, it is normal to work hard. Sometimes I often miss work and no one dares to say it. I heard that they are all relatives of some high-level officials...

Or they are kept... mistresses... There are also some other departments that are more leisurely. "

When Lin Wan heard this, she frowned.

The situation Bai Huanxin was talking about was what she heard the front desk staff say just now, and the other front desk staff on duty today was like this.

Unexpectedly, this has become a common phenomenon in the company, and other departments also have this situation.

During her absence from the company, Shuangmu Group turned out to be so chaotic. She controlled it remotely and could only see various reports reported by the company. On the surface, Shuangmu Group relied on excellent products to develop rapidly.

But in fact, some moths also appeared within Shuangmu Group and acted randomly in the company.

These were things that Lin Wan couldn't find in the report. If she hadn't returned to the company today, she would have been kept in the dark.

Shuangmu Group has excellent products that are killing everyone in the market, but with these moths working internally, it is only a superficial beauty, and it may be eaten away until it is nothing but an empty shell.

 Thanks to book friend 20230115593-DC for your monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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