Chapter 457

Bao Beier took photos of all the recipe documents.

In this way, the most important step in his plan was finally completed, Bao Beier breathed heavily.

He only feels that the sky will be bright for him in the days to come, and he will soon be able to rise to the top and become the new business president!

Bao Beier leaned back comfortably on the president's chair. With the formula information in hand, he was no longer anxious.

Anyway, everyone went to the meeting and wouldn't be able to come back for a while. He was so complacent that he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's much easier than I thought! I finally succeeded! Lin Wan is still a woman after all... she's so in love!

If you don't take care of such a big Shuangmu Group, run and follow the man!Isn't this clearly giving me a chance? "

Bao Beier feels that he is simply a winner in life.

It turned out that he was indeed a diligent sales director of Shuangmu Group, and this status allowed him to live a comfortable life.

But since Lin Wan quit the company management, he suddenly had an idea and thought of the plan to occupy the magpie's nest.

He couldn't help it and started planning...

In a few months, not only did he build a chain of interests within Shuangmu Group, he also deceived Lin Wan's assistant Xiaoyu and successfully made tens of millions of assets.

Now I actually got the Shuangmu Group's most important formula document.

All this progressed more smoothly and successfully than he expected. Originally, he was ready for a protracted war, but he didn't expect Xiaoyu to help him "reach the sky in one step."

"Thank you, Xiaoyu!! Sure enough, there are just as many assistants as there are CEOs!!

This woman is also a lover, so it’s no wonder that I worked so hard and created so many plans to deceive her...

Not only can you help me make money, but now you have also done me such a big favor. How could there be such a stupid woman! ! ! "

Bao Beier was sighing and expressing his emotions in the president's office of Nuo University.

Starting today, his life is about to enter a new stage. He really has too much to vent and say.

And yet all this.

They were all seen and heard clearly by Xiaoyu and Lao Wang in the small private room of the CEO's office.

When Bao Beier stole the recipe document, Xiaoyu was shocked and angry.

Because Bao Beier only created an image of being greedy for money and making mistakes in front of her, for the sake of love, she chose to help him, but she did not expect that Bao Beier was actually coveting the company's formula documents.

It wasn't until Bao Beier personally mocked Lin Wan and Xiaoyu that they were love-minded and that the fate and love she thought were carefully planned by Bao Beier, Xiaoyu collapsed.

She covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from crying, but the tears couldn't stop falling.

Lao Wang on the side looked at Xiaoyu sympathetically, patted her and gave her a tissue. Lao Wang finally understood.

After listening to Bao Beier's words, he roughly understood what was going on, and why Lin Wan wanted them to hide together in the small private room and not let them out.

All this was expected by Lin Wan, just to let Xiaoyu witness it all.

Xiaoyu was so immersed in love that she was willing to bear everything for Bao Beier. All Lin Wan had to do was to break it all.

Let Xiaoyu see it with her own eyes and know that she was deceived by Bao Beier, otherwise it will be useless no matter how much others say.


There is new news in real-time monitoring.

Lao Wang shifted his attention to the screen and paid attention to what Bao Beier was going to do next.

I see.

Bao Beier hummed a tune and cleared the table a little happily.

It seemed that he was planning to leave the president's office, but when he was about to leave. There was a "click" sound.

The door to the president's office opened...

Led by Lu Ming and Lin Wan, many senior managers of Shuangmu Group walked in behind him.

They hold a lot of information in their hands.

"Director Bao...why are you here? I've been looking for you for a meeting for a long time and I can't find you."

Some executives behind him were surprised to see Bao Beier appearing in the office earlier than them.

At this time, Bao Beier was also dumbfounded.

Didn’t they all go to the conference room for the meeting? ?Why are they all back to the president's office? ?

"I...I know. Assistant Xiaoyu asked me to help get something. I'm going to go to the meeting after getting it."

Bao Beier suppressed the panic in his heart and thought of this excuse, hoping to get through.

"I didn't see Assistant Xiaoyu. Let someone else send him there. Let's have a meeting as soon as possible."

"No need to bother, I'll just send it there and I'll be right back!"

Bao Beier rejected other people's proposals.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I'm going to deliver something first and I'll be back after delivery."

As he spoke, Bao Beier walked heavily and nodded as he walked out of the president's office.

"and many more……"

When he walked past Lin Wan, just one step away from walking out of the door, Lin Wan's cold voice sounded in Bao Bei's ears.

His heart was beating crazily, blood was flowing all over his body, and his nerves were tense to the extreme.

Although he arbitrarily mocked Lin Wan for being a love-head in private, when he was in front of Lin Wan, Bao Beier shivered like a prey.

You must know that this is the legendary iceberg female boss who single-handedly founded the Shuangmu Group. She has been a mastermind in the Shuangmu Group and has accumulated authority for a long time.

In the final analysis, he, the sales director, is just a foot soldier under others.

Moreover, he is still a little thief. How could he not feel guilty and tremble in front of his master?

At first he thought he could fish in troubled waters and walked out of this door, but he was suddenly stopped by Lin Wan. No matter how courageous he was, it was impossible not to be nervous.

"What...what's wrong, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Wan did not respond to his words.

"Close the door and no one is allowed to go out."

As soon as the words came out.

For Bao Beier, it was definitely a surprise blow.
He watched helplessly as the door to the president's office was closed, and the person who closed the door was Shuangmu Group's security team.

What's going on? Why are the security team here? !
What does it mean to lock him in the CEO's office? Is it a trap?
Seeing that the door was closed and there was a security team present, Bao Beier was definitely not the only one who was panicking.

Some of Bao Beier's associates in the chain of interests couldn't sit still after seeing this.

"What's going on, Mr. Lin??! Didn't you say that the meeting should be held in another place?

Why are you still closing the door? The security team is here. What do you mean by not letting people out? ? ! "

Lin Wan glanced coldly at the emotional person. Although there was no evidence yet, the person who panicked now and couldn't stand up was most likely someone with a guilty conscience.

But it doesn't matter, everyone is here.

Everything will come to light soon, and no one can hide it!
(End of this chapter)

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