Chapter 461 Results
"Husband, let me merge Shuangmu Group into your Hongyan Group..."

After Lu Ming heard this, he did not answer immediately, but began to think seriously.

Lin Wan rolled around, rested her head on Lu Ming's shoulder and continued.

"If I were not in Shuangmu Group and continued to manage remotely, it would not be long before today's events would happen again.

Shuangmu Group is my hard work, but I don’t want to go back to the days when I worked until the light of day.

I still want to be by your I thought about it and decided to merge into the Hongyan Group..."

After dealing with the company's bugs for a day, Lin Wan was already a little exhausted.

She didn't expect that in addition to the culprit Bao Beier and the deceived accomplice Xiaoyu, there were seven or eight company managers also involved, which can be said to account for almost half of the management.

She had to work hard and carry out a big cleanup inside the Shuangmu Group. She worked overtime until very late before finishing the initial cleaning and going home.

Therefore, Lin Wan also understood that she could no longer manage Shuangmu Group remotely, so she thought of merging Shuangmu Group into Hongyan Group.

In fact, what Lin Wan was thinking about was what Lu Ming thought of before the whole matter was fully understood.

He has been helping Lin Wan think of a way to get the best of both worlds, but unfortunately, he hasn't thought of it yet.

As for Lin Wan's proposal, Lu Ming thought about it and found that it was actually quite good.

They are husband and wife, a life-long husband and wife, what is his is hers, and the Shuangmu Group is the same no matter who holds it.

In this case, with the Hongyan Group's professional system and the management of his loyal assistant Xu Zixin, he and Lin Wan can rest assured.

"Originally, Shuangmu Group encountered a serious bankruptcy crisis, and it was only you who saved it, my husband, and it was you who came up with the most important formula in the group.

The company's development to what it is today is all due to you, husband, so it's okay to merge into Hongyan Group. "

Seeing that Lu Ming remained silent, Lin Wan thought he disagreed.

"I'm serious, I'm not kidding...Although Shuangmu Group is my hard work, some of my belongings belong to you, my husband..."

Lin Wan continued to persuade.

"Okay!" Lu Ming suddenly said.

He didn't want Lin Wan to go back and continue to be the female CEO, but he couldn't just wait for Shuangmu Group to become lonely. Since Lin Wan had offered it, he had agreed.

"Great! Thank you husband!"

Lin Wan was very surprised when she suddenly received Lu Ming's consent, as if giving a large group to others was a very happy thing.

"Why are you so happy? You gave Shuangmu Group away. Others don't know it and think you received the gift."

Lu Ming was amused by Lin Wan's reaction and couldn't help but joke.

"I'm just happy. I feel most at ease when I leave the Shuangmu Group to my husband!
In this way, I won’t have to deal with the company’s affairs anymore, and I won’t have to worry about the company becoming what it is today! "

Lin Wan couldn't help but kick her little feet under the quilt. Originally, even if she managed the company remotely, she still had to read some company reports and approve them.

If it were left entirely to Lu Ming's company now, she wouldn't have to do any work at all.

"Wow, you don't even want to look at the report. You're so lazy, you little slacker."

"Honey, so are you. I've never seen you take care of the company's affairs! I'm a lazy guy, and you're a big lazy guy."

"Because I have Xiaoxin, she helps me handle everything very well!"

With the percentage loyalty guaranteed by the system, Lu Ming didn't have to worry at all that Xu Zixin would be like Xiaoyu, and he could safely leave everything to her.

Speaking of Xu Zixin, Lin Wan contacted Xiaoyu, both of whom were assistants.

Lin Wan's originally high mood turned lonely. Lu Ming felt it immediately and held her in his arms with a little force.

"As for Xiaoyu, what are you going to do?" Today, Bao Beier, the culprit of the Shuangmu Group, and other borers have been taken away by people from the security station. The evidence is conclusive, and the corresponding punishment will be waiting for them.

However, Lin Wan's assistant Xiaoyu's words were not dealt with on the spot. Instead, Lin Wan called her to a small private room for a private chat.

Therefore, Lu Ming has not yet learned the outcome of Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu resigned herself..."

Although Lin Wan said so, it was obvious that Lin Wan let her go.

Based on the things she did, if Lin Wan wanted to pursue the case, Xiaoyu would probably get in like those moths.

Maybe it was because of her former friendship with the CEO's assistant, or because she sympathized with the fact that Xiaoyu was deceived by a scumbag and did what she did, so Lin Wan didn't intend to pursue her.

But the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped.

After doing these things, Lin Wan would no longer let Xiaoyu stay in the company. Xiaoyu didn't have the face to do so, so she resigned voluntarily.

This result is similar to what Lu Ming guessed.

"Husband, I have to deal with company matters tomorrow, so...

Do you want to come with me or go out and have some fun by yourself? "

Shuangmu Group has removed so many management members at once, and it is impossible to say that there will be no impact at all.

Although Lin Wan has temporarily replaced the deputy positions in various departments, the company still needs someone to take charge of the overall situation.

Even if Shuangmu Group were to be merged into Hongyan Group, it would not be completed in a short while, so Lin Wan still had to go back to the company to be busy tomorrow and would not be able to stay with Lu Ming for the time being.

"It's okay, you go about your business, I'll take a look tomorrow."

Lu Ming hadn't thought about it for a while. If Lin Wan was busy dealing with company affairs, it would actually be boring for him to follow him.

But if he was asked to have some fun on his own for a while, he didn't know what to do.

"It's late, go to bed quickly, you have to go to the company tomorrow..."

Lu Ming pulled up the quilt and urged Lin Wan to rest.


Lin Wan responded obediently, shrank her body and closed her eyes.

Lu Ming felt that Lin Wan's breathing on his chest had become calmer and rhythmic, and he was about to sleep.

But after a while.

"Honey, I still can't sleep..."

Lu Ming opened his eyes, and Lin Wan was looking at him, with a hint of sadness in her eyebrows.

Lu Ming knew that today's incident at Shuangmu Group had made her worried, and these blows prevented her from sleeping peacefully.

"If you can't sleep, do something that will make you fall asleep."

Lu Ming stretched out his hand, and Lin Wan let out a scream, feeling a big hand doing harm.

"That was not what I meant."

Of course Lu Ming knows, but this is indeed a good way to treat insomnia.

Since it diverts Lin Wan's attention, it can also make her body feel tired...

When you are tired, you can fall asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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