Chapter 466: Happy, very happy.

"Don't make trouble..."

Lu Ming pushed away Lin Wan who wanted to do evil again.

It was as if she had grasped a small weakness of Lu Ming, and wanted to stimulate Lu Ming frequently to make him embarrassed.

This way she could see Lu Ming's shy look.

"I want it...I want it. I haven't seen my husband's puppy side for a long time."

Lu Ming like this reminded Lin Wan of the first time she met Lu Ming. At that time, Lu Ming was still very immature and he was her little puppy husband.

But as Lu Ming became more mature and steady after being with her, and became someone who could protect and love her, she never saw Lu Ming like this again.

A mature and stable little wolfdog is certainly nice, but Lin Wan still really wants to see Lu Ming's little puppy.

Lu Ming dodged, but it was impossible to really push Lin Wan away, so he was attacked by Lin Wan several times.

At this time, Lu Jianguo, Lin Kangtai, and Liu Yuru had already gotten out of the car and walked around to the trunk to carry things. Lu Ming glanced at them to make sure they were not looking over.

He simply gave up resistance and even hugged Lin Wan directly.


Lin Wan did not expect that Lu Ming would suddenly change his "playing style" and become aggressive, which made her exclaim in a low voice.

But soon she could no longer make a sound. Lu Ming hugged Lin Wan over.

He lowered his head and kissed Lin Wan's red lips.

That's right, since Lin Wan always harassed him tentatively, he might as well attack the decisive battle directly and give Lin Wan a clean one.

He had taken a look just now and noticed that his parents were busy gathering fishing gear and were not looking at them.

So as long as he retreats in time after the kiss, they won't see him.

This is what Lu Ming paid attention to.

Although Lu Ming had good intentions, after all, God's calculations are not as good as those of others.

Although Lin Wan's exclamation just now was not loud, how could they not hear it since everyone was right next to her.

He immediately turned to pay attention to them, and happened to see Lu Ming holding Lin Wan in his arms, lowering his head and kissing her passionately...

Lu Ming felt that Lin Wan in his arms had been softened by his attack, and then he let go of her.

Look up.

Three pairs of eyes were staring at him... There seemed to be a motherly smile on their faces.

Lu Ming didn't know that he had been caught on the spot, and he felt embarrassed for a moment.

"It's okay, it's okay... you're busy, we'll get the things."

Although they were genuinely happy to see their son and daughter-in-law being so affectionate and sweet, it was embarrassing to be discovered.

Lu Jianguo and the other three quickly changed their gaze and took out the fishing gear from the trunk.

Lu Ming saw this and was about to step forward to help him get something, but he was held back by Lin Wan.

"Husband, wait a minute..."

Lin Wan's face was slightly flushed. Although she was joking with Lu Ming, she didn't really want to kiss in front of her parents.


"Your face..."

Lu Ming looked down at the car window and could vaguely see a few lipstick marks on his face.

This was the trace left by Lin Wan's "attack" on him just now.

Lu Ming wiped it quickly and couldn't help but smile when he saw Lin Wan's shy look.

"You wanted to kiss me just now, why are you so shy now?"

"Not at all!"

Lin Wan dropped a word, put it aside first, and followed.

I don't know what she meant by that, whether she didn't want to kiss or she wasn't shy.After Lu Ming and Lin Wan caught up with the three of them, they took the fishing gear from their hands. They couldn't let the elders hold things. They, the juniors, should be empty-handed.

After the Yunyan Reservoir was renovated, there was not only a spacious driveway on the way up, but also stairs on the way down to the reservoir, so you don't have to worry about your foot slipping down accidentally.

There are also plank roads and planned fishing spots under the reservoir. The neat and orderly planning and design make the scenery of Yunyan Reservoir even better, and it is not as bad as those tourist attractions.

"My dear, the reservoir is so different now! Fishing here is such a joy!"

Lu Jianguo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the brand new reservoir.

Lin Kangtai nodded. Although they didn't think fishing like before would be hard, but if they could fish comfortably, who wouldn't want to enjoy it?

Liu Yuru and Lin Wan had never been here before, so they didn't know how much the reservoir had changed. They just thought the scenery here was really good and started taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Walking inside, Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai began to meet familiar fishing friends.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw the two acquaintances, he immediately ran over.

"Lao Lu! Lao Lin, you are here!! Are you scared?!"

Before Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai had time to react, the middle-aged man spoke quickly.

"When I came here just now, I was really shocked! In just a few days, Yunyan Reservoir has turned into like this!
When I came two days ago, I saw that this place was under construction and was surrounded, and I thought that a good fishing spot was gone...

I didn’t expect that I would get such a big surprise when I stopped by today!We must come here often to fish together! "

The middle-aged man kept talking and it was clear that he was very excited.

Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai smiled and said nothing, hiding their merits and fame, and did not say that Lu Ming built it specially for them.

After marveling at Yunyan Reservoir, Lu Jianguo also introduced it to the middle-aged man.

"This is my wife, this is my son, and my daughter-in-law, who is Brother Lin's daughter."

"Tsk, tsk... I'm so sad, I'm so envious. My whole family will accompany you to go fishing and have fun. These two brothers are the winners in life!"

No accidents.

Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai have become the envy of others again.

They are fishing guys who often hang out in the sun just to catch a few fish, and they don't go home. It would be nice if the family members don't have any objections.

Let alone even think about supporting them or even coming with them.

"Where is it? The scenery of the reservoir is so beautiful now. In the future, I can bring my family and children with me."

The two of them felt secretly happy in their hearts, not showing off directly and pretending to be secretly known only to themselves was very suitable for old people like them.

You said that the surprising changes in the reservoir were the work of your son/son-in-law, but I won’t say that.

My wife, son, and daughter-in-law all came with me to fish, and my face was very bright, but we still have to be humble, right? We can’t smile too obviously.

The fathers were secretly happy in front, while Lu Ming and Lin Wan followed behind. Looking at the two of them, Lin Wan couldn't help but say.

"Husband, your arrangement is really good. Look how happy dad and the others are..."

Lu Ming nodded, and his voice rang in Lin Wan's ears.

"What about you, are you happy?"

It is important for Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai to be happy, but Lu Ming also wants Lin Wan to relax and forget other worries.

Lin Wan took her little hand out of Lu Ming's hand, held his hand firmly with her backhand, and turned her head to look up at Lu Ming slightly.

"Happy, very happy!"

 Sorry, an old man at home has passed away, so the recent chapters are a bit watery...

  You may have to take some time off next.

  Many book friends want to read the plot after having children, so they can start getting into it after they are done with their work.

  Thank you to the book friends who are still supporting me.

  Newbie, new book, I'll try my best to be as good as possible... Oh no, write more words...

(End of this chapter)

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