Chapter 487 Small Vault

The next day.

Wang Lingling sat on the bed in a daze with red eyes.

It wasn't because she cried again last night, but what happened kept her awake all night.

She tossed and turned on the bed and didn't sleep for more than ten hours. The thought of 1000 million liquidated damages made Wang Lingling's heart ache!
Yes, Lu Ming had called them back last night and explained it to them.

With only 1000 million in compensation, she could quickly solve the problem with Pang Yu.

Although Lu Ming has already stated that he will help pay for the 1000 million, so Wang Lingling does not have to worry.

But how could Wang Lingling not care? ? !She signed the contract, and she was the one who caused the incident. Even if she knew that Lu Ming was rich, Wang Lingling felt that she was not qualified to have someone pay such a huge sum of 1000 million!

She didn't have a deep relationship with Lu Ming. They were just seniors and junior sisters, and stepfathers of good sisters? ?Lu Ming's admirers have these relationships.

Thinking about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it.

Wang Lingling couldn't sleep even more. Her family was from an average family and she definitely couldn't afford so much money.

How much delicious food can you eat with 1000 million? Because she didn't use her brain carefully and signed the contract casually, she had to pay so much.

She almost wanted to slap herself a few times. Do you have any brains?Once this contract is signed, it won't be enough to compensate even if you sell yourself.

Wang Lingling was in a dilemma because she didn't want Lu Ming to pay and she didn't have so much money.

"How about... I'll discuss it with Pang Yu and see if I can trick him into terminating the contract peacefully... or maybe it'll be a little less."

An idea suddenly came to Wang Lingling's mind.

She hopes that other methods can be used to reduce the liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are relatively small, she can still get it by herself.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

one look.

It was Pang Yu who sent him a message: "Lingling, I'm sorry! I went to discuss a very important business last night.

I got drunk a long time ago, so I couldn't go to you... I just woke up now, and I want to apologize to you right away. "

Wang Lingling was immediately furious, Bah, what a hypocritical scumbag!

If she hadn't planned to discuss reducing the compensation and saving money, she really wanted to expose Pang Yu directly and scold him.

"I apologize to you. I'll treat you to dinner at noon and find a place to hang out in the afternoon. Are you free?"

Pang Yu sent it again, and Wang Lingling suppressed her anger and sent the message.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the company to handle some work first."

"I'll go to the company to find you later."

After sending the message, Wang Lingling put away the phone. If she continued to speak, she was afraid that she would be tempted to curse.

Climbing out of bed, Wang Lingling tiptoed to wash up and change clothes, fearing that she would disturb other people.

She thought about solving this problem secretly by herself, after everything was ready.

Wang Lingling slowly opened the door and was about to go out.


A voice immediately stopped her in place.

"Where to go?"

"It's so mysterious. I really thought we didn't know you were up!"

Continuous sounds sounded, and then the curtains of each bed were opened.

Chu Yue, Lin Ruyin, and Pan Xiaoman appeared one after another, and everyone looked sleepy.

It turns out that not only Wang Lingling, they also couldn't sleep well last night, or they couldn't sleep well.

When Wang Lingling got up and got out of bed to clean up just now, they were all awake and listening.


Wang Lingling was not a child who could tell lies. After thinking for a long time, she finally found an excuse.

"I'll buy you breakfast."

"Lingling, I told you that you can't lie, so don't tell me!" Chu Yue had already gotten out of bed, grabbed Wang Lingling, pulled her back and closed the door.

"Well, Lingling, it's so obvious when you lie, it's so fake!"

Pan Xiaoman also agreed. There is no way you have to think about it for a long time to lie. At least you have to find a better excuse.

"Tell me what you want to do."

Everyone got out of bed, sat in front of Wang Lingling, and interrogated her like a three-chamber interrogation.

Wang Lingling couldn't bear the pressure all of a sudden.

"Pang Yu just sent me a message..."

Before she finished speaking, Chu Yue was already furious.

"What?! This scumbag has the nerve to find you! What did he send you?"

Lin Ruyin frowned: "Lingling, why are you still looking for him?

Didn't Lu Ming already say that he would find a lawyer to handle it? "

Pan Xiaoman looked at Wang Lingling, his meaning was obvious, and he was also waiting for an explanation from Wang Lingling.


Wang Lingling handed over her phone and showed everyone the message from Pang Yu.

"What the hell is this Pang Yu trying to do!!"

"This kind of person is so rubbish. He lies endlessly. Are you just trying to fool him?"

"Lingling, did you really listen to him and go to the appointment?!"

The chat records aroused criticism from everyone.

Wang Lingling hurriedly explained: "No, no, I already know how can I go to the appointment.

I think……"

After a moment of pause, Wang Lingling finally said it: "He doesn't know that we have discovered his true identity..."

So I want to talk to him face to face and see if I can trick him into peacefully terminating the contract or reducing some of the liquidated damages. "

"Why, Lingling, you want to go secretly without telling us? This is a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Maybe something will happen.

And didn’t Senior Lu say that he would help you. "

Pan Xiaoman nodded: "Yes, Lingling, don't you know how good you are at lying? How could you possibly trick him into terminating the contract peacefully?"

Wang Lingling lowered her head and murmured sheepishly.

"Ten million, that's a lot of money. How can I have the nerve to ask Senior Lu to help me for no reason...

I thought, it would be great if the contract could be terminated peacefully, or if it was less and I could chip in, I could afford it! "

Wang Lingling expressed her thoughts.

Upon hearing this, Chu Yue said: "Less? Lingling, do you plan to pay it back yourself? How much can you pay back?"

"Two to three million..."

Wang Lingling thought about her small treasury and estimated a range that she could probably afford to repay.

"Wow!! Lingling, can't you tell, it turns out you are still a little rich woman!!!

There is still a small amount of two to three million yuan! ! "

Chu Yue was shocked. She didn't expect Wang Lingling to be able to get so much money.

"Hey, it turns out I'm the poorest one in the dormitory."

On weekdays, both Chu Yue and Wang Lingling had some small side jobs to make money, but Chu Yue didn't expect that Wang Lingling was really making money and actually saved two to three million!

How many photos does she have to take to earn so much money...

"Well... I earn money from making videos. Sometimes I put up some star chart advertisements, which will make more money, but I can't do this often."

Wang Lingling explained it seriously, which made Chu Yue feel sad and yelled.

"I don't want to take pictures anymore. I want to make videos with Lingling! Why take pictures? There is no future. I'd better make money by making videos!"

(End of this chapter)

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