Chapter 517 Actions of Love
The sunshine is wanton but not scorching, and the clouds are quietly changing their shapes.

When I woke up naturally, the room with the curtains closed was slightly dark.

Lu Ming woke up and looked down at Lin Wan in his arms. She was curled up like a kitten, clinging to him.

Even though Lu Ming was strong, his arms were a little sore after being used as a pillow all night.

Seeing that Lin Wan was still sleeping soundly, Lu Ming held her head with his other hand, and then secretly pulled out her arm.

After placing the pillow on Lin Wan's head, Lu Ming just made a move to get up.

"Husband... sleep a little longer..."

Lin Wan's voice sounded, and at the same time, she hugged Lu Ming with her hands.

Look back.

Lin Wan's eyes were still squinted and she didn't look like she was awake.

So this is? Half awake, half asleep?Or dreaming?
However, they were all hugged, and Lu Ming did not force himself to get up.

He stopped and whispered in Lin Wan's ear: "I'll cook porridge for you."

Lu Ming's warm tone ruffled the hair on Lin Wan's temples, making her itchy and she reached out to touch her ears.

"Just sleep for another 10 minutes...get up together later."

Now Lu Ming was sure that Lin Wan was awake, but she didn't want to wake up and stayed in bed.

"Okay, then sleep some more."

Lu Ming lay down again.

Lin Wan adjusted to a comfortable position on the bed, sleeping on her side facing Lu Ming.

After he finished, he didn't forget to rub against Lu Ming's body, like a kitten that came over to rub against its owner's begging to be touched.

Lu Ming understood and reached out to Lin Wan's back, slowly and gently sliding it from top to bottom.

Under his comfort, Lin Wan fell asleep comfortably again.

Seeing that Lin Wan was asleep, Lu Ming stopped what he was doing.

He turned his head and focused all his attention on Lin Wan's face, staring straight at it, carefully appreciating every detail.

The eyebrows are like indigo.

Lu Ming couldn't help but take action, and gently stroked his eyebrows clockwise with his thumb.

The hand moved downward and touched Lin Wan's nose.

As if he had a feeling, his little nose twitched.

Seeing this, Lu Ming suddenly remembered a wave of memories.

The childhood gods and goddesses were in a fairy tale drama. They agreed on an intimate action that could only be done to the person they liked, which was to shave the bridge of their noses.

I thought it was so sweet when I saw it before, and I will definitely do the same to the people I like in the future.

I just forgot about it as I grew up.

But now I remember that the person I love is also beside me.

Lu Ming bent his index finger into a hook and gently scraped Lin Wan's nose twice.

After completing this action, Lu Ming seemed to have completed some mysterious ritual.

The satisfaction, joy, and all kinds of positive emotions surged up in my heart. If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be happiness!
No matter how much money you make or what precious things you get, it cannot compare to that.

Looking down, the lips look like cherry red.

It looked like Lu Ming wanted to kiss her, but he held back in the end.

The little movement just now has disturbed Lin Wan's sleep. If he kisses her again, Lin Wan may be awakened.

So Lu Ming didn't move anymore, and just quietly admired this masterpiece of the Creator.



Lin Wan showed some signs of waking up and made a meaningless hum.

The eyelashes twitched, and when he opened his eyes for the first time, he saw Lu Ming looking straight at him.

The two looked at each other.

"Good morning, husband."

Lin Wan smiled, her eyes turning into crescent moons.

Then he moved slightly and hugged Lu Ming, and the two became closer and closer.

"How long have I slept?"

"Hmm... about 20 minutes or so."

Lu Ming thought for a moment and replied.Then he didn't do anything without sleeping, and watched Lin Wan for more than 20 minutes.

I don’t get tired of seeing this!If Lin Wan hadn't woken up, Lu Ming might have been able to continue reading.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Sleep if you want to sleep."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm looking at you…"

"Look at me for what?"

"Look at you!"

"You look good too, and I want to look at you too."


Lu Ming and Lin Wan hugged each other and talked meaningless nonsense in each other's ears.

But every nonsense sentence made the two of them happy.

There is nothing better than being with the one you love. If there is no meaning, the two of you can play it out and enjoy it endlessly.

After arguing for a while, Lin Wan let go of Lu Ming and put her face in front of Lu Ming.

"Are you really looking at me?"

Lu Ming looked a little uncomfortable. As soon as he said this, Lin Wan suddenly stretched out his hand.

He scratched lightly on the bridge of his nose.

Lu Ming felt the coolness on Lin Wan's fingers fleetingly on the tip of his nose, and was stunned...

"What is this for??"

He also did this to Lin Wan just now, but Lin Wan was asleep, so she probably didn't know!

Why did she do this to him as soon as she woke up?

Seeing Lu Ming's surprise, Lin Wan smiled and explained, "I love you. Have you never seen Sword of Immortal?"

"Of course I've seen it, but..."

Lu Ming was wondering if Lin Wan was not completely asleep just now, but he heard Lin Wan continue to speak.

"I just dreamed of this, don't you like it?"


Lu Ming did not explain that he had done this to her just now, nor did he pursue the question of whether Lin Wan was not asleep or whether it was a magical dream.

These don't seem to make any sense.

Besides, this kind of thing seems to have happened before, in Qingping Village.

He was not with Lin Wan at the time, and when he was in a dangerous situation, Lin Wan also had a very real dream.

"Then get up."

Lu Ming no longer indulged in the gentle land. He stood up first, then picked up Lin Wan and walked to the bathroom.

"Why do I feel like a useless person? My husband has to hold me wherever I go?"

Lin Wan said with a smile, expressing that she was very novel about this feeling.

After reaching the washstand, Lu Ming put her down.

"What? Doesn't this feel bad?"

"Okay, the male boss and his paralyzed little wife, hahahaha."

Lin Wan didn't know where she came across these Jiangjiang literature, and the names were very interesting.

"Then I'll keep holding you today."

After finishing washing, Lu Ming fulfilled his promise and was ready to hold Lin Wan down when he went downstairs.

Lin Wan was also hugged in cooperation, and her hands hooked around Lu Ming's neck.

The two of them were walking down the stairs.

But suddenly I heard chattering coming from the living room below. It sounded like Lin Ruyin and the others were coming.

"Put me down, I'm coming down!"

Lin Wan was so frightened that she quickly got off Lu Ming.

When two people are at home, they can play whatever they want, but they still need to pay attention to their image in front of children.

When they saw themselves being held down later, they might wonder what they were thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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