Chapter 523 Learning to cook

Not only Lu Ming had this idea, but also Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

Two and a half dishes for eight people are enough to hold a few chopsticks. Why don't you just eat plain rice after you finish the meal?
Even if you are eating high-grade rice, you don’t want to eat it for nothing.

In this case, Lu Ming had no choice but to take action himself and stood up.

"Wait a minute, there are too few dishes to eat. I'll make a few more."

You can add more dishes, and Lu Ming, the best cook, took action. The others naturally agreed very much, and immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks and covered the dishes again to prevent them from getting cold.

Lu Ming came to the refrigerator, opened it, glanced at the ingredients inside, and quickly decided on what to cook.

After taking out the ingredients, Lin Wan walked to Lu Ming.

"Husband, let me help you."

She wanted to help Lu Ming.

However, Lu Ming rejected Lin Wan. She had been busy for a while.Lu Ming didn't want her to be so burdened.

"No, honey, please take a rest. I'm very fast."

After being rejected, Lin Wan did not walk away, but watched from the side.

Others couldn't help but sit still in their chairs, and stood up and gathered around to watch Lu Ming cooking.

Lu Ming noticed it, but was not affected, and the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Washing and preparing vegetables, vegetables and meat are placed on the cutting board, and they are processed in the blink of an eye with the flash of the knife.

If you don't move quickly, other dishes will be cold after a while, so Lu Ming is in full combat power, Saiyan land mode.

Such handsome knife skills were noticed by everyone, and the little girls immediately exclaimed.

"So fast!"

"Senior Lu is too fast!"

"I didn't expect Senior Lu to be so fast!"


Lu Ming, who had always been as steady as a rock, calm and unhurried, and whose rhythm was flying, couldn't help but be disturbed by these off-field attacks and paused for a moment.

Looking back at them, they were all excited, with little stars shining in their eyes.

Men don’t like to talk too fast!Do you understand or not?

If I hadn't seen them looking so adoring, I would have thought they were insulting me.

The episode passed and Lu Ming continued working.

In less than 3 minutes, the ingredients are ready, and then the fire is started to burn the oil.


There was a loud sound when the ingredients were put into the pot, and everyone behind them subconsciously hid.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, had already picked up the wok with one hand and started stir-frying. He used various wok-turning techniques and the ingredients were tumbling in the air above the wok.

This is not just cooking, it's more like a performance, which is pleasing to the eye and can't take your eyes off.

Before everyone could get enough of it, Lu Ming had already finished one dish.

The second, the third, the fourth...

In 15 minutes, Lu Ming cooked four dishes, plus the previous two and a half dishes, which was barely enough to eat before he stopped.

"knock off!"

Lu Ming washed his hands, while Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and the others rushed to help bring the dishes to the table.

There is no harm without comparison.

Lu Ming's four dishes were served on the table and placed together with the previous four dishes. People could immediately see the huge difference.

They had arranged the dishes carefully for taking pictures, but Lu Ming's had just come out of the pot and was poured directly from the pot.

Even so, the dishes cooked by Lu Ming looked more attractive than them in terms of appearance and color.

"Okay, let's have dinner!"

After adding four more dishes, Lu Ming was finally able to officially start the meal.

After a series of delays, the meal has been delayed for more than an hour, and everyone is hungry.Lu Ming gave the order, and everyone's chopsticks immediately reached for the four dishes he fried.

You must start with the most delicious food and the food you want to eat most.

Later in the meal, dishes such as fried pork with chili pepper, braised eggplant, and mapo tofu gradually became popular, but only scrambled eggs with tomatoes still no one dared to touch.

Lin Ruyin was angry and understanding at the same time. The main reason was that it was so unpalatable that she didn't dare to eat it herself, so it was normal that no one would eat it.

"Are the cameras still on?"

After almost eating, Lu Ming noticed that the camera was still flashing a red dot and asked casually.

Lin Ruyin stood up and checked.

"Well, I forgot to turn it off, but I can only take pictures of the food on the table. No people are taken. Don't worry if no one comes in."

Hearing this, Chu Yue, who was usually a bit naughty, suddenly thought of a good idea.

“Hey, that’s just right!
Can we add other dishes as well, and keep the story behind, focusing on contrast and contrast.

Isn't this kind of plot more fun than Lingling simply cooking a dish? ! "

The content of the video they planned to shoot before was not very new, but Wang Lingling changed her style, from visiting stores to cooking, to give fans a change of taste.

Therefore, the content of the video is only about Wang Lingling making fried pork with chili peppers. The others just joined in the fun and made one too, without any intention of putting it in the video.

But now that Lin Ruyin and Pan Xiaoman had such fun things, she couldn't help but think that if they were added to the video, the video would be even more interesting.

Especially in the end, Lu Ming was photographed adding vegetables, and Lin Ruyin's scrambled eggs with tomatoes were the same as before they were cooked.

The constant twists and contrasts make it a lot of fun.

Chu Yue's words made them, members of the video production team, fall into deep thought.

Seems like it sounds pretty good.

Just ...

Lin Ruyin was really miserable.

But fortunately she didn't mind, it was really good for the video.

"I don't have any objection, since I won't appear on camera, no one will know that I did it.

And if I work hard on cooking in the future, I will definitely be able to do it well!It will never be like this again! "

As she said that, she thought about the content of the future video: "When I master my cooking skills, we will shoot a sequel!"

After such a discussion, the content of the video began to become a series.

They have countless inspirations for producing video content, which are like a fountain, flowing continuously.

How to become a God of Cooking...The counterattack journey of a cooking idiot, etc...

Seeing them discussing these things so seriously and happily, Lin Wan couldn't help but smile.

This kind of life is quite beautiful.

But the next second, Lin Wan was stumped.


"Mom, please teach me how to cook! I will come back often in the future and practice my cooking skills hard. I must make delicious meals!"

What Lin Ruyin said about working hard on cooking is not just talk, but real action.

Although Lu Ming was the best cook among the people present, she felt that Lu Ming would definitely not agree to her request to become a disciple.

So I settled for the next best thing and became a disciple of Lin Wan.

When she spoke out, Lin Wan was in a dilemma!
Neither does agreeing, nor does refusing.

It's too difficult to teach a cooking idiot how to cook. Just teaching her how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes was already tiring.

And with the guidance, I managed to do this...

Lin Wan was still hesitating when a voice came to her ears.

"Can I come with you? I also want to learn to cook..."

(End of this chapter)

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