Chapter 542 Celebration

The entire auto show venue was in uproar.

"Marry her! Marry her!"

The roaring sound filled Wang Yingying's ears, and she was now bursting into tears.

The tears that she had been holding back could no longer be held back, and they fell down in large drops. Because she was so excited, Wang Yingying seemed to have lost her language system.

He could only hold Rose in his arms, cover his mouth with one hand, nod his head, and stretch out his right hand.

Zhao Haifeng immediately took out the ring, put it on Wang Yingying, and hugged her tightly.

Seeing this scene, the people in the venue cheered louder.

"Kiss me!! Kiss me!"

The first sound of cheering and kissing came from his ears. Lu Ming turned around and saw that it was Lin Ruyin, this little girl.

I saw her holding her voice high, staring at the stage, shouting loudly, and the whole audience was immediately moved by her.

More and more people are calling for a kiss, and almost everyone is looking forward to it.

Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying naturally cannot turn a blind eye to the calls of the masses.

After the two let go, they faced each other.

Wang Yingying was still a little embarrassed, in front of so many people.

But Zhao Haifeng was thick-skinned, so he pouted and took the initiative to kiss Wang Yingying.

"Clap clap clap..."

Everyone in the venue gave timely blessings to the lovers through applause.

All the best and complete happiness.

Xie Di, who had completed all the work at this time, hid his merit and fame and returned to everyone.

"The proposal is considered a success. I've almost been exhausted these past few days..."

Support work is not that easy to do. He has been busy with Zhao Haifeng for the past two days, and finally retired with success.

He didn't expect that preparing a marriage proposal ceremony would be so troublesome, and that he would need to consider and prepare so many things.

Hearing what he said, it immediately aroused the attention of Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue and other little girls, and planned to learn more about the inside story.

"Did you prepare these together?!"

"That's not!"


Shady began to detail the deeds and achievements of these days from the beginning.

Lu Ming didn't pay attention and let go of Lin Wan in his arms.

When they hugged and kissed Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying on the stage just now, they couldn't help hugging their loved ones around them and blessing them together.

At this time.

Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying have also come down from the stage: "Brother, sister-in-law!"

Zhao Haifeng's face was filled with joy and a silly smile after the successful proposal. Wang Yingying also had a smile on her face, but she cried just now, and her original makeup was a little faded.

"Sister Wan'er..."

Wang Yingying came to Lin Wan immediately, and the two talked together.

Lu Ming vaguely heard Wang Yingying complaining happily from the side: "It's too sudden...

I didn't expect it, I wasn't ready...

I'm dressed too businesslike today, and I haven't put on my makeup well..."

Best friends chatted about their small talk, and the two men Zhao Haifeng and Lu Ming also chatted.

"You kid can do it, just play it after you've been bored for a long time."

Zhao Haifeng scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "I wanted to give everyone a surprise, so I didn't say anything."

Lu Ming expressed his understanding.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying left.

As organizers of the car show, they also need to entertain other people.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan, as their eldest brother and matchmaker, they came here first.

After staying for a while, Lu Ming and Lin Wan were ready to leave first.

I also saw the car show and witnessed the highlight of the proposal. It seemed that there was no need to stay here.

Lin Ruyin's five-person team also planned to follow them back to the City Garden.

"Wait for me, I'll go too."

Xie Di originally wanted to follow, but was dismissed by Lu Ming. "You stay here and help Haifeng and Yingying handle the follow-up matters after the auto show."

that's it.

Lu Ming took six beauties back to the city garden first.


Night falls.

It’s so lively in the city garden.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan, Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, Wang Lingling, and Xu Zixin were back long ago.

After finishing all the auto show matters, Zhao Haifeng, Wang Yingying, and Xie Di also came.

There have never been so many people in the city garden, ten people in total.

On this great day when Zhao Haifeng successfully proposed to Wang Yingying, Lu Ming cooked in person, and Lin Wan and Wang Lingling helped him prepare a large table of dishes in the evening.

Everyone sits around the dining table.

Shady walked in with a big box in his arms: "This is the champagne I specially prepared just now! Let's celebrate!"

He ran to the car and brought a box of wine, a total of twelve.

"Everyone, drink some! The alcohol content of this wine is not high, it tastes sweet and easy to drink!"

Xie Di greeted and opened two or three bottles directly to refill everyone's wine glasses. However, when Lu Ming and Lin Wan passed by, they still poured the juice into juice.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan didn't stop them. Everyone should drink some if they are happy today. It's okay.

It's just the two of them.


Before I had even taken two bites of the dish, the sound of cheers sounded.

Especially Xie Di, who kept making excuses to clink glasses with Zhao Haifeng.

I don't know if he is jealous that he has found a wife, or because he is taking revenge for being bossed around recently.

While eating and drinking, Chu Yue saw the big diamond ring on Wang Yingying's hand and couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Yingying, can you show us your wedding ring? It was too far away on the stage to see clearly."

Her inquiry was unanimously approved by the sisters.

"Yes! What does Sister Yingying's wedding ring look like?"

"Let's see!"


Speaking of this, Wang Yingying and Zhao Haifeng's faces suddenly fell.

Zhao Haifeng glanced at Wang Yingying with a guilty look, only to see Wang Yingying happily take off the wedding ring from her hand.

While complaining: "I can only advise everyone, never let your boyfriend buy a wedding ring alone in the future, it is simply a male aesthetic..."

Although she was very happy that Zhao Haifeng proposed to her and she agreed, Wang Yingying still disagreed with the wedding ring he chose.

"Xie Di and I went to buy it together..." Zhao Haifeng argued in a low voice.

Shady: "But that's your choice!"

Chu Yue took the wedding ring from Wang Yingying, and the sisters next to her raised their heads to look at it.


"The diamond is so big, but still so ugly..."

“This must be expensive, right??”

"It's too simple and crude. The only advantage is that the diamond is bigger."

"Yes, there is no doubt about the straight male aesthetic."


The girls had the same opinion as Wang Yingying, and they all expressed their indifference to the wedding ring chosen by Zhao Haifeng.

Zhao Haifeng was so frightened that he quickly said: "This doesn't count. Yingying, let's go buy a new wedding ring together after we get married. Choose the one you like."

Although the selection of the wedding ring was poor, Zhao Haifeng did it. These remarks immediately caused everyone to scream.

"Ouch, tsk tsk tsk!"

This is spreading dog food!
"Drink, drink! Cheers!"

In happiness, the atmosphere became more intense, everyone drank more vigorously, and toasted more frequently...

 Thanks to book friend 20230418970-AE for the book coin reward, thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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