Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 544 Turning Waste into Treasure

Chapter 544 Turning Waste into Treasure
noon the next day.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan walked hand in hand in the city garden.

The two of them slept until they woke up naturally, and they woke up earlier than this group of drunken guys. They had already had lunch, and no one else woke up.

"Isn't it said that champagne has a low alcohol content and is easy to drink? Why are everyone so drunk??"

Lin Wan was a little worried, fearing that everyone had drank too much.

"It's okay. I've already made hangover soup. They can each drink some when they get up.

Champagne is easy to drink, but it actually makes them more intoxicating and they sleep more soundly. "

Lu Ming patted Lin Wan's hand to comfort him, and then thought of Chu Yue who was not drunk last night.

"But isn't Yueyue not drunk? She's still asleep and hasn't gotten up yet."

What Lu Ming didn't know was that after Chu Yue drank hot milk last night, it didn't help her sleep at all.

Instead, I didn't know what to think. I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep even more. I don't know what time I fell asleep after tossing.

"How about we go back and have a look?"

Lu Ming stopped Lin Wan's action: "They are not children anymore, don't worry, just keep walking."

They were out for a walk, and Lu Ming didn't want to go back and serve a group of sober people.

At this time.

The voice of housekeeper Ma Zong came to my ears.

"Sir, madam."

Unknowingly, Lu Ming and Lin Wan walked near the garage. The housekeeper Ma Zongzheng was directing several people to work and transfer some waste materials, including the fallen leaves that had just been cleaned today. Lu Ming, who had sharp eyes, saw a few strips of wood on them.

It seems to be the material on the wooden shelf used to protect Ouyang Qi when he sent the luxury car over last time.

"The wooden strips...?"

Logically speaking, City Garden's cleaning team will clean up at all times. After the car was dismantled last time, these waste materials should have been disposed of on the same day.

How can it still appear here?
Ma Zong thought Lu Ming was pursuing the matter and quickly explained.

“Sir, this was just cleaned out of the tool room today.

It is indeed the scraps that came out after Mr. Ouyang dismantled the car last time, but they are all good wood, and the people under him think the materials are good.

I picked up some good ones and went back to build a table for the tool room, so that’s all that’s left for today. "

Lu Ming waved his hand. He suddenly mentioned these woods, not because he wanted to pursue anything.

But when he saw these woods, he suddenly felt itchy.

have to say.

Ouyang Qi's truck is very cost-effective, and even the wooden frames are not made of ordinary composite wood.

It is made of real logs, made of hard, dense and bright birch strips nailed together.

When the birch strip was just a wooden frame, it was inconspicuous when it was used to protect the vehicle. Their attention was all on the luxury car at that time, and even Lu Ming had no intention to pay attention to the material of the wooden frame.

When Lu Ming saw the birch strips at first glance today, he noticed it.

Birch wood is yellow-white and slightly brown, with pure, fine and even texture and beautiful spots. It is very suitable for carving small works and practical crafts.

Although it has the disadvantage of being slightly heavy and easy to crack, it is still fine to carve and play with.

Yes, after Lu Ming saw the birch strips, he suddenly had an idea and wanted to carve something for fun.

Anyway, no one is getting up now, nothing to do.

And after hearing that these birches were scraps left over from wooden shelves that Ouyang Qi had dismantled and used to make tables, Lu Ming became even more interested.

Waste after waste is constantly turning waste into treasure, which is interesting.

"It's okay, don't throw away these birches yet, take them down and give them to me..."

Butler Ma Zong was confused by Lu Ming's words: "Huh?".Standing there and doing nothing.

He didn't understand what Lu Ming wanted to do.These birch strips were leftover after beating the table. There were only two or three strips of different lengths. The largest one was only about the size of a fist. What use could it be? ?
"Then go and help me get the set of carving tools from the tool room, and bring me a table."

Lu Ming continued, and Ma Zong came to his senses. He first picked out the scrap birch strips that were to be disposed of, and then took two people with him and turned back to the tool room to prepare what Lu Ming wanted.

Although they don't understand what Lu Ming wants to do, Lu Ming is the master of City Garden, and they should just follow orders.

The carving tools were brought back by Lu Ming from Kyoto last time, and they had been sitting idle in the tool room ever since he came back.

This time we finally see the light of day again.

But before, I was carving precious, top-quality chicken blood red, but this time I was carving ordinary birch wood waste strips. What a difference.

If the carving tool had a mouth and could talk, I wonder what it would say.

But Lu Ming didn't care about this. Whether it was precious chicken blood red or birch waste strips, they were all the same in his eyes. They were just materials for carving.

"What do you want to carve?" Ma Zong didn't understand, but Lin Wan knew very well.

Lu Ming weighed the birch sticks in his hands and responded: "It's just a whim, I don't know yet."

The birch strips indeed had some weight. The short birch strips felt heavy in their hands. Lu Ming began to study the grain patterns and spots on them.

at the same time.

Chu Yue left her room. At this time, she had already gotten up and washed up.

After coming out, Chu Yue found that the villa was quiet and there was no movement.

So she turned around and went to Wang Lingling's room next door to hers. When she opened it, she saw that Wang Lingling was still sleeping soundly.

"Are you all still sleeping??"

Chu Yue murmured to herself and came downstairs.

I found the note left by Lu Ming: "Sobering Up Soup."

But there was not only hangover soup on the table, but also some food.


Her stomach growled, so Chu Yue didn't drink the hangover soup, but directly picked up a piece of bread and ate it.

While eating, I looked for anyone else downstairs.

Opened the villa door.

Chu Yue happened to see Ma Zong and two people hurriedly carrying tables and tools.

"Uncle Ma, what are you doing?"

Chu Yue is a regular customer of City Garden, so Ma Zong naturally knows her.

"Miss Chu, sir, we are told to bring these over."

Hearing that it was Lu Ming's order, Chu Yue quickly asked: "Senior Lu? Where is he?"

"Sir and Mrs. are over there in the garage."

This time Chu Yue didn't care about eating and followed Ma Zong, preparing to go there together.

A group of people came to the garage space.

Lin Wan saw Chu Yue's figure and greeted her.

"Yueyue, are you awake?"

Lin Wan and Chu Yue talked together.

Lu Ming directed Ma Zong and the others to place the table and put the birch strips on the table.

By the way, he looked at the new table. If he read correctly, this new table was made from Ouyang Qi's wooden frame waste. The workmanship was pretty good.

And he will use the scraps left on this table to create again.

This is even more interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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