Chapter 546 Small Animals

"Wait for me!!"

Shady held a piece of bread in his mouth and hurriedly caught up with the people in front.

He was still a little confused at the moment. It only took less than 3 minutes from being woken up by Zhao Haifeng to washing up and going downstairs to go out.

Xie Di didn't want to get up at first, but he seemed to hear Zhao Haifeng talking about big brother.

Before he could hear and ask clearly, Zhao Haifeng left the room directly, ignoring that he couldn't get up.

Xie Di was so shocked that he had to get up quickly, wash up and go downstairs in a hurry, just in time to see the backs of everyone leaving the villa.

He ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast and chased after him.

"What's going on? Where are you guys going??"

Xie Di finally caught up with everyone. Looking at how everyone was dressed, they didn't look like they were going out.

Chu Yue explained to him: "Senior Lu wants to carve wood, let's go and have a look!"

"What?! Big brother can also carve??!"

Shady was thankful that he got up, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to see it.

"Isn't this strange? Brother has so many skills, you don't know..."

Zhao Haifeng began to describe to everyone the scene in Kyoto where the master sculptors had to bow their heads and worship Lu Ming as their master, leaving everyone stunned.

He is someone who has witnessed the birth of the Kirin Seal and the Black Turtle Seal.

"Today I can actually see my eldest brother taking action again. I wonder if I can ask for a piece of work."

Zhao Haifeng couldn't help but have a little hope. He had always been very greedy. When he was in Kyoto, it was not his turn to have this opportunity.

After hearing what Zhao Haifeng said, this made Xie Di extremely jealous.

As a younger brother who is also the eldest brother, how come you know and see more than me?
He didn't know that Lu Ming could carve, and he had never seen any Qilin seal or Xuanwu seal.

A group of people came to Lu Ming's side chattering.

After seeing Lu Ming, they all said hello. Lu Ming couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone looked hungover.

Everyone is wearing yesterday's clothes. Originally, everyone was a handsome urban man and beautiful woman, but now after a hangover, they are all wearing yesterday's clothes.

Although I got up and washed and tidied up, I was still wrinkled and looked a lot sloppy.

Only Chu Yue looked better.

Seeing Lu Ming smile, everyone was a little confused at first. They didn't know why Lu Ming was smiling.

But when I looked down at myself, and then turned around to look at the people around me, I realized that I and everyone else were really a little bit ugly.

If I didn't want to stay and watch Lu Ming's carvings, I really wanted to turn around and hide back in the house.

Lin Wan also noticed it and comforted everyone: "In my own family, we are all our own people, so don't worry so much."

Everyone feels better now, since everyone is the same after all.

"Oh no, Yueyue, why are you different from us?!"

Lin Ruyin originally accepted the comfort and succeeded in self-counseling, but she discovered that there was something different about Chu Yue among them.

Not only was he in better spirits than them, but his clothes were also clean and tidy, and he didn't look like he was staying overnight.

Chu Yue laughed.

"I wasn't drunk last night. I washed my hands before going to bed and just put them on today.

So what I’m wearing are not dirty clothes! "

Chu Yue originally wanted to show off a little, but after a few seconds, she finished speaking.

She suddenly realized something was wrong...

I seem to have let something slip! ! !A glance out of the corner of my eye.


Lu Ming looked at her with a strange look...


Chu Yue only felt that she was seriously dead now! !
His little face was frozen and expressionless and he didn't speak, but his mind was already exploding and he kept shouting.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, had secretly withdrew his gaze.

As soon as Chu Yue said that, he thought of what happened last night.When he brought the hot milk in, Chu Yue was wrapped tightly in the quilt, with only one head exposed, looking very panicked.

Is it? ?
At that time, Chu Yue had already washed the clothes and hung them to dry? ?

No wonder she was so nervous and flustered!

It seems that a big useless secret has been discovered.

Lu Ming quickly stopped thinking and talking.

"Yueyue, you weren't drunk last night!"

Lin Ruyin jumped to Chu Yue's side, interrupting her random thoughts.

"Yeah..." Chu Yue said as she glanced at Lu Ming secretly.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him and he was talking to Lin Wan with a calm expression, he thought he had just seen it wrong.

In this way, everyone gathered around the table and talked, as if they had forgotten for a moment why they were here in such a hurry.


Lin Wan asked Lu Ming: "Have you decided what to carve?"

Lu Ming nodded.

The birch strips are not large in size, only about the size of a fist, so they cannot carve anything large.

But there are many choices, and he thought of the most suitable choice based on the line direction and spot distribution.

"Let's carve some small animals, the size is just right."

"How about little animals, how cute they are!"

Lin Wan immediately thought of the sugar figures paintings in Kyoto, many of which were sugar figures and small animals.

"Well, I'll carve one for you, I guarantee you'll like it!"

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan nodded in anticipation. Others also stopped talking after hearing this, preparing to watch Lu Ming's performance.

I see.

Lu Ming took out the tool from the carving tool box and cut off the end of the birch bar, which was about a hand long.

Everyone thought that this piece of wood was going to be thrown away because it looked a bit ugly.

The area of ​​wood color is very small, and most of it is dark brown. It is obvious that the spots are too large and heavy.

But unexpectedly, Lu Ming didn't cut it off to throw it away. Instead, he picked it up, replaced it with new tools, and started carving on it.

"This thing is so dark, can it look good when carved?"

Lin Ruyin was straightforward and asked everyone's questions directly.

From the color point of view, everyone still prefers wood color. The spots seem to be moldy, which makes people dislike it.

Lu Ming didn't respond.

Lin Wan gave Lin Ruyin a look and told her to be quiet and not to disturb Lu Ming.

Disdain continued to fall from Lu Ming's hands. From large pieces to small pieces, lines began to appear on this piece of dark-colored birch wood.

However, due to its small size, Lu Ming's hand blocked the view.

For a moment, no one could tell what Lu Ming was carving.

I can only wait quietly.

Salsa... There is only the sound of the carving knife cutting through the wood.

However, Lu Ming did not make them wait too long. The object was not big, and with his skills, the work took shape quickly.

"All right!"

Lu Ming blew it and immediately put it in Lin Wan's hand and asked her to cover it. Even Lin Wan didn't see what it was.

Everyone's eyes suddenly flickered, and they all focused on Lin Wan's hands.

Lin Wan glanced at Lu Ming expectantly and slowly opened her hands...

"Giant Panda!!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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