Chapter 564 The greatest love
"Honey, that's great! We have a baby!"

Lin Wan cried with joy and hugged Lu Ming, with a bright smile on her face, but her tears couldn't stop falling, wetting Lu Ming's shoulders.

Lu Ming knew how happy and excited she was, so he quickly stroked Lin Wan's back and comforted her.

"Yeah! We succeeded! Wan'er, don't be too excited, it's not good."


Lin Wan herself had checked the information and made strategies. She knew that too much mood swings would be bad for the fetus, so she quickly stabilized her mind.

He sat up straight and took a few deep breaths.

Lu Ming reached out his hand, wiped away the tears on her face, and said distressedly.

"I'm going to have to work hard for you next..."

Pregnancy in ten months is an essential and tiring process.

If possible, Lu Ming really didn't want to see Lin Wan suffer like this.

During this process, not only will symptoms such as fatigue and vomiting occur, but when the fetus develops in the later stages, the mother will experience pain all over her body and difficulty moving and sleeping.

When it comes to childbirth, the pain is unimaginable.

So when Lin Wan was pregnant, Lu Ming already felt sorry for her.

"Husband, I'm fine, it's all worth it." Lin Wan knew what Lu Ming meant.

She had been prepared for a long time. When preparing for pregnancy, she not only did the homework on how to increase the chance of pregnancy, but also had a clear understanding of the precautions after pregnancy.

"By the way, tell your parents this news quickly!" Lin Wan said suddenly. She immediately thought of Liu Yuru, Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai who were far away on the seaside.

After all, they had been urging them to have a grandchild before, so of course they had to share the good news with them immediately.

"Yeah!" Lu Ming immediately took out his cell phone and called home.

He said it straight to the point, and excited shouts came from the other side of the conversation, which made Lu Ming couldn't help but put the phone farther away from his ears.

At this time, Lin Wanze stood up and took out some pink strips on the bedside table.

She even had a pregnancy test ready.

When she left the bathroom, she already had a pink pregnancy test stick with two lines in her hand.

It's not that I don't believe in Lu Ming's pulse diagnosis, it's just that with such an extra thing in front of my eyes, I seem to feel more like that!

Lu Ming was still talking on the phone at home, while Lin Wan took out her mobile phone to take a photo and sent it to her best friend Wang Yingying.

Wang Yingying responded immediately after receiving the photo, and sent a lot of words to Lin Wan, all with exclamation marks, and a lot of voice messages.

Just as Lin Wan was about to click on the voicemail to listen, Lu Ming had already hung up the phone.

"Mom and Dad, what did they say?"

"What else can I say? I'm very excited, especially my mother, with her screaming voice..."

Although Lu Ming understood their excitement about having a grandson, his ears were really hurt just now.

"But they were about to fly over right away, but I stopped them."

Liu Yuru was originally planning to fly to the Magic City to take care of Lin Wan after hearing the news, but was persuaded by Lu Ming.

Lin Wan is just pregnant now and doesn't need any care yet. If he does, he will be enough on his own.If Liu Yuru came, according to their traditional concepts, there would be no conflict of views on pregnant women.

Besides, when the time is up, they can also be admitted to Maria Hospital to nurse and give birth to a baby.

They have no problem running the entire Maria Hospital on their own.

"Hmm, don't worry now. Let's wait for a while and pick up my parents."

Lin Wan touched her belly. Her belly now was the same as before, still smooth and tight.But the feeling of touching it is different now, because I know there is their baby inside now.

Lu Ming also put his hand up, holding his hands on his lower abdomen, and a strange feeling emerged spontaneously.

"By the way, I have to tell Yinyin and the others." Because Lin Ruyin had already expressed her attitude, saying that she really wanted to have a younger brother and sister, and would not be sad about it.

So Lin Wan didn't have to worry about anything and called her directly.

"Yinyin, do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"Mom, what are you talking about??"

Lin Ruyin didn't react at first, but she understood after Lin Wan made it clear.

"Really?? That's great!!"

After hearing Lin Ruyin's last excited words, the phone was hung up.


Lin Wan was a little confused while holding the phone.

"Are you still sleepy? Do you want to take a nap again?" After everyone had been notified, Lu Ming asked Lin Wan if he wanted to take a rest.

But Lin Wan was no longer sleepy now and shook her head: "No, I'm too happy to sleep now."

So Lu Ming and Lin Wan lay quietly on the bed.

After about half an hour.

Lu Ming heard the sound of a lot of people coming from downstairs, so he got up and planned to go down to check.

As a result, as soon as he got out of bed, the door to the room was opened.

The person who opened the door was Lin Ruyin, followed by Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, Pan Xiaoman and the others.

"Mom, let me see, let me see!"

Lin Ruyin passed Lu Ming and went straight to Lin Wan and came to the bedside.

It turned out that she hung up the phone after receiving the news so that she could rush over as soon as possible.

"I'm going to have a younger brother and sister?!" Lin Ruyin squatted beside the bed, looking at Lin Wan expectantly, as did the little sisters behind her.

Lin Wan picked up the pregnancy test stick on the bedside table and gave it to them: "Well, take a look."

A pregnancy test stick was passed around by the four of them, looking around as if they could see something.

"Let me listen to see if there is any sound." Lin Ruyin put her head on Lin Ruyin's belly.

This action directly made Lu Ming and Lin Wan laugh.

"What are you thinking about? I'm just pregnant now. It will be at least four or five months before I can hear the baby's heartbeat..." Lin Wan said with a smile.

"Huh?" Lin Ruyin was disappointed. She really didn't know this. She learned this action from TV.

"Then when can we tell whether he is the younger brother or the younger sister?"

"Then do you want a brother or a sister?"

"My younger brothers and sisters will all be loved by me!"

"That's fine. Although it will take about four months for B-ultrasound identification, but I don't want to... we will all like her/him if she is a younger sibling."

Lu Ming nodded, he had the same idea as Lin Wan.

It is illegal to use B-ultrasound to identify the gender of the fetus. Although he owns the entire Maria Hospital and can easily identify the results without anyone daring to leak them, he has no intention of doing so.

Just like Lin Wan said, they will love their children, whether they are boys or girls.

Everyone will welcome her/his new life with the utmost love.

This can be regarded as a small expectation. Some things are better than being surprised at the last moment if they were known earlier...

(End of this chapter)

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