Chapter 570 Learning Photography
Lin Ruyin's current mood is not very beautiful.

This move of hers can be regarded as a waste of money. Not only did she fail to obtain a condition, but she also made Lin Wan angry.

In the end, she had to cooperate with Lu Ming and take a couple photos with her.

As a result, although she tried very hard to smile more at the request of the female photographer when taking pictures, the photos still showed that her smile was fake.

"This Lu Laoliu!! He's so cunning, he still wants such tea!"

She really didn't expect that Lu Ming would use this method to force her to take pictures.

The photos of the two of them were taken quickly. Initially, the female photographer was not very satisfied and wanted them to adjust to their condition.

However, Lu Ming was vague about it, and their photo together was not important.

The most important thing today is the photo recording Lin Wan's pregnancy. This is the highlight.

A large part of the clothes Lin Wan bought just now were prepared for taking this photo.Although the photography studio may have some clothing to choose from, after all, too many people have worn it.

"Yinyin, come here and help me choose."

Lin Wan asked Lin Ruyin to choose some clothes suitable for taking pictures together, while Lu Ming was checking the photos he had just taken on the computer nearby.

Generally, the photos taken are immediately transferred to the computer, so that the effect of the photos can be seen more intuitively.

Being able to open a photography studio in a shopping mall as big as Xintiandi, Blue Sky Photography also has two brushes. While waiting, Lu Ming had a casual chat with the female photographer.

The couple had worked as magazine photographers and wandering photographers before, and they had a lot of experience. After having children, they settled down and opened the current Blue Sky Photography Studio.

Therefore, the photography technology is quite good, and the three of them are all handsome men and beautiful women, so the original photos taken are very pleasing to the eye.

"I feel like I don't need post-production anymore. It's natural. You are the most beautiful people I've ever photographed."

After the female photographer finished sighing, she added: "It's more beautiful than those celebrities."

She used to work as a magazine photographer and had contact with many celebrities. She knew that they all relied on post-production and makeup to achieve their effects.

"Thank you for the compliment." Lu Ming said modestly.

The female photographer was not the first person to say this, when he and Lin Wan took wedding photos on Moss Island.

The photo studio there also praised him and Lin Wan so much, and even wanted to use their wedding photos as the photo studio's trump card.


Next, the female photographer said something similar. She wanted to take this photoshoot for free plus a little photo usage fee, and use their photos to attract business in the future.

But Lu Ming refused.

He didn't really want to turn their photo into a window display.

Besides, if Blue Sky Photography Studio used their photos and those rich people in Shanghai saw it, wouldn't it break the threshold of their studio?

Free photography plus a little fee for photo royalties can't buy you this kind of good thing.

After chatting for a while, Lin Ruyin and Lin Wan finally picked out their clothes.

Lin Wan put on the new clothes she just bought and took some photos by herself. Under the guidance of the female photographer, Lin Wan opened her clothes, revealing her slightly bulging belly. She put her hands on her belly and looked down.

It seems to be communicating with the baby in the belly, anticipating her/his birth.

Lin Ruyin and Lu Ming were watching from below, their eyes showing emotion.

After taking a few poses, the female photographer suddenly said: "Dad, let's go up too."

Lu Ming couldn't wait for a long time. He strode forward, took Lin Wan's outstretched hand, then squatted down and gently rested his head on Lin Wan's belly.

"Crack card wipe."

The female photographer quickly took the picture, and without her having to say anything else, Lu Ming changed several actions one after another.

"Husband, why are you so skilled??"

During the shooting, Lin Wan muttered in a low voice. She felt that her limbs were quite stiff just now, and she posed exactly as the female photographer told her.As for Lu Ming, it was very smooth as soon as he came up, and he changed positions without saying a word.

"Because I have rich experience!" Lu Ming said with a smile.

Can you still be experienced in taking pregnancy photos?Is this the experience gained after growing many bellies? ?

Of course Lin Wan would not believe Lu Ming's nonsense and patted him on the shoulder: "Nonsense!"

"I've had this plan for a long time, so I've done my homework before!"

Lu Ming told the truth. In fact, even if Lin Wan hadn't suddenly asked to take this photo today, he would have taken Lin Wan there one day.

The reason why he knows so many postures and moves so naturally is because he has seen many such photos and has already planned in his mind how to take them.

"Then if you didn't tell me earlier, I suddenly thought about it today and I don't know how to deal with it!"

Lin Wanjiao complained angrily to Lu Ming, but she still felt sweet in her heart. She just thought of it suddenly when she went out today, but Lu Ming had been thinking about it for a long time.

"It's okay, I'll teach you!"

Immediately, in the subsequent filming, Lu Ming and Lin Wan directly initiated dog food, and their words and deeds were very sweet and affectionate.

Lin Ruyin in the audience was stuffed with dog food, while the female photographer clicked photos excitedly.


"Mr. Lu, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"

After the shooting was completed and before leaving, the female photographer reluctantly sent them to the door, but couldn't help but ask again.

She always felt that it was the best work she had ever made, but Lu Ming was unwilling to authorize it to her.

Lu Ming shook his head.

The female photographer sighed sadly: "Okay, then I wish Mr. Lu and Miss Lin happiness. I will send them to you as soon as the photos are sorted out."

"What did she just say she was considering?"

After walking a little further, Lin Wan asked, and Lin Ruyin also listened curiously.

"It's nothing, I just want to use our photos to attract business."


Lin Wan had no reaction after hearing this. She was not interested in this at all, but she was quite optimistic about the level of blue sky photography.

"Their photography skills are quite good. You can continue to come here if necessary in the future."

Lin Wan's words awakened Lu Ming. After the baby is born, there will definitely be a lot of time to take photos.

If you always ask others to take photos, why not learn photography yourself? This way you don’t have to worry too much and can better record your baby’s growth experience.

So Lu Ming expressed his idea: "I'll buy some photography equipment and learn how to take pictures.

From now on, I will take photos of you and your baby!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was immediately ridiculed by Lin Ruyin.

"You?? You're just learning it right now? It will definitely make the photo look ugly."

Lu Ming smiled and said nothing.

Learning one thing is not learning the other. He is just saying this now to get a vaccination and buy some photography equipment.

Learning from him is equivalent to extra points!He still has useless skill points!
As long as he focuses on photography skills, he will become a photography master in no time!

 Thanks to book friend Gao Hang and Decadey2012 for the monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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