Chapter 572 A little understanding
Lu Ming held a basket and unceremoniously selected the photography equipment in the store.

It seemed like there was no need to think about it at all. After just two glances, she threw it into the basket. There were some things that Lin Ruyin had never even seen before and didn't know what they were.

She thought that she had been involved in photography for a while and had seen more things than Lu Ming. How could Lu Ming just take things she didn't know? !
"Lu Ming, what are you carrying?"

Lin Ruyin stepped forward and picked up something in the basket: "Quick-release accessories?? Handle, gimbal, rabbit cage, what are they??" They were all things she didn't recognize.

"Is this for photography? Why don't you look at the camera and lens??"

Lin Ruyin thinks like ordinary people. She may think that photography is just a camera and various lenses, and she doesn't know anything about other equipment.

Lu Ming rolled his eyes at her: "This is a photography equipment store. These things are not for photography, so what else can they be used for??"

Lin Ruyin was speechless for a moment after being criticized like this.

Yes, this is indeed a photographic equipment store, it must be used for photography...

She couldn't defeat Lu Ming, so Lin Ruyin simply pulled Wu Peidian, the boss behind her, over.

I hope he can use his professional knowledge to educate Lu Ming.

"Boss, please tell me if he is taking it randomly. Don't talk nonsense just to sell more things!"

Wu Peidian was a little embarrassed, but he finally understood.

The person in front of me didn't look like what Lin Ruyin said was a photography novice. How could a photography novice know about quick-release accessories? That was something even novice photographers had never heard of.

On the contrary, the beauty who pulled him over is the one who really doesn't understand...

"What are you doing standing still, tell me!"

But now that people are still asking him to say it, he can only say: "Actually... Mr. Lu should know photography. The quick-release system you chose is very good. Only advanced photographers will understand this..."

After hearing Wu Peidian's words, Lin Ruyin was dumbfounded.

what's the situation? ?She is obviously someone who has practiced photography, so why does the boss say that Lu Ming understands photography? !Didn’t he just say that he wanted to learn?

"Boss, don't talk nonsense. I've obviously studied photography, but he hasn't!"

But she didn't even know the quick-release system. How could Wu Peitian believe her? Lu Ming looked more professional.

In this regard, while Lu Ming and Wu Peidian were discussing, they took the opportunity to respond to Lin Ruyin with a few words.

"Even if I just learned it, I'm dozens of times better than you, yo yo yo!"

This made Lin Ruyin so angry that she just refused to accept it.I feel that if what the boss said is true, then Lu Ming may have read too many books and knows more about photographic equipment than she does.

If real guns were compared to photography, I would definitely be better than him!I have taken photography classes myself!
Originally provoked by Lu Ming, Lin Ruyin wanted to step forward to attack him, but Lin Wan stopped her.

Lu Ming and Wu Peitian are having a lively chat at the moment, so don't disturb them and let them choose carefully.

"What does Mr. Lu usually like to shoot?" Wu Peitian asked Lu Ming about his preferences. Different accessories are needed to shoot different things, so that he can easily introduce and lead the way.

"I have never taken any pictures before. I plan to take pictures of my wife and baby after I buy it, so I will focus more on portraits!"

Lu Ming's words immediately surprised Wu Peidian.

"I'm going?! I really made a mistake!!" Wu Peitian originally thought that Lu Ming was so skilled in selecting equipment.

Moreover, the conversation with him just now was very eloquent. He knew some very popular people and he must be an experienced photographer. He couldn't help but admire him.

But I didn't expect that she was really a photography novice as Lin Ruyin said? ? !
"Uh haha... Then Mr. Lu, you have done a really complete homework!" Wu Peitian could only think that Lu Ming might be a monster, and he had already learned all the knowledge about photographic equipment before learning photography.

"haha, thank you."

Lu Ming responded. He happened to see a lens filter in front of him and picked it up immediately.

But even so, Wu Peitian was still as enthusiastic and respectful as before. He originally loved photographic equipment more than photography. Lu Ming could chat with him in this regard.

And Lu Ming is still his big customer!Looking at this selection and selection attitude, the basket is already filled with a basket full of accessories.

This is already worth less than 10 yuan, and that doesn’t even include the biggest lens and camera!
The accessories are so generous, so the camera lens must be bigger.

as predicted.

After Lu Ming selected the accessories, he went directly to the camera area and found the camera he wanted.

Canon EOS-1D X Mark II full-frame 4K professional SLR camera.

Then I selected wide-angle, accurate, telephoto, and ultra-wide-angle lenses, and the price soared to more than 30.

With this set of equipment, it is more than enough to take pictures of anything, let alone portraits.

Of course, it’s not that there are no higher-end packages. If you want to choose based on price alone, there are also photography packages worth millions.

The main reason was that it was not necessary. Lu Ming knew clearly what he wanted.

Judging from this set of photography packages and Lu Ming's own needs, even Wu Peitian, who has been selling photography equipment for so many years and is proficient in photography packages, has to admire Lu Ming's consideration.

This is definitely the highest configuration for taking portraits, and it can be perfectly adapted to any scene or situation.

But from a novice like Lin Ruyin, it would seem too exaggerated and wasteful!
When she saw Lu Ming's basket full of photographic equipment, her eyes widened.

She knew how expensive photographic equipment was, so she put together a set at random, and several items cost thirty or forty thousand.

But Lu Ming actually bought a big basket just like shopping in a supermarket!What about grocery shopping? !Or do you think you can just take it if you don’t need money?

“How much does this cost??!”

Wu Peitian happened to calculate the price: "I got a 46% discount, then wiped off the odd change, and it was [-]."


Lin Ruyin exclaimed.

This money is nothing to them, she can even get it herself, let alone Lu Ming.

But if you just buy it, play it for a while and then it will become dusty, that is another meaning. It is equivalent to wasting 46 yuan!

"You don't know how to take pictures. Even if you know these things, is it necessary to buy so many? You won't be able to use them after you buy them."

Wu Peidian was a little embarrassed after hearing this. It seemed that for this reason, if Lu Ming was really a master of theory, there was really no need to buy so many at once.

Anyway, he should learn to buy slowly, but since he is the boss, he naturally hopes to sell as much as possible.

However, Lu Ming ignored Lin Ruyin and paid the bill directly, saying calmly.

"I just learned, I understand a little bit..."

(End of this chapter)

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