Chapter 577

Since Lin Ruyin left school in the middle of class and Pan Xiaoman didn't know where to go, Chu Yue and Wang Lingling were the only two people left in the dormitory.

Chu Yue was lying boredly on the upper bed, her long legs dangling in the air, and she was scrolling through Moments on her mobile phone.

After swiping around, she saw the photo Lin Wan had sent.

"Ah?! So beautiful!!"

Wang Lingling, who was also playing with her mobile phone below, was immediately frightened by her exclamation.

"Yueyue, what's your name? It scared me."

Wang Lingling complained that she almost dropped her phone just now.

"Look! Moments!"

Chu Yue's words were confused and she didn't know what she was talking about. What exactly was she looking at?
But Wang Lingling opened her circle of friends with a very honest finger.

one look.

There was no need for Chu Yue to explain, he immediately knew what she was exclaiming just now.


With a snap, Chu Yue ran down from the bed and ran to Wang Lingling.

"You saw it too, right! It's so beautiful!! I don't know who took the photo."

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling put their mobile phones together, and the screen was filled with Lin Wan's beautiful photo.

The two of them looked directly at their phones, both attracted by this photo.

Although Lin Wan's beauty is obvious to all, and the photos she usually posts are also very beautiful, this photo is so different that it has a strong impact on people at first sight.


Even though the two were girls, they were still fiercely obsessed with each other, of course.They may also want to know who took the photo.

What girl wouldn’t want someone to take such beautiful photos for them?
Especially Chu Yue, she is usually most keen on taking pictures, of course, those stinky cell phone selfies.

"Where is Xiaoman??"

"It seems that I went to the library to return books."

"I don't know if she saw it or not. Tell her quickly."

Good sisters just like to share news with each other. As they talked, they couldn't wait to call Pan Xiaoman.

However, before Chu Yue's call was placed, the cell phone rang first.

"Yin Yin??" Chu Yue looked at the notes on her phone with some confusion.

Wang Lingling looked over and saw it: "She just ran off somewhere in the middle of class. Pick her up quickly and ask her."

The phone was connected and Lin Ruyin's voice came through.

"Yueyue, are you all here? Where are you?" Her voice was a little anxious, and she didn't know what she was anxious about.

"Lingling and I are in the dormitory, and Xiaoman has gone out." Chu Yue answered Lin Ruyin's question, and then asked: "You ran out suddenly just now, is everything okay?!"

Regarding this issue, Lin Ruyin had no time to explain to them now. Instead, she said something else: "Have you seen Moments??"

"Look at it!! My master is so beautiful!!"

Lin Ruyin didn't say what she was looking at, so Wang Lingling answered first. Ever since she learned cooking from Lin Wan, she often called Lin Wan her master.

"Yeah! We were talking just now, and you called." So Chu Yue asked the question she wanted to know.

"Do you know who took the photo? It's so beautiful! I want it too!"

Her words hit Lin Ruyin's heart directly.

"I know! I know! It was taken by Lu Ming!!!"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yue and Wang Lingling's eyes burst out with surprise, and they looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces.

Lin Ruyin continued: "Come here quickly, he wants to help my mother take a photo, let's take a moment too!!"

This is the purpose of Lin Ruyin making this call!

She had this idea when she heard Lin Wan talk about it.Although her skills are not as good as others, it would be a bit embarrassing to lose the bet, but if Lu Ming can also take such beautiful photos of her, then the shame is nothing!

She immediately decided to take advantage of this opportunity and create a beautiful set of photos for herself.

However, she was worried that Lu Ming would reject her.In addition, of course such good things must be shared with sisters.

So she immediately notified Chu Yue and the others. This way, she would be more confident!
"Really?! I want it too, I want it too!"

"It's absolutely true! Come quickly! Let's talk about it in detail later."

"Okay, we'll call Xiaoman over right away."

When Chu Yue and Wang Lingling heard the news, they were even more anxious than Lin Ruyin and hung up on her immediately.

Then he immediately called Pan Xiaoman. As soon as the call was connected, before Pan Xiaoman could speak, Chu Yue shouted directly.

"Xiaoman, come back quickly, it's urgent! It's urgent!"

Pan Xiaoman, who was on the other end of the phone, was walking back to the dormitory, and was confused by Chu Yue's shout.

What's going on? ! !

"What's wrong??" He asked and started running.

Pan Xiaoman had never seen the sisters in the dormitory so anxious and walking so fast.

"We're down."

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling didn't elaborate, just left the dormitory and went downstairs.

The three finally met downstairs in the dormitory. Pan Xiaoman was already out of breath from running.

"What happened...huh...what happened??"

"Let's go to the city garden."

Chu Yue directly pulled Pan Xiaoman and walked to the parking lot. As she walked, she took out her mobile phone and opened the photo.

"Xiaoman, look..."

After understanding the whole story and that it was not a big deal as he thought, Pan Xiaoman finally felt a little more at ease and wasn't angry anymore.

Because this is indeed a big deal!After seeing the photos and hearing what happened, she also wanted to take such a beautiful photo!

So she is no less anxious than Chu Yue and Wang Lingling.

The three of them quickly got into the car and drove towards the city garden at lightning speed.


City garden living room.

Lin Ruyin and Lin Wan were no longer sitting together.

One person sat on one side and far apart.

Lin Wan held her mobile phone and carefully browsed the cool clothes. While adding a black piece to the shopping cart, she poked her head to pay attention to Lin Ruyin's movements.

Lin Wan was indeed a little stressed when buying clothes in front of her, so she could only be careful not to be seen.

Fortunately, Lin Ruyin was eagerly waiting for the arrival of her sisters. She looked at her phone and the door from time to time, but found nothing unusual about Lin Wan.

But after a while.

Just when Lin Wan relaxed a little and looked at the new clothes seriously, wondering if Lu Ming would like it.

Suddenly she woke up and found that Lin Ruyin had walked in front of her and stuck her head over.

"Mom, how do you feel?? You're not feeling well yet? How about I help you with your advice??"

"Ah!?" Lin Wan quickly turned off the phone screen and said in a panic: "No, no."

When she was looking at normal clothes just now, she was looking at them with Lin Ruyin, but now these were not good and not suitable for her to see.

So she changed her position and hid far away.

Unexpectedly, I was almost attacked by a sneak attack if I wasn't paying attention...

(End of this chapter)

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