Chapter 586
"how is the situation?"

When Lu Ming and Zhao Haifeng arrived at Maria Hospital, Xie Guanghui had already been sent to the emergency room.

Dean Ma Zhixin brought them over and explained the situation.

"The situation is very bad, and the hospital has arranged the best doctors for rescue."

Talking as they walked, the three of them walked quickly and arrived at the door of the emergency room.

"Open the door, I'll go in and have a look."

Lu Ming gave the order. Although the hospital was already doing its best to rescue him, he wanted to go in and give it a try.

"Yeah!" Without any hesitation, Dean Ma Zhixin opened the door of the emergency room.

Although the emergency room is rescuing patients, others are not allowed to enter casually.

But don't forget, Maria Hospital belongs to Lu Ming, and Xie Guanghui inside is still his.

"Bang..." The door to the rescue room just opened.

Lu Ming didn't let Zhao Haifeng follow him. He couldn't help. It was enough to do it by himself.

Just as he was about to walk in, he was greeted by a doctor wearing surgical clothes.

"what's the situation?!"

Lu Ming asked, Ma Zhixin and Zhao Haifeng also stepped forward quickly.

The three people's eyes were fixed on the doctor, which instantly put endless pressure on the doctor and made him speechless.

"I...we...tried our best."

The doctor's words undoubtedly pronounced Xie Guanghui's death.

Under great pressure, the doctor quickly explained: "The patient suffered an acute myocardial infarction. He was old and in poor health and could not bear it.

He was already on the verge of death when he was sent to the emergency room. We tried many methods but still couldn't save him..."

As soon as Zhao Haifeng heard the news, an unknown and inexplicable emotion came over him. His teeth clenched in his heart and his hands clenched into fists.

However, he didn't do anything that would harm Chi Yu. Although he was a little out of control, he knew that the doctor couldn't be blamed and everyone tried their best.

"Bang." Zhao Haifeng slammed his fist on the wall.

Lu Ming's face turned colder and he walked into the emergency room.

"Hey, who are you? Why did you come in? You can't just come in!"

Some other nurses and doctors were about to stop Lu Ming, but were stopped by the director Ma Zhixin who was following closely.

Lu Ming walked to the operating table and saw Xie Guanghui lying on it.

After the person left and the lights went out, Xie Guanghui's face turned pale and his expression was hard to tell, but he must have been very reluctant to part with him and he probably didn't want to die.

But even so, Lu Ming had nothing to do.

He came in just to take a look. After all, Xie Guanghui had already been pronounced dead. Even if he had miraculous medical skills, he would not be able to save himself!
After all, he is only a human being, not a god.

If Xie Guanghui had been treated by him earlier, he would still have a way, but now, the outcome has been decided.

Even if he has adrenaline, it won't help!Adrenal hormones are used on people who are on the verge of death. Now that Xie Guanghui is completely dead, it has no effect on him.

"Thank you!!"

“Where is Lao Xie??”

The voices of Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng came from outside. They rushed over as soon as they received the news.

Then the voice became quiet. Zhao Haifeng outside should have told them about the current situation.

"Pap tap tap." Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng also walked into the rescue room.

Lu Ming and the two of them looked at each other and nodded to each other. It was quiet and no one spoke.

So for a while.

The three people standing in the rescue room remained quiet. On the contrary, Zhao Haifeng outside occasionally made some noise.

The remaining doctors and nurses have been dismissed by Ma Zhixin.

Lu Ming, Zhao Jianzhong, and Sun Yongfeng had neither joy nor sadness on their faces, but there was still a depressing atmosphere in the emergency room.Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Even when seeing the death of a stranger, people would feel pity and lament the fragility of life, not to mention that Xie Guanghui was the one who took refuge in his subordinates, and his son Xie Di was his younger brother.

Therefore, Lu Ming's mood was not as calm as the expression on his face.

The same is true for Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng, or in other words, it is even worse.

As the heads of the three oldest families in the Magic City, they are not much different in age. They have known each other since childhood. When they grew up, they faced tit-for-tat for their respective families. They were friends and enemies in the past.

But later they took refuge under Lu Ming together, and the three of them became old friends, fighting against each other for decades.

It was almost time for everyone to retire and enjoy a happy life. No one expected that... Xie Guanghui would leave so suddenly...

at the same time.

Xie Di finally arrived at the entrance of Maria Hospital. Before the driver could stop, he had already hurriedly opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and rushed in without thinking.

"Hey, give me money?!"

Before he finished speaking, Xie Di's figure had disappeared.

"Your car..."

The driver froze on the spot, a little confused.

At this time, Xie Di was already running through the hospital, looking for the location of the emergency room. Fortunately, it was already very late, and there was no one in the hospital.

"No! It's okay!"

"Where is it?"

Shady murmured as he ran.

Finally, he found the location of the rescue room and saw Zhao Haifeng in the corridor.

Rushing over, Xie Di grabbed Zhao Haifeng tightly with both hands.

"Where's my dad?!"

What Shady didn't know was that when he asked this question, tears were already streaming down his face.

Maybe he already had the answer in his heart when he saw Zhao Haifeng for the first time. Zhao Haifeng looked ugly and had teary eyes. He could probably guess that something bad was going on at a glance.

It's just that he couldn't believe it in his heart, and he didn't want to believe it, so he had to ask.

"Talk...ah? Where's my...father!"

Shady asked again. When he said this sentence, he was choked with tears and his words were unclear.

"Thank...Uncle Xie, he's gone..."

It seemed that he didn't want to tell this cruel fact, but he had to say that Zhao Haifeng's voice was very small.

But Shady still heard clearly. When he heard the facts with his own ears, his heart felt like it had been stabbed hard.

pain!it hurts!


Xie Di let go of Zhao Haifeng, fell to his knees directly, and let out a strong wail.

The wailing was filled with various complex emotions, until he broke his throat and lost all strength.

Fortunately, this is Lu Ming's hospital, and the director has given instructions, so no one dares to take care of it. If it were in an ordinary hospital, they would have been warned not to make loud noises.

Zhao Haifeng looked at Xie Di in front of him, tears kept falling.

Although he couldn't empathize with it, he could still feel part of Shady's pain because he could easily relate to it.

Xie Di now is who he was before. If these things had happened to him before, he would have been in the same pain, regret, and unbearable condition as Xie Di.

"Xie Di, get up..." Zhao Haifeng tried to pull Xie Di up.

But Shady was already like a puddle of lifeless mud, unable to move no matter how hard he grabbed it...

 Thanks to book friend Yu Lan, Heavy Snow Flying 1998, you161018193655235, 20230526001136842, 20230502614689, for the monthly ticket reward for popsicle removal, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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