Chapter 589 Rebirth
Just when Zhao Haifeng and Lu Ming didn't understand why Xie Di suddenly woke up.

"Shady, you're here!"

Lin Wan's voice came. She came down from upstairs. Seeing Xie Di here, she was speechless and full of joy and surprise.

She had heard Lu Ming talk about Xie Di.

She had always lamented this. She originally wanted to go out with Lu Ming to see Xie Di.

However, Lu Ming stopped her. Lin Wan was pregnant now. Besides, it was useless for Lu Ming to comfort her as the elder brother, and it would have no effect if she went.

So I just stayed at home and raised my baby with peace of mind.

"Honey, you're awake."

When Lu Ming saw Lin Wan coming downstairs, he quickly stepped forward to help her.

However, Lin Wan gently slapped her hand away and said with a sweet voice: "As I said, I'm not at the point where I can't walk."

Since she was three or four months pregnant, her belly started to look a little pregnant.

Lu Ming was extremely nervous. He was afraid that something would happen to her and wanted to help her while walking.

She was treated as if she were serving the Queen Mother in the palace.

Lu Ming took his hand back, but kept looking at Lin Wan, staring at him at all times.

He smiled: "I know, the porridge is already cooked, drink some."

Lin Wan has been relatively sleepy recently, so he has always been responsible for cooking when she wakes up early, so that Lin Wan can have hot meals as soon as she wakes up.

After all, only when you are full can you be nutritious, and the baby in your belly can be healthy and strong.

For this reason, Lin Wan also acquiesced. Although she had a traditional view of being a housewife and believed that women should take care of the housework, she had never wanted Lu Ming to cook before, so she learned cooking skills for this purpose.

But now that she was in a situation where she couldn't come into contact with cooking fumes, she had no choice but to let Lu Ming take care of the three meals.

However, Lin Wan also had some complaints.

That’s why Lu Ming’s cooking is so delicious!And they cooked it in different ways for her, eating several meals a day, and she couldn't help but eat too much every time, so she gained some weight.

"Yeah, thank you, husband. I'll eat it later."

Lin Wan is not in a hurry to eat breakfast now, her focus is entirely on Xie Di.

"sister in law!"

After meeting Lin Wan, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di greeted each other one after another.

"Hello, sister-in-law, you and your eldest brother have been troubled recently." Xie Di touched his nose and said sheepishly.

"No need to say this, we will be happy if you are okay."

Lin Wan sat on the sofa. When she saw that Xie Di could appear here and his demeanor was not as bad as Lu Ming said before, she knew that Xie Di had started to come out.

"Not only us, but also Haifeng, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Sun, many people are worried about you and helping you.

Looking back, others also remember to visit and express gratitude. "

Lu Ming interjected.

Shady nodded heavily: "Yes! I know."

Although he was confused some time ago, he was not in a vegetative state. He remembered everything everyone did to help the Xie family, who was good and who was bad.

As Lu Ming said, he had to thank those who helped him.

He still understands this, it's just that he came to the eldest brother Lu Ming first.

"So how did you suddenly figure it out?" Zhao Haifeng is still struggling with this issue.

He didn't understand why he just walked away from Shady.

When asked about this, Lu Ming and Lin Wan also looked at Xie Di curiously. They also wanted to know.

In this regard.

Xie Di chuckled and took a deep breath. “Now that I think about it, it seems like it’s such a simple thing.

I used to have a lot of resentment towards myself. I felt that it was my fault that my father died, so I always blamed myself.

It felt like I was in an extremely wide yet sealed space.

The space is filled with gray-black mist, shrouding me. No matter what you say or do, I can't hear you, and I can't get out. "

Shady described his feelings during the recent period in detail. From his words, everyone could hear the pain he felt at that time.

Saying this, the expression on Xie Di's face was also a bit struggling.

Just when Lin Wan wanted to say it first, stop saying it if it hurts.

The expression on Shady's face changed. He was freed from the painful struggle and became sunny and relaxed, as if some kind of restraint had been released.

At the same time, Shady continued to talk.

"But today, suddenly there was a strong light that penetrated the endless darkness and nothingness and shone on me.

Makes me feel light and warm again...

As soon as my eyes opened, I woke up. "

After hearing this, Zhao Haifeng, Lu Ming and Lin Wan were still confused.

Where is this from?
"No, you..." Zhao Haifeng wanted to say something.

Lu Ming immediately gave him a gesture to shut up and stop disturbing Xie Di.

“When I woke up, I found that the window was open last night and the morning sun shone on my face, waking me up.

Then I walked to the window and looked out at the warm sunshine, the vibrant flowers and plants, and the fresh air.

Suddenly I realized..."

"Uh huh??!" Zhao Haifeng was dumbfounded at this moment, his expression was extremely strange.

The window was not closed last night because he was not here!After scolding Shady last night, he left angrily. Naturally, he didn't remember to close the window before leaving.

In the past, he tried his best to accompany Xie Di every day, but he thoughtfully closed the window and closed the curtains, just to let Xie Di rest for a while.

This time, because the windows were open and the sun was shining, have you figured it out? ?
What if he hadn't closed the window earlier?If Xie Di is exposed to the sun earlier, then he should recover faster? ? !
absurd!It's ridiculous!
If Xie Di hadn't made it unnecessary, Zhao Haifeng would have thought this was just fabricated.

Even so.

Zhao Haifeng still expressed some of his thoughts: " to put it."

He couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe it.

But Xie Di understood what he meant and nodded with absolute certainty.

"Although it's a bit absurd, it's true!"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan also felt a little mysterious when they heard it, but they didn't doubt anything.

No one can understand this kind of personal spiritual matter.

"No matter what, it would be great if Xie Di can come out, and I think Xie Di is now a lot more mature and sensible." Lin Wan sighed with a smile.

"Yeah!" Zhao Haifeng nodded in agreement.

Xie Di looks like he is a few years older now. This does not just refer to appearance, but to the temperament and character of the person.

"Brother is right. After experiencing this incident, Shady has really become a different person."

Zhao Haifeng recalled what Lu Ming said before and had to admire him.

Lin Wan looked at everyone's happy faces and suddenly made a suggestion on a whim.

"Today is the day of Shady's rebirth! Let's have a party tonight just to celebrate Shady.

Wish him a new life! "

(End of this chapter)

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