Chapter 607

"No, Lao Lin, we don't want this either. Postponing the graduation ceremony will also have a bad impact on our school..."

Jin Heyu heard the dissatisfaction in Mr. Lin's tone, and because he was not sure whether he could participate next, he stepped up his comfort and said all his good words.

But the other party still said the same thing.

I just say try your best to participate.Anyone with a discerning eye will know that this is perfunctory upon hearing this.

But they couldn't blame others, after all, it was their own fault first.

Jin Heyu didn't expect that it would be so difficult to convince others. This was the one he felt more confident among the many guests.

If it were anyone else, it would be even more difficult.

At this time, Li Qirui and many senior executives also had sad faces. They knew it was not easy to get this benefit, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult!

Sure enough, they thought the problem was too simple.

"Lao Jin, I already know the situation. I can't guarantee it. I can only say that I will do my best.

I have a meeting to hold later, so I’ll get busy first. "

Mr. Lin on the other end of the phone seemed to be impatient and found an excuse to hang up.

When most people hear this, they definitely won’t bother with it anymore.

"Okay..." Jin Heyu thought of giving up as soon as the words came to his lips.

But somehow, he suddenly had an idea and told the inside story.

"Old Lin, wait a minute. Let me tell you the truth, Mr. Lu of Hongyan Group actually wants to attend this graduation ceremony!
You also know that Mr. Lu graduated from our Shanghai University. "

As soon as the words came out.

An exclamation sounded on the phone: "Mr. Lu of Hongyan Group?!!"

The sound was so loud that it passed through the phone and reverberated throughout the conference room. You can imagine how surprised Mr. Lin was on the phone.

"Don't Mr. Lu never like to participate in public events?! He didn't come to the graduation ceremony in previous years!"

As the top boss in Shanghai, Lu Ming rarely attends public events, except for Zhao Haifeng's car show and a few events at the Tang Palace.

No matter how many people want to invite or come close to show their faces and get to know each other, they never get the chance.

On the rare occasions when he had the opportunity, there was an endless stream of people trying to strike up a conversation, causing Lu Ming to often find a place to hide and relax.

In this way, Lu Ming became even more like a dragon that never saw its end, and the people who wanted to get to know each other were like crucian carp crossing the river.

That's why Mr. Lin was so surprised after hearing this.

"If it is true as Lao Jin said, then the graduation ceremony is a great opportunity to get in touch with the Hongyan Group and become familiar with it!"

Mr. Lin secretly thought to himself, when is the time uncertain?What's the dissatisfaction with the modification time?

That's all forgotten. Time is so tight!
Jin Heyu heard Mr. Lin's surprise and felt that he had grasped something, so he stepped up his fire.

"Yes, but this year we have received definite notice that Mr. Lu from Hongyan Group is coming!

After all, Mr. Lu is also a graduate of our Shanghai University!I wasn’t free before, but maybe I will be free this year. "

By the way, I put a small amount of money on my school.

"Old Lin, since you can't come, wouldn't you have missed the opportunity for everyone to communicate together..."

Before Jin Heyu finished speaking, Mr. Lin's urgent voice came over the phone.

"Who said I won't go! Lao Jin, I just asked the secretary to arrange the time.

Isn't it just that the graduation ceremony has been postponed for a month and a half? No problem, I'm already free and I will definitely be there when the time comes! ! "

Hearing this, Jin Heyu's heart skipped a beat, and he knew he had made the right bet.But at this time, Li Qirui and other senior executives had not yet figured it out, and looked confused.

Why does this person have two faces? ? !
Just now, he kept saying that he didn't have time, and his tone was very dissatisfied, and he was about to hang up the phone.

Why did your attitude change so drastically all of a sudden?Directly gave such a definite answer? !

Isn't this too strange? !Everyone looked at each other.

"Okay! That's great, Lao Lin. I'll wait for you then and I will send you a new invitation letter."


After a few more pleasantries, Jin Heyu smiled and hung up the phone.

"Heyu, what's going on here??!" Li Qirui couldn't wait to ask.

"Yes, principal, why did Mr. Lin suddenly change his tune?!"

"It seems Lin was always convinced? But what's going on?"


Many senior officials also raised questions.

Jin Heyu smiled and calmly picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip. He had been talking on the phone for so long that his mouth was dry.

By this time, he had already made up his mind about this matter. The main reason was that he had an idea just now and thought of a way to solve this problem.

And after the experiment, it is extremely easy to use!

After drinking tea, Jin Heyu said slowly.

"Didn't you hear anything from the conversation just now? Mr. Lin was about to hang up the phone. What did I say before he changed his tune?"

Everyone recalled and thought for a while, Li Qirui was the first to think of the key, raised his head and exclaimed: "Hongyan Group?!!"

Everyone was awakened by Li Qirui.

yes!Mr. Lin didn’t hang up the phone after hearing about Hongyan Group!The tone of voice has also changed! ! !

"Heyu, this move of yours is so amazing!" Li Qirui couldn't help but squirm a little.

Jin Heyu's move can be said to directly change the situation.

"Hey, I was also anxious because Mr. Lin wanted to hang up the phone. I had an idea, so I said it and tried it. I didn't expect it to work."

Jin Heyu was not pretending, he was indeed like this, and he did not expect this trick to be so effective.

Now he was completely clear about it, so he simply shared his experience and analysis.

"Is such that.

Everyone knows the status of Hongyan Group in the Magic City, and our school has to give it some slack.

That's not to mention other businessmen who are also in the business world. Since this incident happened because of the Hongyan Group, Mr. Lu will indeed come to the graduation ceremony.

Then why don’t we pretend to be powerful and use the name of Hongyan Group? !

You have also seen that as soon as Mr. Lin heard that Hongyan Group would participate, he immediately changed his tune.

According to my guess, he must be hoping to show his face in front of Mr. Lu at the graduation ceremony and make his presence felt.

Mr. Lin is considered a character in our list, and he is like that. Then when the other guests hear the name of Hongyan Group, wouldn’t they be even more pissed off?
What’s a delay of a month and a half?If it is postponed for half a year or a year, they will probably be happy to participate. "

Jin Heyu's words were like mantras, and they immediately enlightened all the senior officials!
yes!This layer of skin of Hongyan Group is a top-notch killer weapon in the business world.

With this reason, as long as they mentioned the fact that Hongyan Group would participate to other guests, why worry about others not agreeing? !
(End of this chapter)

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