Chapter 610 Report
"Come on!"

Lu Ming welcomed Xu Zixin in.

Xu Zixin came here this time to report the progress of the matter to Lu Ming, and also to visit Lin Wan.

"Xiao Xin?!"

After coming in, Lu Jianguo and Lin Yuru also saw Xu Zixin and made a sound of surprise.

"Uncle and aunt, long time no see." Xu Zixin greeted.

They knew each other. When Lu Jianguo and the others opened a restaurant, Xu Zixin helped find the address.

"Yeah, come in."

Liu Yuru had a good impression of Xu Zixin. Xu Zixin also contributed a lot to the restaurant's successful opening and prosperity.

But after Xu Zixin left Haibin to go to work in Shanghai, they didn't see each other for a long time.

Perhaps hearing the movements downstairs, Lin Wan also walked out.

"Xinxin, you're here."

Lu Ming hurriedly walked up and helped Lin Wan down the stairs.

"Yeah, sister Lin, how are you doing lately?"

"It's pretty good." Lin Wan said truthfully.

During his pregnancy, he had almost no discomfort except for the difficulty in moving because of his big belly.

And the whole family surrounds her and serves her, what's wrong with that?
The three of them sat down on the sofa. After Liu Yuru poured them water, she left the living room without disturbing their chat.

After caring about Lin Wan's current situation for a while, Xu Zixin started to talk about business and handed over the documents in her hand.

"Chairman, these are the conditions our company promised to Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and I have listed them in detail."

Lu Ming took the document and flipped through it casually.

In fact, he doesn't care much about this, he only cares about the results.

At this time, Xu Zixin had already reported directly orally. The conditions were all carefully thought out and kept in her mind.

She can recite it even without paper documents.

"In terms of funds, our Hongyan Group has directly invested about [-] million, mainly for cash donations, purchasing laboratory equipment and establishing a scholarship fund for poor students..."

Xu Zixin just said that Lin Wan on the side suddenly became interested when she heard that such a large amount of funds was related to Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

However, she didn't make any noise to disturb him. She just pricked up her ears and listened quietly.

Lu Ming was calm while reading the documents and listening to Xu Zixin's report.

Although it may sound like a high price to pay for postponing the graduation ceremony.

But Lu Ming believed in Xu Zixin's professional ability, and she would not cause the company to suffer losses for no reason.


In the explanation of the document and Xu Zixin's oral explanation, Lu Ming quickly heard the explanation and figured it out immediately.

Whether it is donations or scholarship funds, although these actions seem to be costly, Hongyan Group can be regarded as a successful publicity.

Not only in society, it can also affect the students of Modu University. They have received scholarship subsidies from Hongyan Group, and they will be more or less grateful.

Coupled with the strong strength of Hongyan Group, outstanding talents are naturally more willing to join their company, helping the company recruit talents and absorb fresh blood in disguise.

The same is true for laboratory cooperation. These are things that may cause losses on the surface but benefit Hongyan Group in the long run.

“As for the decision to build teachers’ apartments, I thought about it for a long time and finally made it.

However, the ownership of the teachers’ apartment still belongs to our group, and it will not be given away in vain.

After all, the only advantage of that land is that it is close to Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and after the construction of two teacher apartments, there is still a lot of land left.

We can build it into an internal community of Shanghai University of Technology, or rent it to students of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

In this way, it can also increase the housing prices in this area. "Xu Zixin explained all her conditions in detail, although Lu Ming fully believed in her and delegated power to her.

But she will also take responsibility for what she does, and she will do everything she needs to explain.

After Lu Ming listened, he nodded with satisfaction, already knowing what he was talking about.

For Shanghai University of Science and Technology, this is a piece of cake that they will swallow no matter what.

It's just too rich and too tempting.

Then the matter of postponing the graduation ceremony is 100% safe.

What's more, these conditions appear to have cost Hongyan Group a huge price, but in reality they have gained a lot.

From a financial point of view, Hongyan Group may have to pay more than one billion, but the return on the planned increase in land prices will be enough to earn it back.

There are even many potential benefits that are not immediately apparent.

"Xiao Xin, you've done a great job. I guess they will definitely agree." Lu Ming expressed his appreciation.

"There is no response from Shanghai University at the moment. They have to hold a meeting to discuss it."

Although Xu Zixin also felt that she was sure of it, after all, she had not received a definite reply yet and did not dare to make a direct assertion.

When the two of them talked about this, Lin Wanzhen became more and more confused as she listened, as if she was playing a riddle.

Why is it a donation, a scholarship, and a teacher's apartment?

Seeing the two of them stop talking, I finally had the opportunity to interject a question.

"Husband, Xinxin, what are you talking about? Is it related to Shanghai University?"

After hearing Lin Wan's question, Lu Ming remembered that he hadn't told Lin Wan about this yet.

Xu Zixin also glanced at Lin Wan in surprise. She thought Lin Wan knew about it.

So, Lu Ming quickly explained.

"It's like this. The time for Yinyin's graduation ceremony has been determined. It was supposed to start in less than a month."


Lin Wan exclaimed: "Graduation ceremony? Then I can't go?!"

But then I thought about it and realized that Lu Ming was talking about the original matter and discussed the matter again.

It seems to understand something.

At this time, Lu Ming had already continued: "Yeah, I guess we won't be able to go at this time.

So I asked Xiaoxin to communicate with Modou University and made a deal, which delayed them for a month and a half.

This way we can go to Yinyin's graduation ceremony together then. "

After listening to Lu Ming's explanation, Lin Wan was delighted and moved.

Lin Ruyin's graduation ceremony was such an important moment in her life. She definitely wanted to attend it. If she couldn't go, she would definitely have some regrets.

Lu Ming also knew her very well and silently helped her find a way to solve the matter.

"Thanks husband!"

Touched, Lin Wan ignored Xu Zixin's presence and rewarded Lu Ming directly on his face.

"I would really miss it without you."

Xu Zixin looked back a little embarrassed, avoiding looking directly at the sweet scene in front of her.

If she watched too much, she would worry that she would have to take insulin!It’s okay to consume CP, but if you consume it on site, it will still be too sweet and addictive!

Just then, her phone rang.

Xu Zixin picked it up and saw that it was a call from Jin Heyu, the president of Modu University...

(End of this chapter)

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