Chapter 84 Bad news

With the delicious food and Lin Wan's excellent service, Lu Ming thoroughly enjoyed the dinner.

After leaving the restaurant, it was time for the highlight of the night!

"Are you ready? A surprise gift is coming."

Lin Wan fastened her seat belt and was ready for Lu Ming to leave.

But right now.

Lin Wan's cell phone suddenly rang.

It was a call from an unknown number.

But Lin Wan also answered the call casually.

A female voice immediately came from the other side of the phone and said in one breath: "Hello, hello.

Is this Ms. Lin Wan?Please come to our Haibin Central Hospital immediately!Your father is dying..."

Only a "pop" was heard.

After listening to what was said on the phone, the phone in Lin Wan's hand slipped and fell.

The whole person's expression became extremely panicked and at a loss.

Lu Ming, who was sitting in the passenger seat, quickly grabbed Lin Wan's hand and calmed her down.

Then he picked up the mobile phone that had been dropped in the car and asked the nurse on the phone about the situation in an orderly manner.
After asking clearly, he changed places with Lin Wan.

Driving the car, we drove to Haibin Central Hospital.

At this time, Lin Wan's mind went blank.

how can that be possible?
How could his father have cancer?

In her impression, her bad-tempered father had always been in good health. He often fought with people outside and came home with a bruised nose and face every day.

How could such a strong person have cancer?

Although in her heart, she hated her father extremely, thinking that he had never been a qualified father.

But when I heard the news that he had cancer, I still felt a pang in my heart.

It seems that all the resentment has temporarily disappeared...

Under Lu Ming's driving, the two quickly arrived at the hospital.

After getting off the car, we went straight to Ward 1203, which the nurse said.

As soon as you step into the room.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan saw an old man with sparse white hair and many tubes inserted into his body.

This old man is Lin Wan's father, Lin Kangtai.

His name was Kangtai, but he was already in his twilight years. His face looked gloomy and depressed, as if he might die at any time.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wan's eyes instantly turned red.

No matter how much she resented this father in the past, it was impossible for her not to be sad at all when she saw her father like this.

People's hearts are made of flesh.

And this time.

A doctor also walked into the ward and asked after seeing Lin Wan and Lu Ming.

"Lin Kangtai's family, right?"

The doctor frowned and reprimanded with a hint of anger in his tone.

"How did you become children! Looking at you like this, you should not be short of money. Why didn't you bring him for treatment earlier?!
Your father is now in an advanced stage of spread and is dying!
If kind-hearted people hadn't sent him to the hospital, you probably wouldn't be able to see him now, you know? "

"Late stage?!"

After hearing the rebuke, Lu Ming and Lin Wan were stunned. They didn't know what the doctor said.

Seeing the surprised look on the two people's faces, the doctor guessed, "You don't know about the patient's illness?!"

Lin Wan shook her head.

She really didn't know this. If she had known, no matter how bad this father had been to her, she would have brought him for treatment.

"Doctor, I would like to ask, when did my dad get sick?"

Lin Wan's tone was full of guilt.

I feel that it is due to my own neglect that this situation has happened today.

Because of her unhappy childhood, she had hoped to escape her father's control and leave him since she was a child.That's why she works so hard to study and start a business.

Finally, when she became somewhat successful, she left the family.

He rarely goes back to see his father. He only pays living expenses to his father's card every month to ensure that he has enough food and clothing.

And it is precisely because of this that he knows nothing about his father's situation.


Why didn't my father come to the hospital for treatment?
This doubt arose in Lin Wan's mind.

Although his father has been very bad to him since he was a child, he is still the relative who raised him.

So she would transfer a generous sum of money into her father's account every month.

Especially after he became truly successful, he only had a lot more money every month. It stands to reason that this money would be enough for his medical expenses.

And I didn’t know that my father was sick because I hadn’t been home for many years.

But it’s impossible for the father himself not to know.

After all, there will definitely be abnormalities in the body after getting sick.

So his father should know his physical condition.

Then why didn't he go to the hospital for treatment in time, but delayed it until he fainted and was sent to the hospital?
Lin Wan really couldn't think of any reason why her father wouldn't come to the hospital for treatment.

Just when Lin Wan couldn't think of an answer.

The doctor's next words shocked both Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Your father...suffered from cancer about 26 years ago..."

When the doctor said this, his face was full of disbelief.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan also exclaimed in surprise.

"How is that possible?! 26 years!?"

Well known.

The survival time of cancer patients is very short. Even if it is treated at an early stage, it can only extend the life span by more than ten years at most.

But Lin Kangtai has never undergone treatment, and he persisted for more than 20 years? !
That's why Lu Ming and Lin Wan were so surprised!

“Although this is somewhat beyond our normal medical common sense, it sounds incredible.

But judging from the test report and your father’s file in our hospital, this is indeed true...

After your father was diagnosed with cancer in our hospital 26 years ago, he never came to see a doctor again. "

Although incredible, it is true.

Doctors can only blame it on medical miracles, and the most important thing at the moment is not to worry about these, but to save the patient's life.

So the doctor continued.

"None of this is important. The main reason I came to see you is to ask your family members for their opinions.

Your father's current condition is very dangerous. If surgery is not performed, his life may be in danger at any time.

But surgery also has certain risks and there is no guarantee...

So your family members have to decide whether to perform surgery on the patient. "

Lin Wan nodded without hesitation: "Do it!"

Seeing that Lin Wan had made up her mind, the doctor didn't waste any time and moved forward with the process.

"Well, you need to sign these. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Then hurry up and pay the fee, and our doctor will prepare to perform the surgery immediately! "

Lu Ming and Lin Wan immediately took action.

As the doctor said, handle all the matters and wait for the operation to begin.


Lin Wan sat depressed next to the hospital bed, looking at Lin Kangtai, who was now tortured by the disease and became a different person.

He murmured: "26 years ago...

I was only five years old... then you would...

Why I never knew..."

(End of this chapter)

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