Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 116 The Chicken That Lays Eggs

Chapter 116 The Chicken That Lays Eggs
Zhao Xiangguo Mansion.

Guo Kai picked up a scroll of bamboo slips, wrote on it the words "collect all the faces and gather two hundred gold", closed it, got up and personally delivered it to the bookshelf.

In the reflection of the maid's eyes waiting at the door, Master Xiangguo's bookshelf, which had an entire wall hollowed out, was densely packed with bamboo slips.These are books that have been written word by word by adults over the years.
"Has our Lord Wu An been up to date lately?"

After leaving the study, Guo Kai came to the main hall of the house, where a close confidant had been waiting here since two hours ago.

"The evidence that Li Mu secretly communicated with the peasants is conclusive. I sent people to Qidi to collect evidence. There is irrefutable evidence that he secretly transferred thousands of peasant disciples into Zhaodi."

"The intention to rebel is clearly revealed!"

"It seems Lord Wu An is really careless~" Guo Kai sat down with a smile and picked up another scroll of bamboo slips placed on the table. The content inside was clearly a statement written by Li Mu himself to King Zhao. The details were Explains the reason for his friendship with the farmer.

There is no need to report such trivial matters to the king, so Guo Xiangguo, who was worried about the country and the people last year, responded to Li Mu with the word "yes" in the tone of the king.

"Li Mu committed such a crime, even if the king remembers his old merits, he can't tolerate him anymore!" The confidant sat aside without the Prime Minister's orders.He knew that the adults never cared about etiquette, but the Prime Minister only cared about money.

"Well, you are right." Guo Kai nodded gently and tapped his palm with the bamboo slip casually: "But Mr. Wu An is so noble, he deserves a rich price~"

"Let our people continue to hide it for him, and even protect him firmly."

"Wait until someone offers you the right price, then listen to my instructions."


Not long after Lu Wei and Ziwu stayed at the inn, the stars twinkled in the sky.On such a beautiful night, the master of the hall must do something.

So he decisively took Ziwu to Tantai and sat down on the first floor with many casual guests as ordinary guests.

"Zhao Wu is unparalleled in the world. This is my first time coming to Tantai."

Ziwu was sitting upright, with his right hand slightly twisted. He did not have a sword on his waist at this time. Ordinary guests were not allowed to bring weapons into this 'elegant place'.

"Then you should enjoy Zhao Wu's performance tonight."

Lu Wei filled a glass of wine and took a sip. He found that the taste was not much different from the regular wine in the VIP box on the second floor.

And his eyes, following the drinking movements, quietly scanned the faces of the guests on the second floor, except for the few private rooms, one by one.

Combined with the album of portraits of the dignitaries of the Zhao Kingdom that Ayu had given him before, the hall master immediately knew the identities of these people.

But what interested him even more were the shadows of the two distinguished guests in the southeast corner box.

According to the rules of Tantai, there are several special boxes that can only be entered with the token of Zhao Yi, the 'Little Pingyuan Lord', and that box is one of them.

In the past two years, Tantai has sent out many outstanding dancers to open branches in various countries, but the singing and dancing level of Zhao Guo's headquarters has not dropped much. There are also many young girls whom Hall Master Lu has never seen before stepping on the stage to perform for the powerful. Wealthy businessmen showed off their gorgeous figures.

Although there is no top performance like Snow Girl Lingbo Feiyan, the level can still be regarded as superb.

Ziwu watched with great interest, and Lu Wei, after taking a few glances at the guests on the first floor, also enjoyed the performance with peace of mind.

When it was time to leave, the master of the hall took a few steps slowly and finally saw clearly the two men walking out of the box he was paying attention to.

One was the Zhao Cong he knew, but the other was not in Lu Yu's album.But looking at Zhao Cong's attitude, he is extremely friendly to this person!
Let Ziwu, who was still savoring the taste of Zhao Wu, go back to the inn first. Lu Wei's figure disappeared into the streets and alleys of Dancheng, Handan.
That night, Ziwu didn't know when Hall Master Lu came back. He only knew that in the following days, the Hall Master took him to several taverns, a small auction, several casinos, and two more Fengyue brothel place.

He just enjoyed playing and occasionally practiced swordsmanship with Master Lu Tang at night without asking any questions.

After seven or eight days of such corruption, Lu Weicai brought Ziwu to Zhao Yifu in an upright manner.

Not a few months after the last separation, Zhao Yi warmly received the two of them, and from him, Lu Wei learned the identity of the person next to Zhao Cong that day.

"A general came from Qi. His name is Yan Ju. He is an elite member of the Yan family of Qilu. In just one or two months, he has become very popular with the king."

Zhao Yi was a little indignant and disliked this Yan Ju: "But a boy from Qi State couldn't stay in Qi any longer, so he came to Zhao State to take refuge."

"In the end, not only was he unruly, but he actually bribed the treacherous minister Guo Kai to gain the power to control the army!"

"The people of Qi are so weak. We, the people of Zhao, have so many elite soldiers and strong generals. It is a shame to let him gain power!"

It can be seen that Zhao Yi is very discriminatory towards different countries, and perhaps he is unwilling to realize that his desire to be a general in the past has never been realized, but now he is easily grabbed by an outsider.

"How did Yan Ju get involved with Zhao Cong?"

Since Yan Ju had already been mentioned, Lu Wei took the opportunity to ask.

When Xiao Pingyuan heard this, he felt unhappy: "Yan Ju is now the captain of the east gate of the capital, and he happens to be under Zhao Cong. The two of them are almost inseparable now." "I have a very good relationship with Zhao Cong, but I can't provoke him and Yan casually. Because of the relationship and not wanting to see this person, I have no choice but to go to Zhao Cong less recently."

Zhao Cong and Yan Ju were the two generals who were sent by the King of Zhao to take over the military power of Li Mu and Sima Shang during the Qin State's war to destroy Zhao.

As a result, the Zhao Kingdom was destroyed, and the fate of these two people is self-evident.They are people that Lu Wei still cares about, so Zhao Yi has to continue to make friends with these two generals.

After comforting him a few words and suggesting that Zhao Yi could invite Zhao Cong to the house a few times for banquets, the master of the hall went to visit Li Mu again.

But unfortunately, we learned from the soldiers at the gate that Lord Wu An went out to inspect the military camp in secret and was not in the capital.

The large number of Qin soldiers gathering in the land of Nanyang in the old South Korea in the south forced Zhao to be on guard.Although from the analysis of strategic intentions, Qin is most likely to destroy Han this time, but who knows whether the Qin soldiers' real purpose is to disguise themselves.

And even after destroying South Korea, the Qin army still has a high possibility of turning around and raiding Zhao. South Korea is too weak and will not cost them much energy.

Therefore, not only Li Mu, but also Sima Shang also went north to inspect the army near Fanwu to prevent Qin's last two-sided offensive from happening again.

Thinking about returning from Wu'an Jun's Mansion, Lu Wei thought for a moment and asked Lu Yu to prepare a hundred gold for himself. Ziwu drove the car with him to the Prime Minister's Mansion in Guo Kai.

At the small side door, he respectfully clasped his fists to the arrogant guard and said, "I'm here at Shimoda. I want to see Mr. Xiangguo, so I've prepared a small gift. I hope you can let me know."

As he spoke, Ziwu opened the box and displayed the hundred gold items inside.

The guard glanced at him and signaled the other two people to carry the hundred gold coins into the house, then asked: "What is your current position in the imperial court?"

"I am a farmer's disciple and a wanderer in the world. I have no official position."

Pfft, when the guard heard Lu Wei's reply, he sneered and his eyes turned contemptuous: "You need five hundred gold to be qualified to see the Prime Minister. You don't have enough money, so get out of here!"

Ziwu's eyes narrowed for an instant, and his hand was about to grasp the hilt of the sword, but then he felt the hall master's inner energy caressing the back of his hand, so he stopped taking action.

"Thank you for your teaching, sir. I'll take my leave."

Without asking any more questions about what to do with the hundred gold coins that had been carried in, Lu Wei left with Ziwu.

As soon as they left the Prime Minister's Mansion, Ziwu immediately asked: "Why is the hall master willing to be so humiliated?"

"Insults have always been contempt from superiors to subordinates. For us, any words from a guard are not qualified to be called insults."

Lu Wei looked at the blue sky with a smile, his mood not getting worse at all: "That's just his ignorance. You can kill the ignorant, or you can ignore them. This is the sorrow of the ignorant, not ours."

Ziwu was silent for a moment, then continued: "It would be too much of a waste to give a hundred gold worth of money to the rich and powerful."

"My benefits are not so easy to accept~" The hall master smiled even more enthusiastically, and he touched his chin: "Maybe in the future, the Prime Minister will return it to me a hundredfold~"

"Oh~" Ziwu didn't understand what Hall Master Lu was doing, but he knew that this '[-]-fold return' was most likely taken by Hall Master Lu himself. Just like that night in the abandoned village, the bandit leader bumped into him. Got my sword' for the same reason.

"Today the farmer Tian sent someone to give me a hundred gold coins. What do you think?"

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Guo Kai narrowed his eyes and saw three close aides sitting below him.

"It's really difficult for a Jianghu organization to spend so much money." The first confidant joked a few words before analyzing: "The farmers have expanded in various countries, but they are only weak in our Zhao and Qin countries. "

"From this point, they may want to expand their territory. Therefore, they took the initiative to provide disaster relief last year and cooperated with Li Mu."

"In this way, giving gifts to the Prime Minister is naturally within their scope of consideration."

"That's right." Another confidant agreed with this view and seized on the "Tian family" point: "According to the information from Daze Mountain, those who went to Dai last year were Shennongtang, Siyuetang, and Siyuetang in the sixth hall of the farm. Gonggongtang, these three halls happen to be the surnamed halls of the farm family.”

"The competition between the farm family Tian and the foreign surname has become more and more intense in recent years. If the foreign surname chooses to rely on Li Mu, then it is not difficult to understand why the Tian family chooses to rely on the Prime Minister."

"A jianghu organization still has infighting like the imperial court?" Guo Kai held his forehead with his left hand and smiled: "Let's look at their actions again. It is sensible to give money to the prime minister after all~"

"The prime minister is wise!" The No. 3 confidant immediately shouted.

In Guo Kai's eyes, everything has its own price, and so does Wu'an Lord Li Mu, even Zhao Wangqian and even the entire Zhao Kingdom.

When farmers enter Zhao land, they are naturally marked with a price and are ready to sell at any time.

However, as long as a chicken can still lay eggs, it can be raised again. Only when its eggs cannot be laid, killing it will not be wasted.
After giving Guo Kai the illusion that the farmhouse could still lay eggs, Lu Wei did not stay in Handan for too long. He gave Lu Yu a few words and left a bottle of skill pills before continuing south with Ziwu, planning to go to Li Mu first. Take a look at the fields designated for farming.

The main purpose of the hall master's visit to the Zhao Kingdom this time was for Li Mu, but due to military issues, this plan could not be carried out, so he had to go and see what Xia Kui's layout was in the Zhao Kingdom.

After that, I quickly went to Wei State, where there were many things to do.
(End of this chapter)

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