Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 14 Zhou Wen

Chapter 14 Zhou Wen
Riding a horse is a novelty for Lu Wei.

Controlling the pony under the crotch to gallop freely on the vast plains, it seems that the road ahead will never end, and a sense of freedom can't help but arise spontaneously.

But this kind of freedom had only lasted three days, and Lu Wei was tired of driving away the pony that was kissing him, and hid in the carriage in the middle of the caravan and lay down quietly.
Bumping up and down for several days, even with internal protection, is definitely not a good life experience.

"If you don't know how to ride a horse, you can't be a qualified knight."

Zhou Wen, who was walking with him, maintained his meditating posture and spoke calmly.

The two of them served as vanguards on this section of the road to Yan State, traveling together, and were responsible for solving obstacles for the large army to move forward.

Xu Sheng and Sang Lin were at the back of the team, responsible for holding down the formation.

"I can ride, but I don't like long rides."

Zhou Wen spoke very little along the way, and it was not easy to get along with him. However, the two parties did not interfere with each other, and it was not difficult to get along with him normally.

"If you don't like long rides, you just don't know how to ride."

After saying this, he returned to meditating with his eyes closed.

Lu Wei did not continue to defend himself. He silently glanced at his work partner, rolled his eyes, walked out of the carriage, jumped lightly, and sat on the roof of the carriage.

After sending a look to Lu Ye who was guarding the front of the cargo carriage, Xiaoye nimbly drove his horse over.

He whistled to summon the pony that he had driven away not long ago. After riding on it, he and Lu Ye moved side by side.

The two of them ran to the front of the entire team, about five feet away from the people behind them:

"Did you get any information?"

Lu Wei stared at the road in front of him and asked.

"Well, boss," Lu Ye narrowed his voice: "The three of them and I have been insinuating each other in the team. It's strange that whether it's you, boss, Young Master Xu, or that Sang Lin, the disciples have more or less impressions. "

"Only this Zhou Wen has not been mentioned by anyone. It seems that he is not from Luqiu Pavilion."

"In this case, there is no need to inquire about this Zhou Wen. You can play freely in the team."


After Lu Ye returned to the main army, Lu Wei drove his horse forward alone and personally served as the caravan sentry.

"According to what Xu Sheng said, Zhou Wen, Sang Lin, I, and I are all elites whose skills have been tested by him personally. However, Zhou Wenming suffered serious internal injuries, and according to my estimation, his injuries may have lasted for some time."

After taking the second skill pill, Lu Wei, whose internal strength had reached a certain level, could roughly tell the strength of the person in front of him. Sitting in the same carriage with Zhou Wen for many days, he could naturally tell the other person's condition.

"According to the information discovered by Shanyu Konoha, Xu Sheng and Zhou Wen may have a secret they are hiding from everyone."

Lu Wei's eyes gradually became sharp, but he was not prepared to reveal or verify the authenticity of some speculations: as he said before, as long as it does not harm himself, other people's secrets are fine.


The team walked peacefully for a few days without incident.

As expected before departure, with a large caravan like theirs and flying the flag of Luqiuge, not many mountain and wild forces dared to rob the road.

However, everything cannot be guaranteed. Just when they were about to enter a valley, what was supposed to come came.

A dozen neatly dressed bandits stood in a row blocking the middle of the road.

The caravan stopped for the first time during a non-rest period.

"Steward Lu, Steward Zhou, how should we deal with it?" A disciple came to the carriage and asked for instructions from inside the carriage.

"Send someone to negotiate and see what the other party means."

Zhou Wen opened his eyes, but had no intention of speaking. He had gone out on patrol these days, but he had never left the main force. Logically speaking, this was dereliction of duty, but Lu Wei, who was at the same level as him, did not report it to the young master. Those ordinary people The disciples were even less willing to report it.

The solution was given by Lu Wei who quickly jumped to the roof of the car to watch the excitement.

"Yes!" The disciple received the order and rode forward on his own.

But within a minute, he came back with an angry face:
"Manager Lu, these bandits said: Either we take the initiative to leave half of the goods, or they come and take the whole thing themselves."

"The tone is not small, which group of thieves are they?"

Touching his chin, Lu Wei was not angry at all, and even laughed.

"He's not the original owner here. He's probably a newcomer from somewhere else and doesn't understand the reputation of our Luqiu Pavilion."

The disciple responded.

"I'm afraid not necessarily~" Lu Weiyuan looked at the boss of the group of thieves, and suddenly became wary: Judging from the aura, he is not an ordinary person.

The smile on his face became more relaxed, and he waved to signal the disciple to return to his post, and then summoned Sansame Konoha:
"Haven't you always wanted to try your luck? This is your chance~"

"Leave it to us, Brother Lu!"

Lu Yu agreed immediately and happily rushed out of the caravan on horseback. Lu Mu and Lu Ye followed closely behind. The last person left behind was still Lu Shan as usual.

"These thieves are accidents other than those marked on the map." Zhou Wen also came to the roof of the carriage, looked at the formation of the thieves, and said, "They don't look like people from Yan, let alone Qi."

"The target is us?" Lu Wei raised his eyebrows and looked towards the valley, without asking how Zhou Wen could visually judge the nationality of the thief.

After Sansame Konoha came out, the opponent also sent four people to challenge as expected, and did not bully the few with more.

"They are just the vanguard." Zhou Wen raised his head and looked around the valley: "As bait to detect our strength, there must be experts in the dark preparing to take the information back."

Shanyu Konoye was taught by Lu Wei. Although they have only practiced martial arts for a short period of time, there are several purple techniques in the martial arts they learn daily. The worst ones are also blue. In terms of skill configuration, Xu Sheng is probably the same. Not as good as four.

However, the opponent is not good at fighting either. Most of the thieves are in their prime, aged around 40 to [-] years old. They are extremely experienced in fighting the enemy and can beat the four younger brothers.

However, it would not be easy for these people to defeat Yamasame Konoha in a short period of time.

And as the time-delaying technique of Rejuvenation Kung Fu shows its effect, our side must be getting braver and braver as they fight!Therefore, Lu Wei was not worried about them at all.

"You are a little too kind to them. How can you cherish the skills and teach them at will?"

Zhou Wen frowned slightly, then relaxed it quickly, shaking his head in confusion.

"I'm confident that I can learn faster than anyone else. What can't I teach?" Lu Wei showed no concern and slightly showed his disdain for Zhou Wen's words.

This made Zhou Wen extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't help but wanted to regain his place: "You are so generous, why don't you also pass on some of your martial arts to me?"

"Of course!" Unexpectedly, Lu Wei nodded and did not refute.

"Are you serious?" Zhou Wen couldn't believe his ears.

"I never tell lies!" The righteous young gentleman Lu Wei smiled lightly and said calmly: "Lu Shan, Lu Yu, Lu Mu and Lu Ye are my brothers. After they learned my kung fu, they also gave me their own. loyalty."

"As long as you are willing to pay enough, I can tell you anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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