Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 16 Surprise

Chapter 16 Surprise
If we don't count the hares and moon bears that we killed in the mountains and forests last winter, today can be said to be Lu Wei's first time killing.

Although this kind of thing would always happen, cutting off fourteen heads at once still made him feel quite uncomfortable.

In order to ensure that his reputation in the farmer's family would not be damaged, after killing the person, he used the soul-stirring technique on himself, and the effect was extremely good. Each disciple only saw their leader Lu killing the enemy like melons and vegetables, and then again He sheathed his sword and returned with disdain.

As for the results of the discussion between Xu Sheng, Sang Lin, and Zhou Wen, he didn't listen too carefully due to the sequelae of the soul-stirring technique.

In fact, if I could have left one or two alive when I first started, I should have been able to get more information through interrogation, but unfortunately I was too kind-hearted and forgot about it for a while, and just sent this group of thieves to reunite.
Be careful next time!
After the meeting ended, the forward caravan was taken over by Xu Sheng and Sang Lin and continued to move forward. He and Zhou Wen waited for the caravan behind them to catch up, and then took a good rest.

During the break, Lu Wei checked on his fourth brother.

Lu Mu's injuries were very serious. The wound from his shoulder to his abdomen cut open the flesh and damaged part of his ribs. In addition, he later used force to cut off the enemy's head, and the wound was further torn open.
The group of them was currently in a wild valley, and the doctors accompanying the caravan were of average quality. If they relied solely on these people, it would be difficult to treat such an injury with rudimentary conditions.

Fortunately, Lu Mu's own rejuvenation skills have certain self-recovery capabilities. In addition, Lu Wei specially bought the healing pills in the mall and fed them immediately. The wound infection and inflammation will no longer appear. Next, he only needs to be sutured and bandaged. That’s it.

Shan Yuye stood aside at a loss during the stitching process, trying to do something but couldn't do anything, looking like he wasn't very smart.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Wei was troubled: I need to add a professional doctor to my team!
Of course he would think of Duan Murong's name as the first choice among medical staff. This woman should still be studying with her master Nian Duan for the time being, and she would be asked by Yan Dan to take care of Gao Yue soon after she left the hospital.

Yan Dan's charisma was indeed extraordinary, and he could actually make a medical disciple not only completely devoted to the Yan Kingdom and the Mohist Family, but also almost worship Gao Yue as his master.

It stands to reason that such a silly woman can cheat her, but it's a pity that Nian Duan's whereabouts are elusive and it's difficult to deliberately find them.

After thinking about it, the old doctor sutured the wound, saluted Lu Wei, and exited the temporary tent.

Shan Yuye immediately gathered around Lu Mu, asking about his well-being and showing concern to the extreme.

It wasn't until the boss himself came over with a sword that they knew to make room.

"Xiaomu, did you modify this yourself?"

Lu Wei took the bronze sword that Lu Mu used to kill the Scar thief and carefully inspected the simple but practical mechanism on the sword's hilt with great interest.

"Yes, yes." Before Lu Mu could speak, Lu Ye on the side responded: "Brother Mu comes from a family of carpenters. He has been making small toys to share with the children in the village since he was a child!"

"I like the wooden crossbow he made best. It can kill sparrows and mice!"

"Oh?" Lu Wei was pleasantly surprised, but also a little annoyed: the fourth younger brother has such a talent, but he never noticed it. It was really a mistake!
"Well, boss." Lu Mu weakly stopped Lu Ye from continuing and took up the topic himself: "I never had the chance to try it, but after you gave me your bronze sword, I gained the confidence to take it boldly. I experimented with my original long sword.”

"I didn't expect it to come in handy today."

"That's it~" Lu Wei's mind became active. Amu's skill is like carpentry at a small level, but at a large level, he is an excellent mechanical talent!
"You should take good care of your injuries first. After you recover, I will arrange important things for you to do!"

Having made up his mind, he reached out and patted Lu Mu on the shoulder to encourage him. Lu Wei took Shan Yuye out of the tent to ensure that the wounded could have some peace and quiet.

Taking his third younger brother for a long distance, he thought about how to cultivate Shanyu Konoha in different directions:

Lu Shan has a hesitant character. His advantage is that he is extremely detailed when considering problems and pays attention to details. He is suitable for him to be his deputy. He can do things without having to worry about betrayal by people like him.Lu Yu is his little fanboy, his loyalty is absolutely reliable, he can cultivate his martial arts skills, and he is suitable to be used as a double-edged weapon.

Lu Mu became the biggest surprise, and Lu Wei was determined to make him his own mechanism master: there were many drawings and teaching materials on mechanism techniques in the daily treasure box. He had no talent in this area, so leave it all to Lu Mu!

If there is a chance in the future, I will find him a master of machine arts to receive orthodox education. He has already thought about the candidate for this master of machine arts: the public will lose the enemy!

Based on this person's obsession with mechanism techniques, he used the precious mechanism techniques in the system mall as a temptation, kept them and asked him to sell himself to him~

Lu Ye has a lively personality, but he is also stingy and vengeful. He can be used to collect information, but the most important thing is that Lu Mu and Lu Ye are hostages to each other. As long as one of them is in control, the other will also I can control it!
Today, Lu Mu's value to him has increased, and Lu Ye's value has naturally increased.

If you continue to cultivate according to this preliminary plan, after you gain power in the future, a management team will be established immediately!

A month has passed quietly. Since the attack in the valley, the caravan has not encountered a new band of thieves and entered Qi State smoothly.

Different from the bitter cold in Yan State, after entering Qi State, the climate will be more comfortable as you go south, and your understanding of the word "green mountains and clear waters" will be deeper.

Lu Mu was mostly recovered from his injuries, and Lu Wei deliberately made room in his carriage to facilitate his recovery.

Of course, this comes at a price. Taking out a basic machine skill, Lu Wei formally asked Lu Mu to develop his original carpentry hobby as his main business.

Lu Mu resolutely agreed to this request.

However, if you want to learn the art of mechanism, you need stable living space and expensive materials. These two basic conditions are obviously not met in the caravan.

Lu Wei was not in a hurry and asked Lu Mu to write down the knowledge on the two pieces of cloth first. As for the practice, he would talk about it later.

While everything is going steadily and for the better, some small flaws may occur. For example, the Little Saint's Manor and his party who have prepared gifts cannot go this time.

The Confucian Little Saint's Villa is located in Songhai, a seaside city that is not on the caravan's route.

This was not a problem at first. Lu Wei had already thought of a reason to ask Xu Sheng for leave to handle some personal matters.

However, although the attack that occurred in the Yanguo Valley was solved very neatly, the enemy may have been monitoring every move of this caravan.

Traveling alone increases the risk.

The most critical issue is that he doesn't know who is plotting against the caravan.

As for whether Xu Shengzhi knew it or not, it's hard to say.
On this day, after the caravan set up camp, the disciples were arranged to guard the night as usual, and the rest of the people fell asleep. Months of walking had accumulated fatigue.

In the darkness where no one noticed, two black figures quietly approached them!
The sound of the sharp blade being inserted into flesh was not obvious, masked by the singing of nightingales on the treetops.

The next day, a scream woke up the entire caravan in the morning.
(End of this chapter)

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