Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 169 Acting Lieshan

Chapter 169 Acting Lieshan
Dazeshan Lieshan Hall and Chiyou Hall jointly held a martial arts competition recently. Only disciples with four-star Pearl Grass level and above in the two halls can participate.

The competition takes the form of a ring, and the final winner can receive high rewards.

This form of competition is obviously a show of strength by the Tian Tiger brothers.Now after several years of running-in within the farmhouse, the original dispute between the surname Tian and the surname has actually turned into a more complicated situation of four forces confronting each other.

The outcome of this protracted confrontation, in the eyes of most disciples of the farm family, will determine the next candidate for Xiakui.

The two masters of Lieshan Hall and Chiyou Hall are brothers, and the two families are natural allies. The Tian family is still the strongest family in the current farm family, but this needs to include the Tian family represented by the current hero Tian Guang. .

The Zhu family of Shennong Hall and Situ Wanli of Siyue Hall are best friends. This pair has been fighting with the Tiger brothers of Tian family for several years. These four halls are the main body of internal fighting among farm families.

Gonggongtang and Kueitang have changed their owners in recent years. At first, these two halls belonged to the Hetian camp. However, due to different reasons, they have become the third and fourth forces among farmers. .

With the exception of the Dazeshan headquarters, Gonggongtang has almost completely given up its local business operations in Qi State. Instead, under the leadership of its leader Lu Wei, it has expanded its reputation and recruited talents in Yan, Zhao, and Wei.

Among them, especially the land of Yanzhao, the old lands of the two countries were reduced to the territory of Gonggongtang.There are many Yanzhao disciples who are heroic, have a strong desire to fight, and are trained with special means. The elite Yanguiling disciples have an average strength that is far better than the other five halls in single combat.

Strength determines the right to speak. Gonggongtang suddenly stood out from the foreign surname alliance with the strength of one group and became the third party fighting against the Tian family and the foreign surname Hakoba: the Lu family's force.

In the end, Kui Kuitang Tian Mi was left, a neutral force that left the farmers alone.

Hall Master Tian Mi has a very good way of dealing with men, especially men who are not so knowledgeable.

At the beginning, many ambitious people tried to "sacrifice their innocence" to marry this pretty widow, and then become the actual masters of Kuei Hall.

But Tian Mi, who had won the right to be the hall master at all costs, would never let it go again. For her, becoming the hall master was the end of her life.

If you want to take a step closer, you must have the means to turn the other five hall masters into your subordinates.

This is obviously delusional.

Therefore, even if Tian Mi has an idea about the position of the hero, it is just an idea.In actual operation, she has an attitude of waiting to die.

After living like this for five or six years, all the ambitious disciples in Kuei Hall left and joined other halls. Most of the remaining ones were those who coveted the great glory and benefits that Tian Mi would reveal every day.

Even though the number of basic disciples in Kuei Hall is not much smaller, the overall strength is undoubtedly at the bottom of the Six Halls, far behind the other Five Halls.

Tian Mi, who only wants to enjoy herself, would rather cede some benefits than get involved in the struggle as long as no one disturbs her power as the leader of the hall.

There are only two things that this woman is worried about now: one is that the famous Black Swordsman of Juque in the world has never died, and the other is that her husband who does not know whether to live or die is not sure.

If these two things were resolved, she was afraid that not only would she lie flat, but she would also sink into the ground and bury herself.

Disciples who have lost their enterprising spirit and just want to stay away from disputes can join Kuei Hall.If you are handsome, you might be able to be attracted by Tian Mi and enjoy a night of ecstasy~
In the competition between Tian's Tiger Brothers, the most dazzling disciples are none other than Wu Chen, the new headmaster of Lieshan Hall, and the notorious Bone Demon of Chiyou Hall.

There is also a mute old man who gave up his identity as a killer in the world and joined the Lieshan Hall. The disciple named Mute Slave also performed very well.

After losing a difficult contest with Wu Chen, Tian Meng, who was still watching the battle, personally promoted himself to a level and was awarded the status of Five Elements Pearl Grass.

"Hahaha, congratulations, big brother, for recruiting another strong general!"

Tian Hu put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "Besides, I think Wu Chen's strength is enough among farmers to be called the best master under the hall master!"

"The military minister is not weak, but when it comes to being number one among the hall leaders, I'm afraid Gonggong Hall has other opinions."

Tian Meng drank a full glass of wine, looked up at the sun, and silently counted the time in his mind.

"Young man Lu Wei is not weak himself."

Tian Hu remembered that he had been defeated by Lu Wei's sword. Of course he would not belittle someone who could defeat him: "But his subordinates are not good at using force. I think they are still far behind the military officials." Woolen cloth!"

It is true that there are not many powerful people among Hall Master Lu's subordinates who are exposed to the outside world. Among the hidden people, the strongest ones are Li Mu and Lu Ni.

Li Mu's swordsmanship is extremely high, and he combines battlefield killing formations with military theory. His real combat power is enough to be called the second person in Gonggong Hall.

When he was young, Li Mu led troops to hunt the wolf clan's rangers. After the army formation was completed, he personally went into battle to kill the enemy. After the war, he perfected his swordsmanship.

In that battle, the Wolf Clan's hundreds of thousands of cavalry were wiped out. Li Mu led his troops to defeat an entire generation of the Wolf Clan, so that no wolf cavalry dared to approach the Zhao border for the next 15 years.

Lu Ni was born as a killer, and his sword practice in these years was less than during the Luowen period.

But as her mood becomes more peaceful, her sword moves have fewer and fewer flaws without losing their lethality, and her strength has become more sophisticated in depth.

Just the actions of these two people were enough to suppress the Tian brothers.

But today's drama must be performed by Lu Wei himself.

"Don't underestimate Gonggongtang." Tian Meng had just finished speaking when something strange suddenly came from the competition stage:

On the stage, Bone Demon and Wu Chen were having a final competition for the first place. As the two were entangled, a figure in green robes came on the stage without saying hello. One person blocked the two of them and actually tried to fight one against two.

The warrior and the bone demon didn't know why, so they calmly retreated and stopped their attacks.

"Lu Wei?" Tian Hu noticed something strange on the stage, slammed the table, and stepped on the table with one leg: "How dare you come to our Tian family's territory to cause trouble!"

It can be seen from his tone that Tian Hu did not know that Lu Wei had returned to Daze Mountain.

Yesterday, Lu Wei knew that most hall masters would detect his whereabouts through their disciples, but Tian Hu was undoubtedly an accident.

He never liked to use his brain when his elder brother was around.

If the eldest brother is not around, he doesn't like to use his brain and will only find another external brain.

When Lu Wei was still the general manager of Gonggongtang, he had a pretty good relationship with Tian Hu.Later, the struggle for power began, and even father and son would break up in the face of the poison of power, let alone the two of them who were not even friends.

The relationship between the two parties is now hostile.

"I've come to get my things back."

Lu Wei stood proudly with his hands behind his back, letting the hundreds of onlookers in the audience and the military ministers and bone demons on the stage pay attention: "If it takes trouble to get it back, then I may have to make trouble."

"Lieshan Hall doesn't have anything like your Gonggong Hall."

Tian Meng stood up and reached out to stop his impulsive younger brother Tian Hu.

"General Moye was borrowed by you from my people. I will take it back now."

Without delay or haste, Lu Wei raised his chin, with a fan-shaped chart of three parts disdain, three parts coolness and four parts indifference in his eyes, displaying his arrogance that he had never shown before today.

This proud demeanor I learned from Xiang will not get any response when displayed in front of Zhang Liang and Xiao He. People like them will not simply define a character through a scene or a case.If you show him in front of the likes of Gao Jianli and Ziwu, you will definitely get a lot of ill will: their first impression will be that this person is not someone to be friends with.

If you show it in front of ordinary farm disciples whom you don't know, you will get legitimate and even some admiration: this is what the young and promising Hall Master Lu Wei should look like!

The lower Neng plows the fields with his disciples, while the higher Neng proudly stands alone among thousands of opponents. This is worthy of the true character of a knight-errant.

The hall master came here today, on the one hand, to let his name be deeply influenced by Daze Mountain, and on the other hand, he also wanted to slightly highlight Zhou Wen's pretended Tian Meng strength.

Zhou Wen pretended to be Tian Meng, and Tian Guang sent someone to guide him in his daily posture and expression without revealing any flaws, but it was impossible to show his strength without revealing flaws.

No matter how unbearable Tian Meng is, as the leader of his branch of the Tian family, his talent is also that of a master.

Zhou Wen's talent is not inferior to that of Tian Meng, but he is one round younger than Tian Meng, and there is a gap in strength. He has to abandon what he has learned all his life to use Tian Meng's martial arts, which is even more restricted.

After disguising himself as Tian Meng, he has been deliberately avoiding fighting with others. Occasionally, when teaching his disciples, he will use the skills taught by Tian Guang to show off his skills and impress them, but doing so for a long time is not an option after all.

He must use a hearty battle to prove that he is Tian Meng.

Lu Wei, who has a record of 77 consecutive victories in the arena, is undoubtedly a good choice, and the other party will actively cooperate with him in acting.

Establishing a reputation through acting is the primary purpose of this 'Go-getter Moye' plan.

The appearance of the military minister is the second purpose of 'General Moye': Luo Wang raises the stakes on the peasant family.

"You fart!" Tian Hu pulled out the tiger soul with a clang and inserted it into the copper case in front of him: "You sent people to steal the famous sword of General Mo Xie on my elder brother's territory!"

"My eldest brother is wise and martial, and discovered in time that general Mo Xie is actually Lieshan Hall's property!"

"Wu Chen, bone demon, deal with him!"

After Tian Hu finished cursing, he pulled out the tiger soul sword from the bronze case, jumped onto the competition platform, and surrounded Lu Wei with the warriors and the bone demon in a triangle.

The final purpose of the plan is to further open up the internal fighting situation among the farmers, show the enemy's weakness, and at the same time, let those who may be lurking in the dark and want to jump out.

"Everyone is going to fight, Tian Meng, why don't you come up~"

Pulling out the Sea Swallowing Sword, Lu Wei smiled frivolously.

"It's just you, it's not my brother's turn to take action!"

Tian Hu was furious, took the lead, and slashed at the target with his sword.

At the same time, Wu Chen and the Bone Demon also moved. The Bone Demon was not familiar with Lu Wei, but Wu Chen, an old friend, didn't even recall a word. He just went to work.

How sad~
With one against three, the opponents were all good players, and he had to deal with them as soon as possible. He was so forced that Tian Meng had to take action, and he barely managed a [-]-[-] draw, but unfortunately lost.

The hardest part of this drama is right now.

With a twist of his wrist, Lu Wei did not touch him head-on and directly used Feixue's body technique to start his attack.

If you are pursuing a quick victory over your opponents but cannot kill them, or even seriously injure them, you must use all your means seriously.

It just snowed in Daze Mountain a few days ago, and the snow on many treetops has not yet melted. Using flying snow in such an environment has natural attribute bonuses.

Light snowflakes streaked across the Hu Po Sword, and Tian Hu was suddenly confused. When he woke up, a broad sword in front of him was already on his neck.

In front of the bone demon and the warrior, one froze, and the mask on his face was cut open, revealing an ugly face that was as lavender as the skin of his arm. The other let go of the sword hilt, and his shoulder was punctured, revealing blood.

'Good for you!His strength has surpassed that of Xia Kui! '

From the perspective of bystander Zhou Wen, after Lu Wei turned into snowflakes and exploded, Tian Hu suddenly stopped moving for some reason. It was an illusion.

The bone demon was chosen as the first target.

The Bone Demon possesses the power of being "feminine and boneless, capable of breaking the liver and intestines". If he is close to you, all the joints on a person's body will be pulled open in the opposite direction. For those with weaker strength, the bones will be broken and inserted into the muscles, causing pain and death.

This is an extremely cruel way of killing when bullying the weak, but among opponents of the same level, the Bone Demon is often very powerless without the help of teammates.

The two sickles in his hands are actually not very handy. If he used metal claws as weapons like Zhuang Jia, it might be more terrifying.

Under the tug of the sea-swallowing sword, the bone demon's strongest ability had not yet been unleashed. The sickle in his hand was heavily smashed open, and the sword energy cut open its mask smoothly. The threat of death made it stop.

Wu Chen, although this guy shot together with Tian Hu and Bone Demon, his movements were deliberately slow.

When Lu Wei had subdued the bone demon, he distractedly looked at the stupid Tian Hu and stabbed slowly with a sword with a lot of room for contraction.

This is not Luo Wang’s unrelenting style.

But maybe it fits Wu Chen's style.

In this battle between fellow farmers, he had to pay for it to ensure that Lu Wei wouldn't kill him, and he had other plans for letting him go.

Judging from the fact that he has served Yan Chunjun, Yan Dan, and Yan Wangxi, and now joins Luo Yun, he is a person who does not want to live under others for a long time.

Luo Wang sent him to the farmhouse, he must be taking advantage of this personality to bring a sense of coercion to Zhou Wen.

He was completely unable to look back.

If the warrior goes all out in this competition, Lu Wei has prepared the "Baichuan Returns to the Sea" sword ready for him, and he can defeat the enemy with dignity and authority.But there is a huge gap between his strength and Lu Wei's and if he dares to let go, he will have to bear the price of bloodshed.

Using the Youdie Sword Technique in a variety of moves, fast and slow, he easily broke through the defense of the shocked warrior, injuring his shoulder.

Counting the time, he defeated both of his opponents in just two moves. The last one, Tian Hu, who was caught off guard and affected by the soul-dwelling technique, was already defeated when the reckless man charged straight at him.

Tian Hu, who has deep internal strength, should not be so easily attacked, but his hot temper makes him the most susceptible to illusions.

The three of them did not form Dize 24 at the beginning, which was their biggest mistake.

"Let go of Ahu!"

Zhou Wen knew it was time for him to take action.

The tip of the extremely powerful sword rushed out with a fierce sword light and went straight to Lu Wei's vest.

"Good come!"

Turning around quickly, the Hall Master blocked with his sword. Hearing a clang sound, Hall Master Lu Wei, who looked invincible just now, took a step back with his left foot under the dizzying gaze of the disciples below.
(End of this chapter)

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