Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 180 Jun Jinxuan

Chapter 180 Jun Jinxuan

The Mohists paid the highest attention to the battle in Jicheng among all the scholars.

The great master commanded the Yan army to confront the Qin State in Jicheng City, but they, the commanders and ordinary disciples, watched from the sidelines in the city. As various information came from the north, the hearts of the Mohist family were fluctuating.

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, the Mohist family has been firmly engraved with the anti-Qin label. Countries, schools of thought, and the people will mention this label whenever the Mohist family is mentioned.

In the past, when the Mo family had interactions with various forces, both parties did not have to take too much care and just discussed the matter. Mo Xia had always been very popular.

However, now, due to the assassination of Qin, the Mohist family has fallen into isolation and helplessness. Before the situation is clear, the city of Guancheng has truly become an isolated city.

Want to change this:
Either stick to the anti-Qin line and become an anti-Qin banner. In this way, those forces that also have resistance to Qin will naturally slowly and secretly contact the Mohists.

Or, simply surrender to Qin, rebuild relations, and become Qin's lackey.You can take the opportunity to borrow the power of Qin to carry forward the Mohist family once again.

If you choose to be middle-of-the-road, you have to huddle in a machine city and live alone for at least several decades before time can wash away everything.

Among the nine Mohist leaders, those who held a firm anti-Qin attitude were all from the Yan Kingdom: Gao Jianli, Da Tiechui, Kuang Xiu, and Taizhi.

Master Ban and Master Xu are neutral, and Chef Ding is far away in Songhai City.

The remaining two old men were originally from the Mo family. They stayed in the city. At first, they did not support the plan to assassinate the Qin Dynasty like the six-fingered black man who took office. But things have happened. These two old men were unwilling to cause division and voluntarily resigned from their positions.

From a high-level perspective, it is clear which path the Mo family will take.

However, they have no decision-making power now. The giant Yan Dan is still there, and they need to wait for the next giant to be born before leading the Mohist family forward.

Since Gao Jianli returned to Guan City, the frequency of playing the piano has become less and less, and he focuses on the cold water in his hands.

As a confidant, Kuang Xiu would play the piano and accompany Gao Jianli whenever he practiced swordplay, which kept Xiao Gao's impatient heart at peace.

"Brother Xiu, I figured it out."

On this day, after using Yi Shuihan in the sword dance, Gao Jianli stood up straight and calmed down his inner breath. He put away his sword and sat down next to Kuang Xiu. He nodded softly and said:

"I understand why Brother Xiu stopped me when the giant chose to sacrifice."

Sometimes truth is truth, and even if it is a correct theory, when a person is unwilling to accept it from the bottom of his heart, many reasons will still arise in his heart to defend it.

Kuang Xiu just smiled and played the piano, while Gao Jianli spoke tirelessly: "From the eldest brother Jingke to the great master, their belief is to resist the tyrannical Qin and do not want to let the world of all people be reduced to the world of Ying Zheng alone."

"I couldn't persuade Brother Jingke's decision on the banks of the Yishui River, and I couldn't persuade the great master on his decision in Jicheng. They all died for the beliefs in their hearts."

"What remains is the spark of hope."

"Someone must stand up to protect this fire. After Brother Jingke and Juzi, I will be the new sharp blade to protect the Mohist family and the ideals of anti-Qin."

"What do you want to do?"

Kuang Xiu did not comment on Gao Jianli's words. He was a purer piano player. There was no right or wrong in music, only the choice itself.

Whichever path you choose, you must stick to it unswervingly. As for whether this path is right or wrong in the evaluation of others, it is just a deviation of people with different positions.

For Kuang Xiu, what matters is only who is accompanying him on the path he chooses, not whether the path leads to the sun or a sharp knife.

"The Qin Dynasty is powerful. The alliance between the Yan State and the Mohist family is simply not enough to resist the Qin State's military front. We need more allies."

"There are many forces in this world who hate Qin's tyranny. Instead of waiting for them to come to us, it is better to take the initiative!"

"The giant has blocked Qin's attention in Jicheng. I will take this opportunity to find more allies!"

Gao Jianli's personality has always been indifferent to outsiders, and he doesn't like to associate with secular people.To be able to make him make such a change and take the initiative to go out and socialize with all kinds of people shows how firmly Xiao Gaohuai has faith.

"The first target is a farmer?"

Kuang Xiu stopped playing the piano and turned his head to look at his confidant.

"No," Gao Jianli shook his head: "There is a deep friendship between the peasant hero and the giant, but judging from what happened in Yan State, Tian Guang has not made up his mind to firmly oppose Qin."

"One hundred thousand disciples from the farm are acting as spectators."

"I had a conversation with Brother Lu from the Gonggong Hall in Jicheng. His explanation was that the peasants and the Mohists had different religious beliefs. If they wanted the peasants to change their minds, they had to start with their Xiagui."

"The Mo family now urgently needs allies who have natural reasons to resist Qin. The farmers are not satisfied with this condition. Only Chu has the answer we want."

"Is it the Xiang family?" Kuang Xiu guessed Gao Jianli's target: "I'll go with you."

"But the stability of the city is also very important. This matter needs to be discussed with Master Ben and others."


After the Mohist family had overcome the early chaos since the Qin-Yan War, they were ready to resume their activities in the arena.Lu Wei of Qi State, after inspecting the Songhai branch and discovering Xia Kui Tian Guang's additional plan, set his next target on Wei State.

The Gonggongtang branch there is much larger than Songhai, and it also contains the secrets of merchants that Zhang Liang said, which are suspected to involve Xiao He. He must go and see.

In addition, the disciples of the Armored Sect that Mei Sanniang recruited in the Wei Kingdom continued for many years and were also incorporated into the Wei Kingdom branch. It would be too wasteful for this force to stay in the Wei Kingdom, and they still need to be brought back to Daze Mountain.

Just considering that the ceremony is still going on, Mei Sanniang will not withdraw for the time being.

The current head of the Armored Sect, the Hall Master cannot let himself miss him.

The layout of Wei State is both numerous and important.

On the trip from Daze Mountain to Wei, in addition to taking Lu Qing with him for work, Xue Nu also accompanied him on the trip.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the border of the Daze Mountains, they separated due to travel arrangements.

Lu Qing traveled southwest alone and headed straight for Daliang City.

Lu Wei and Xue Nu were going west, first to check out the new location of Zuimeng Tower.

With the strong request of the leader Hua Ying and the permission of the Zhu family, Zuimeng Tower was moved from Daliang City to a location very close to Daze Mountain.

Behind this, it must be Lord Changping’s request.

Daliang City will always become a battlefield, and moving to Daze Mountain will allow Zuimenglou to be protected by farmers at a close distance.

And according to what Tian Guang said, Lord Changping also secretly dug tunnels all over the world. Near the new site of Zuimeng Tower, there is a tunnel that goes directly from the Liuxian Tomb.

There are many underground passages like this in Qin and Chu. Only Xiong Qi knows the tunnel layout map.

In order to oppose Qin, Lord Changping had good intentions.

The desire for this authentic map needs to be taken from Changping Jun's daughter, and Xiong Qi's daughter Mi Lian will hide in Zuimeng Tower in the future.

Considering that his appearance has caused many changes in many events, the hall master was originally unsure whether Mi Lian would come to Zuimeng Tower, but now that Zuimeng Tower has moved to near Daze Mountain, This is a sure thing.

Even if an abnormality does occur, it is unmistakable that Hua Ying, the leader of Zuimeng Tower, is Ji Bu's compatriot sister. Along this line, there is still great hope of catching Mi Lian.

To deal with Hua Ying, Lu Wei had no intention of going into battle himself. He decisively declared the matter a task and handed it over to Xue Nu, and officially awarded the Jade Soul Sword to her.

After following him for many years, Xue Nu has always been well-behaved. Whether practicing swordsmanship or settling accounts, she conscientiously followed Lu Wei's instructions and exceeded her limit. She was extremely easy to use.

After the Moon Goddess gave birth to Lu Qian, Xue Nu whispered in a hesitant voice that she also wanted a child. The master of the hall planned this trip to Wei to complete this matter.

The snow girl was extremely excited to receive the jade soul and the promise. She gave up half of the power of Gonggongtang in Zuimenglou, intending to completely gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Huaying.

The entire Zuimeng Tower seemed to be out of the control of Gonggongtang, and completely fell into the control of Shennongtang and Huaying.

This den seems to be safe, and it will be cleaned by Huaying next, only waiting for the frightened 'little beast' to run and hide.

At that time, hunter Lu Wei will personally take action and capture the target back to Gonggongtang!

As long as the last person falls into his own hands, even if the Zhu family comes to ask for it in person, Shennongtang must have that strength~
After using simple acting in Zuimenglou to throw away the actual control and retain only the nominal half of the control, the master of the hall did not stop for a long time and continued to chase Lu Qing southwest.

In Daliang City, the strength of the Gonggongtang branch has basically withdrawn. On the contrary, Siyuetang bought a large number of shops during the withdrawal of Gonggongtang, and seemed to intend to compete with Gonggongtang.

Siyuetang was a local snake on the Wei Kingdom's border, and Gonggongtang's entry and establishment of a branch itself was a violation of the boundary.

It's just that Gonggongtang has a strong overall influence among farmers, and the direction it takes is also the path of Xinlingjun's disciples and Youxia Lishang. It is not on the same track as Siyuetang, which relies on casinos, brothels, auction houses and other industries. Therefore, Only then can we gain a firm foothold.

Now that the initiative to evacuate was revealed, under Zhang Er's suggestion, Situ Wanli used some small tricks to annex the Gonggongtang industry at a low price.

Gonggongtang had no reaction at all from the beginning, which made Situ Wanli use more radical methods. However, Gonggongtang still chose to endure it silently.

This made the gambler Situ a little proud. He also knew that Daliang City was at risk of being besieged in the future, so Gonggongtang gave up its properties in the city.

But the losses during the siege can be used to make a fortune in the reconstruction work after the siege. Now it takes up more land. Besides certain risks, the profits are also there to float in the wind.

A timid person cannot win big money at the gambling table~
How could Situ Wanli, who was winning and winning, know that he was coveting Gonggongtang's property in Daliang City, while Lu Wei was coveting the entire Siyue Hall.

This kind of annexation of industries was carried out very carefully, and only Siyuetang and Gonggongtang knew about it internally.

However, it does not mean that no one from the outside world pays attention.

In a small shop called Junjinxuan in Daliang City, a handsome young shop owner took a roll of bamboo slips and coins from a customer.

He then took down another scroll of bamboo slips from the bookshelf behind him, handed it out with a smile, and a deal was concluded.

This shop, which sells all kinds of women's accessories on the surface, is also blatantly engaged in information exchange business.
(End of this chapter)

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