Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 19 Surrounding

Chapter 19 Surrounding
Xu Sheng fled quickly in the dark jungle, and he threw away the torch early in the morning.

Logically speaking, it would be very difficult to find someone in a dense forest with only moonlight.

But the net has its own tricks. When a murderous intention appeared in an instant, Xu Sheng was wary of Dasheng and was forced to stop.

In the darkness around him, eight men in black, holding standard long swords, surrounded Xu Sheng.

Estimating the distance between this place and the ambush, Xu Sheng smiled bitterly, but then he immediately revealed his determination: No matter what, we must reach that place!
In the past three days, the four of them carefully considered and revised the plan many times. They initially thought that even if the four of them reported to the group and left together, Luo Sheng would have to take action.

But that purpose was too obvious. Zhou Wen put himself into the perspective of the snare, thinking that they might not launch a siege on the four people who left, but would instead hijack the caravan that stayed behind.

And if the four people disperse and leave, even though Luo Wang understands that he is forcing them to appear, he is still willing to believe that with their strength, they can completely eliminate the target and evacuate calmly before the other three arrive.

Throw out a flash bait, and the spider will eat it with a high probability!
Judging from the situation, the facts seem to be going as expected.

Now, the only uncertainty is whether he can stand out among the eight killers!
"Cut off his hands and feet."

Luo Wang had no desire to communicate at all, and with their leader's order, hunting began.

The killers on both sides took the lead and swung their swords to take off Xu Sheng's legs.

Xu Sheng was concentrating, sideways avoiding the thrust from the attacker on the left. At the same time, he drew his sword and faced off against the killer on the right, scratching the opponent's wrist in one move.

But at this time, other snares also started to move!

Two more killers attacked from behind, and Xu Sheng had to give up the pursuit of the enemy on the right, and instead used Qinggong to jump up and dodge. However, this was what the leader of Luo Sheng was waiting for!

He jumped up equally quickly and was even taller than Xu Sheng.

Compared with the prey being forced to dodge, the leader of the net can actively choose an aerial posture. He aimed at Xu Sheng who was in mid-air and could no longer rely on his strength, and slapped him down with one palm!
boom!Xu Sheng's chest was forced to bear the palm, and his whole body was hit to the ground and bounced up. The leader refused to let go, and chased after him with another kick.
Bang, Xu Sheng, whose body broke a small tree, could no longer control the boiling in his body. A mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth, and his body was weak and he leaned on the broken tree trunk.

In just one round, the Luowang Group with only five people took action and destroyed most of Xu Sheng's ability to resist.

"Ahem." Xu Sheng spit out two more mouthfuls of blood and struggled to stand up.The snare killers regrouped and approached him step by step.

Among them, the assassin whose wrist had just been scratched by him came to him first, his eyes full of cruelty.

Raise the sword and swing it down, blood will flow freely!
"Hiss" Xu Sheng gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out: the palm of his right hand was completely cut off
"Aren't you most proud of your swordsmanship~" The Snatcher put his face in front of Xu Sheng: "How does it feel to never be able to hold a sword again?"

His ferocious smile could be seen through the black turban.

Xu Sheng's response to this was to smear his face with blood, and then his remaining left hand suddenly exploded, and Chunhan severed his palm and took it straight to the enemy's chest.

"Ah!" The snare killer's eyes were blindfolded, and then his chest felt cold, and he was knocked out directly.

Xu Sheng did not dare to delay any longer. He burned all the internal energy in his body and ran backwards while the net did not form a new encirclement.

"Hmph!" The leader of the snare watched coldly as his prey escaped, but did not pursue him immediately. He turned his eyes and stared at his subordinates who had the upper hand but suffered heavy losses:
"You'd better be following his orders and cooperating with his acting!"

The injured killer's face was bruised, and the coldness of the severed spring palm kept running through his body, and he couldn't even speak.

"Let's go and slowly hang behind him."

The seven snares had no one to help up their fallen comrades. Under the orders of the leader, they chased Xu Sheng in the direction of his escape.

Leaving behind a snare of incompetence and struggling on the ground in pain.
"Judging from the direction, it seems he wants to go to Xiaoling Lake."

The deputy said coldly to the leader of the net.

"Is that the cemetery they chose for themselves?"

The leader of Luowang's tone was equally cold. He was at the forefront of the entire pursuit team and strictly controlled the distance between him and Xu Sheng. "They want to force us to fight, but we don't want to take this opportunity to eat the entire caravan~"

"Use the trick and kill the strongest Xu Sheng first, and then let him take us to where our companions are. In this way, we will catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"High regards, leader!"


On the shore of Xiaoling Lake, Lu Wei, Zhou Wen, and Sang Lin, who had separated from Xu Sheng earlier, had gathered here. The three of them looked in one direction silently.

"If the trap does not fall into the trap, then Xu Sheng is probably dead by now." Zhou Wen said while meditating and preparing his sword.

Sang Lin is very confident: "There is a kind of spider that not only has a very good appetite, but also always likes the pleasure of having everything under control."


Lu Weijian had already been unsheathed. He looked at the frightened birds in the dense forest, and his internal energy began to be consumed.

Boom!Xu Sheng, who almost smashed his body out of the dense forest, appeared. After seeing the three people present, he could no longer hold on to his willpower and was completely dizzy.

Lu Wei, who least wanted Xu Sheng to die among the team, held his body, stuffed a small ball pill into his mouth, threw it into the raft on the lake, and pushed it away with his luck.

The Snare Killer appeared shortly after. They looked at the three people by the lake, not surprised at all.

"You don't seem scared?"

The leader of Luowang raised his sword, and following his movements, the other six people surrounded Lu Wei and others with their backs to the lake on three sides.

Lu Wei smiled teasingly at the other party: "You seem to lack confidence?"

"Don't hold back, kill them all!"

The leader of Luowang did not continue to talk. His intuition told him that he must deal with the three people in front of him as soon as possible.

The seven killers moved out together, their swords reflecting the moonlight, and a large area of ​​air was filled with real murderous intent.


Zhou Wen remained in a meditating posture, unsheathed the long sword on his leg, and the sword force that had been accumulated for a long time splashed out at once, forcing the three killers back instantly.

Not to be outdone, Lu Wei plunged the fine iron sword into the lake water and picked it up. The air was filled with water splashes. He pushed the water droplets with the ice palm of his left hand, and the ice picks were scattered like flowers from a goddess.

Three more killers were repulsed, and only the leader of Luo Wang was left to break through the ice curtain and sweep across with his sword, but was blocked by Sang Lin with his sword drawn. Lu Wei and Zhou Wen attacked at the same time on the left and right, and the leader was forced to abandon his sword and retreat.

The three men followed closely, stabbing his head, throat, and heart with three swords from three directions.

With a clang clang, the six assassin subordinates reacted quickly and blocked the attacks of Lu Wei, Zhou Wen, and Sang Lin with their swords.

The three of them raised their lips, used their strength to jump, and arrived at the outskirts of the lake, and in turn surrounded the seven snares.

"You three, want to surround the seven of us?" After picking up his weapons under the cover of his subordinates, the leader of Luowen couldn't help but sneered as he watched the three of them surrounding him in a triangle.

"Why can't it be done?" Lu Wei responded with a contemptuous smile, while Zhou Wen shook his head and said lightly:

"Dize 24!"

(End of this chapter)

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