Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 191 Discussion on destroying Wei

Chapter 191 Discussion on destroying Wei
Lu Wei frowned, and opposite him, Xiao Yan'er also hesitated, picked up a sunspot, and dropped it to a remote place on the chessboard that had nothing to do with the overall situation.

After placing the child, Ji Yan carefully raised his eyes and looked at the hall master, feeling a little uneasy.

'It seems, seems, probably, too obvious? '

She retracted her hands into her sleeves and waited quietly for the hall master to make his move.

Xue Nu, who was watching on the side, and Lu Ni, who was holding Xiao Qian'er, were both talented women. They knew a little about music, chess, calligraphy and painting, so they could naturally see that Xiao Yan'er gave up two pieces in a row, probably allowing Hall Master Lu to regain the situation. Upside.

After all, nine-year-old Xiao Yan'er was not as smart as Zhang Liang. His difficult thinking was inseparable from his ability to fight on the chess track. The little girl only gave up two pieces in a row, so she became panicked.

In this regard, she is even worse than herself.

Pretending to be unaware, he continued to play the chess game. In the end, the hall master completed his three consecutive victories against Ji Yan today. He stood up with a calm expression and taught the little girl to continue working hard.

However, in his heart, Lu Wei had made up his mind not to play chess with Ji Yan.

The reason for the incident of playing chess with the little girl was that all the matters in the hall at the end of the year were settled in advance, so Hall Master Lu had more time to think about playing in the backyard.

At the beginning, he could easily beat Xiao Yan'er in Go: the little girl learned a lot of things on a daily basis, but there was no one in the backyard who could play chess with her.

Sister Xue Nu's belly is gradually showing, and her mother Lu Ni is obviously more accustomed to teaching her how to practice swordsmanship. As for Sister Duanmu, who occasionally comes to play with her, as a doctor, she is undoubtedly the busiest of them all.

Lu Wei and Ji Yan play two to three games every day, which is a casual game. Sometimes it is quite fun to play chess with novices who are better than themselves.

But as the little girl lost more times and began to study chess records deliberately, it was really not that easy for him to win.

By now, Lu Wei, who never touched the chess pieces outside the chessboard, had exhausted his experience as a starter and was completely unable to beat Ji Yan.

However, from now on, as long as the hall master no longer plays chess with Zhang Liang or Xiao Yan'er, he will always maintain a record of undefeated victory over these two Go players.

Faced with Lu Wei's instructions to 'keep working hard', Ji Yan jumped down from his chair, bowed and respectfully accepted the criticism.

Deep down, she felt like she was coaxing a child.
At this moment, Duan Murong came over with a snack box, and the topic of the chess game ended.

The little medical fairy is currently studying medicinal diet, focusing on replenishing the body with food, so although he can't stay in the backyard area for a long time, he can come over from time to time to take a look.

Instructing Xiao Yan'er to put away the chess pieces, Hall Master Lu took the girls to the other side to sit down, eat and chat.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Qian'er immediately struggled and made noises to ask Lu Wei to hold him. Although he was almost one year old and still spent most of his time with a few girls, he always had a special impression of his father.

Duanmu Rong timely took out a portion of warm food for infants and young children from a separate food box and handed it to Hall Master Lu to feed it.

Although Lu Wei usually doesn't do such trivial matters most of the time, if he has time, he won't delegate it to others.

There have been several cold snows in Daze Mountain in the past few days, and the temperature outside is very low.When the Moon Goddess came last time, he spent a lot of energy to plant a special Yin and Yang technique for Xiao Qian'er, giving him much better resistance than children of the same age, but after all, he is still young and cannot stay outside for too long.

After Xiao Yan'er sorted out the chess pieces, she also came among the crowd, and happened to hear Lu Wei's plan to go to Jing Lake for two months after the new year.

"According to reports from Jinghu disciples, the prototype of the main building of the branch over there has been completed. Amu will go to the mechanism workshop of Jinghu branch after the new year. I also want to go and have a look. Let's all come together. Jinghu The water town and the scenery of Daze Mountain are two different experiences.”

It was a planned task to go to the Jinghu branch to check on the disciples. There will be nothing important in Daze Mountain next year, so taking people close to me to visit new places is also a change of environment and interest.

Duan Murong is the host of Jinghu, and Lu Wei often discusses matters about Jinghu with her.In the Jinghu Medical Village on the central island of Jinghu Lake, out of respect for her and Dr. Nianduan, the farm disciples did not search for it and did not touch the items in the medical village.

Just wait until the master of the hall takes her there in person, and then look at how to renovate the medical village.

To lead one is to lead, and to lead a group is to lead.If you want to go with Amu's large army, adding a few more carriages to the team will not cause any hindrance.

"Axue and Qian'er, I'm afraid they shouldn't be bumpy."

Duan Murong didn't have any objections to her itinerary. She just frowned and looked at Xue Nu with a worried expression.As for Lu Qian, he was actually fine, he just mentioned it in passing.

"I have no problem with a medical fairy like Sister Rong who is more beautiful and more skilled~" Xue Nu heard Duan Murong's worry and hurriedly smiled and said that she could do it.She has seen all the scenery in Daze Mountain, and she is happier than anyone else to be able to visit Jing Lake, which is said to be as vast as the sea.

What's more, we all go together on this trip, so we won't be lonely.

After Xue Nu expressed her stance, Xiao Qian'er must have been looking forward to it, and Lu Wei responded to his opinion.

Lu Ni and Ji Yan have never disobeyed the public, or simply would not disobey the opinion of the hall master, so the matter was settled neatly.

After tasting the new medicinal food, Duanmu Rong carefully asked several people about their feelings, took their pulses, and wrote down some details that needed to be improved in terms of taste.

For the Jinghu Medical Village and his party later in the year, the little medical fairy wanted to go back and ask Master Nianduan for his opinion, so he packed up his food box and left quickly.The chess game in the backyard was abandoned, and the hall master had nothing to do if he stayed there. He only held Xiao Qian'er and watched the small fish and crabs Ji Yan caught from the stream for a while, and then went to the front yard.

Lu Qing has returned from Spring Valley Town in Wei State, but Uncle Qing offered to let Ah Shan handle this year's New Year's Eve event, but Ah Shan, who was much more mature than when he was young, postponed it several times and did not accept it. In the end, the hall master made the decision to let the two of them do it. Make overall arrangements together: Uncle Qing is the general manager and Lu Shan is the manager.

Lu Qing has been working hard in Gonggong Hall for many years. He is at the golden age of experience and should be full of energy.

But as the Gonggong Hall grew bigger and bigger, he began to think about quitting: Although Ah Shan's rank had always been below him, his surname was Lu after all, and the fourth younger brother was nominally the brother of the hall master.

Ah Shan is only 25 years old now. In five years, Lu Qing is really worried about the division of power in the Gonggong Hall.

He himself is over forty, and will be almost fifty in five years. He can definitely call himself an old man.His son Lu Chen is about the same age as Lu Shan, but they don't belong to the same plane: one is at the grassroots level playing with the disciples, and the other is in charge of everyone in the center of the main hall.Therefore, Lu Qing is certainly not willing to have a conflict with Ah Shan. From now on, only Lu Shan can inherit the position of general manager in the hall. It is better to get along with him now, so that after he retires, he will have a nurturing relationship. Of course, General Manager Shan will treat his son Lu Chen. Take care of one or two.

In addition, he has several little daughters who are definitely not worthy of the master of the hall. However, the four brothers of Shanyu and Konoha have the same room as their elder: they only have concubines and no real wife.

Uncle Qing, who is experienced in this marriage matter, has some ideas.

The first problem in marriage is that Lu Wei's opinion must be taken into consideration: it is a good thing for the people below to be united, but too much unity may be self-defeating.

According to Lu Qing's imagination, he hopes and can only find a marriage partner in Shanyu Muye. For this specific candidate, Lu Qing is most optimistic about Ashan or Ayu.

On this festive day of the New Year, you have to try the hall master’s tone.
Because they jointly planned New Year preparations, Ah Shan often went to Lu Qing's residence at the end of the year to discuss matters. Under special arrangements, Manager Shan unexpectedly met Lu Qing's little daughter.
And all this was reported to the hall master's desk by the internal investigation spies organized by Ayu before.

The secret agents of Ayu's organization did have a secret plan, but the fact that they could be reported so easily showed that Lu Qing had no intention of hiding it from him, and even meant to leak it to him on purpose.

Lu Wei casually threw this piece of information aside and didn't care. As the power grew stronger, it was normal for the people below to have more and more thoughts. The key was whether he, as the hall leader, had the ability to control the situation.

There are only 3 people, and all his close followers are personally selected by Hall Master Lu from the Jianghu. If he cannot control this, he will not even think about competing in the world in the future.

If you want to form a community of interests, just do it. When Hall Master Lu really needs to deal with someone personally, he will never be kind and look at his status.

He even dared to think about the Yin Yang family's mirage and Qin Wangzheng's elixir, not to mention the subordinates who could be replaced as the number of talents in the hall increased~

In an environment where the storm is about to come and the buildings are filled with wind and rain, the one that will have the worst time this New Year is the Mojia City.

The giant died and was swallowed by quicksand.

The Mohist family has invested so much in the Yan Kingdom, but now not only has the bamboo basket failed, but even Mo Mei, who was a token of the Mohist giant, has not been heard from.

Moreover, after the deaths of the Six-fingered Black Man and Yan Dan, the Mo family lost the ability to compete with other top martial arts masters.

Among the hundreds of scholars, there is Fu Nian as a Confucian, Lu Wei as a farmer, Chisongzi Xiaoyaozi as a Taoist, and Nie Weizhuang as a Zongheng. These people are the external faces of their respective sects.

But in the Mo family, not only are most of the disciples no longer able to go out to do chivalry, but the strongest among the leaders is actually Gao Jianli, who has not yet grown up.
Although the real inheritance of the Mohist family includes mechanism skills in addition to Mo Xia, the latter cannot be easily displayed. To spread the sect's doctrine, the role of top Mo Xia is very important.

"Send a message to Xiao Gao and ask him and Kuang Xiu to come back as soon as possible."

Master Ban said solemnly at the Mohist leadership meeting:
"Although Juzi said before we left, he would pass Mo Mei to the next chosen heir, but the accident was too sudden. In case Juzi didn't have time to make arrangements, the Mo family cannot live without Juzi."

"If there is still no news about Mo Mei in the world after a month, we must make up our minds and choose a new giant as soon as possible."

There was no objection to Master Ben's proposal.

Master Xu nodded and left the decision room directly.

Big Iron Hammer was originally a general of the Yan Army with a bad temper, but he had no status in the Mo family. He also understood that most of the responsibility for the originally brilliant Mo family to become what it is now was because of the Yan Kingdom, so he could only remain silent.

Thief Zhi had no intention of joking at this moment, and while playing with the instant flywheel in his hand, he used the calculations he usually used to steal things to consider the life and death of the Mo family.

Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu were not in Guancheng, but the letters they sent back from Chu State said that everything was fine with them, and that their contacts with Chu State had achieved some results.

The cook Ding is in Songhai City, and the recent letter sent back mentioned that the little sage Zhang Liang, the third master of Zhuang, expressed sympathy for the Mohist family in his words.

If one were to select a giant among the current Mohist leaders, the oldest one would be Master Ban.But Master Ban is neither capable nor suitable to go out and negotiate with other forces. Being distracted from the mechanism technique may cause him to lose sight of one thing and lose the other, and then lose both.

The same is true for Master Xu, he is a swordsmith, but if Thief Zhi wants to become a giant, he has to give up the character of a thief, which is impossible.

After these senior qualifications are eliminated, the only ones left who can become a giant are Xiao Gao and Gao Jianli.
Xiao Gao's willingness to take responsibility and take the initiative to go to Chu at least proves that he can take action.

In terms of strength, Xiao Gao holds the Shui Han Sword and is the strongest among them all.

If the mysterious man in black robe hadn't actually broken into the government city with black eyebrows, and took the initiative to enter the Mo family's forbidden area and pass the test skillfully, the giant Gao Jianli would have most likely become a reality.
The military plan to capture Jicheng within one year was successfully completed. Li Xin, who contacted Liusha in the final battle, made great contributions. This brave general brought Yan Dan's head and was received by the King of Qin as a reward.

In addition, after the interview, Li Xin also became the commander-in-chief of a special military operation: Qin will next attack Wei, the center of the world. Wei and Chu are adjacent, in order to prevent Chu from harboring dissident intentions during Qin's attack on Wei. , Wang Jian suggested sending troops to attack Chu on a small scale first and seize the area adjacent to Chu and Wei.

In this way, Wei will become an isolated island.

Moreover, if you take the main road from Xianyang to attack Wei directly, you will run into the defense line against Qin that the Wei army has been operating for a hundred years. However, if you take the newly occupied Chu territory, you can bypass the obstacle and go straight to Daliang City!

The king of Wei pretended to be the new king not long after he ascended the throne, and the same was true for the king of Chu over there. Wang Jian's idea of ​​using the Chu land sounded a bit risky, but the old general was always known for his safety:

He calculated that the Chu State would not dare or be able to attack Qin with its main force. Even if the true force attacked Qin, the plan to destroy Wei could be changed into a plan to destroy the main force of the Chu State!

The King of Qin submitted the proposal of General Wang Jian to the ministers for discussion and passed it.

The old general himself was definitely not worthy of going into battle for such a trivial matter. Wang Ben was the main general in destroying Wei and was not suitable to take command in advance. This small-scale attack on Chu fell into the hands of Li Xin, who had made great achievements in Yan.

Li Xin was overjoyed. After taking over the task, he promised the King of Qin that he would be the pioneer for General Wang Ben!
In the past few years, Li Xinzheng was proud. He had performed outstandingly in destroying Zhao and Yan. The next small-scale attack on Chu would also go smoothly.

Such a fierce general, in the eyes of Changping Lord who participated in the discussion of destroying Wei, may not be able to be used by himself~
(End of this chapter)

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