Chapter 2
The escape operation of the five-member team went smoothly. Under the cover of darkness, they hurriedly traveled all night, all the way north.

After the sun rose, the team lay on the roadside to rest for half an hour before moving on.

Lu Wei himself does not need to rest. The rejuvenation technique he practices has a long internal energy, and the breath is swirling in the body all the time, taking away the fatigue generated by the body.

Strong endurance and self-regenerating blood are the biggest advantages of this technique.

Although the four younger brothers are young, their family backgrounds are miserable. They have to sell their strength for the nobles since they were young, so they have quite a lot of experience in enduring hardship.

A long period of running away and a small amount of rest was barely bearable for this team.

On the afternoon of the third day, a few people finally found a dilapidated village. The half-collapsed wooden house seemed very friendly to Lu Wei.

All the Yan people in the village have fled, probably to nearby cities. This is good news. Once their clothes and accents communicate with the locals, the Zhao people's identity will be exposed immediately.

At this time, such exposure certainly won't bring them good things.

After eating hard army rations with cold water, Lu Wei motioned to the others to take the time to rest, while he served as sentinel for everyone and planned the next plan.

Shan, Yu, Mu, and Ye watched with gratitude as their boss climbed out of the broken house nimbly.

Walking to the old dead tree at the entrance of the village well, Lu Wei frowned. After leaving the Zhao army, his top priority was to find a way to sneak into the rear city of Yan.

Although with his ability, he might not be able to survive for a few years wandering around in the wild with his little brothers, but in that case, when will he be able to make money?

Lu Wei, who has a clear self-awareness, understands that in this world, strength trumps everything else.In terms of martial arts, although he has superior skills to practice, in terms of qualifications, he is no more than average. He can only become a bandit leader by relying on hard work.

If you want to make further progress, you must 'add points'~
The treasures on the first page of the mall have been craving for him for 12 years!
"Next, let's go towards the mountains and forests. After we get our first fortune through hunting, we'll go to Jicheng!"

"In addition, all the hundreds of families in Qin Shizhong are powerful, so if you worship one of them, you can be regarded as having a nominal backer."

"Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, Taoism, and Military are collectively called the five major sects. But among them, the only one who is willing to accept me is the Mohist school."

"The Mohist family has a base in Yan State. At this time, regardless of whether Prince Dan of Yan is in contact with the current Mohist giant, as long as we find ways to get close to the prince, we can always find clues about this organization."

Lu Wei raised his hand and pressed it on the trunk of the dead tree, automatically exercising his power, and his palm turned blue:

"However, Mohist teachings are not suitable for me."

Mohist teachings take universal love and non-aggression as the core, and use moderation and respect for the virtuous as the fulcrum. They have great influence in this era.

"A hero is too great. I only care about my own interests. I have to force myself to act like a hero under others. It's too tiring."

"In comparison, although the strength and reputation of the peasant family are far inferior to the five major sects now, they are better because of their large number of people, and based on time, they are in the midst of change."

"If you choose a farmer's family, Shan, Yu, Mu, and Ye can also become disciples of the farmer's family. In this way, I will not be alone once I join."

"There are many poor people in the farmers. I only need to show my skills to attract a large number of followers."

Bang, he stopped his hand and slapped the old dead tree hard. Under the effect of Ice Palm, the tree trunk formed a large ice mark with his palm as the center.

The overburdened dead wood creaked and screamed from within.

At this time, the clouds that had covered the sun since noon finally drifted away, and the warm sunshine shone down.

Turning to look at the old dead tree, Lu Wei raised the corners of his mouth: "My Ice Palm has improved a lot!"

Throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, the five-person group did not rush again.

When the four younger brothers woke up, Lu Wei immediately fulfilled the promise he made on the day he escaped: teach them martial arts.

Under his active guidance, the mountains, rain, trees, and leaves completed the first round of the "Rejuvenation Kung Fu" internal circulation before the sunset.

This marks that the four of them have officially entered the martial arts.

For almost the whole night, they were like toddlers who got a new toy, happily playing with the weak inner energy in their bodies.

The effect of the purple technique was extraordinary, and the four of them were immersed in it and could not extricate themselves.

Lu Wei didn't know how the levels of other sects in this world were divided, but his system division method was clear at a glance:
From low level to high level, white, green, blue, purple, orange and red.

In 12 years of opening daily treasure chests, in addition to four books on purple techniques, he has accumulated nearly a hundred books on blue and green techniques.Due to limited energy, he didn't bother to learn those things.

It stands to reason that if you teach yourself these four little brothers who can be discarded at any time, even if you want to fulfill your promise, just give them a few green toys.

But Lu Wei thought again and again and did not do that.

In the early days of starting a business, treating people with sincerity can win the most hearts and minds, and the effect of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu is also very suitable for their current state of escape.

In the future, or at most a few months later, your inner strength and mental skills will be replaced by orange quality.

Then, get the purple garbage out of my body!
With the support of the system, he can speak like this with full confidence.

"Besides, the Rejuvenation Technique does not belong to this world. If these four people achieve anything in the future, they will still need me for their subsequent techniques!"

When Shan, Yu and others were working hard on their inner strength, Lu Wei himself was not lazy. He also did not rest this night, but was preparing to practice Qing Gong.

Fast movement is now Lu Wei's biggest weakness.

He took out the blue copy of "Listen to the Wind Singing Qingly" and read it again to make sure that his memory was correct word for word. He closed his eyes and started operating his internal energy according to the instructions of the exercises.
Lu Wei originally dismissed the blue quality technique, as human energy is always limited.But the future is uncertain. Knowing a light skill might be able to work wonders at a critical moment!
Another night passed, and the four people, Shan, Yu, Mu, and Ye, who had newly cultivated their internal skills, were full of energy. The fatigue of the previous few days was gone. They were now full of hope for the future.

The four of them had great admiration for Lu Wei, who brought hope.

Lu Wei himself practiced Qinggong all night, and his internal energy was greatly depleted. However, under his deliberate control, it did not affect his journey.

To the north of the abandoned village is a small stream.

Using the soul-stirring technique to stun two small fishes, together with seven or eight crabs caught by Shanyu and four others, the team's breakfast was dry food soaked in delicious river fresh soup. From the time they set out with the Zhao army until now, it is a rare feeling of fullness. Abdominal desire makes everyone unable to stop.

The efficiency of this day's journey was far greater than that of the first day of escape.

Unfortunately, because there was no map and they had to deliberately avoid the Yan people, they could only move in one direction based on their feelings.

Along the way, we encountered many desolate scenes, which made the mountains, rain, trees, and leaves open their mouths, but they couldn't say anything.

Unlike the time traveler Lu Wei, the four of them still recognized their identity as Zhao people. The tragic experience of the Yan people made several people feel a strong sense of guilt.

This war is unjust. It is Zhao's invasion of Yan!
(End of this chapter)

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