Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 24 Zhou He

Chapter 24 Zhou He
Lu Wei originally went to the system mall to spend fifty borrowed gold, of which he got 38 gold to get five newbie benefits. He spent the gold on Xingshang Road to buy a bottle of healing pills and gave one to Lu Mu and Xu Sheng respectively. .

Now there are only seven points left in the upper left corner of the system.

In addition, Lu Wei also received Xu Sheng's benefit of one hundred gold in Jicheng, but he did not transfer the hundred gold into the system. Instead, he asked Shanyu Muye to exchange it for Yan Kingdom goods and sneaked into the caravan together. Arrive in Shouchun, ready to sell it and make a fortune.

Originally, Lu Weihui would remain poor for a period of time before the goods were sold. After Xu Sheng completely delegated power, although he was eligible to use the caravan's funds, they were public funds belonging to the farmers.

Taking the current situation into consideration, Lu Wei did not want to leave any trace of his personality because of these small profits.

If he had just arrived in Jicheng, he would have stolen several hundred gold from the caravan's finances and run away directly if he had access to it.

It’s okay if this cowardly farmer doesn’t wait!
But now, the Xu family and his son are unable to return to Jicheng for the time being. The Luqiu Pavilion has no master. With a huge caravan in hand, he can definitely compete for the position of 'acting principal'!
First, master the power of the entire Jicheng peasant family, and then secretly develop under the wings of the Xu family and his son who are in Qi State. After they are kicked out by Tian Zhong, he will then raise his arms and absorb the power of the Gonggong Hall that opposes Tian Zhong. , officially jumped out to compete for the position of the next hall leader!
This may sound a bit too idealistic, but it is indeed feasible and can be given a try.

After all, the biggest anti-Tian Zhong force in Gonggong Hall today may not be Xu Qiu, but the current hall leader Zhou He!

Lu Wei didn't believe that when his grandson was framed by Tian Zhong and forced to leave the farm, the Zhou Hall Master had no resentment at all against the culprit.

The reason why Zhou He didn't take action against Tian Zhong was probably because he was in that position and had to show apparent fairness.

Even if his grandson was framed, and even if the murderer was still trying to find ways to become his heir, Zhou He could never directly attack Tian Zhong.

On the other hand, Tian Zhong did not hesitate to betray his adoptive father who had taught him for many years and took refuge in Tian's Tigers, which was even more invisible pressure surrounding Gonggongtang.

Therefore, Zhou He, who was unable to personally retaliate against Tian Zhong, must be very happy for more forces opposing Tian Zhong to appear in Gonggong Hall.

This can be seen from the fact that after he "discovered the scum lurking in the upper echelons of the farmhouse" under Tian Zhongli, he immediately recalled Xu Qiu from Jicheng to work in the Qi Guo General Hall.

Xu Qiu and Xu Sheng should have seen Zhou He's attitude, and then they would confidently compete with Tian Zhong, who had the support of the Tian family, for the position of heir to the hall.

After all, the current Gonggongtang is still Zhou He's Gonggongtang. He can't blatantly target him, but he can openly favor him!

Today, Lu Wei received a gift from the Xiang family and became rich instantly. He did not hesitate to transfer a third of the three hundred gold in the huge box into the system, raising the store points to more than one hundred, just in case. .

This number of points is far from being able to purchase those expensive orange and red quality treasures, but it is definitely more than enough for daily needs: a bottle of extremely effective healing pills is worth hardware~

There is also the Jade Soul Sword left over from the novice welfare. This red weapon only costs twenty gold. If you take it out at a critical moment, it will undoubtedly be a big surprise to the enemy.

Putting the black wooden box containing pearls back into the huge box that was missing an entire layer, he closed it and turned around, with a hint of sadness on his eyebrows:
"Xu Sheng has now become one of my problems."

He felt troubled when he thought of the state of Xu Young Master. In the first few months after the battle with Luo Wang, Xu Sheng could still maintain his original personality even though he was seriously injured and disabled. He even thought about taking him with him after the caravan mission was completed. He went to Qi to fight against Tian Zhong.

Lu Wei was still prevaricating at that time.

But since entering Chu Di, Xu Sheng, who was gradually recovering from his internal injuries, became gloomy. Not only did he not want to see anyone, he also covered his body with a thick black robe. This was obviously extremely abnormal.

Regardless of whether the Xu family and his son want to use him or not, the benefits Lu Wei received from them are real. Even if these favors are put aside, he personally needs the Xu family and his son to stand up to Tian Zhong for him for at least another year. time.

Therefore, Xu Sheng's abnormality cannot continue. If something goes wrong with him, Xu Qiu will inevitably be affected.

After walking out of the room, Lu Wei found Lu Ye: "When will the disciple who reported the news to the main hall come back?"

"The disciple sent out last month should have arrived at the main hall at this time. It will take at least one and a half months for him to return to Shouchun." Lu Ye replied without thinking.


While the two were talking, the Qi State, Dazeshan Gonggongtang headquarters.

Xu Tian from the Luqiuge caravan met the hall leader Zhou He instead of Xu Qiu who applied for an audience.

This frightened him so much that he knelt down.The old hall master, who is over fifty years old, has black hair and beard, and shows no signs of aging. However, due to the poor health of Elder Yutu, one of the six elders, he must hand over the trivial matters of Gonggong Hall as soon as possible.

Only by giving up all positions within the gang and worldly life can one enter the Six Xian Tomb and succeed as an elder.

"Are you Xu Sheng's subordinate?"

Zhou He has been in charge of Gonggongtang for nearly 20 years, and he has a certain power that is calm and powerful. In addition, he has confirmed that he will succeed the farmer's elder, which adds a bit of sternness to him!
"Yes, the villain's name is Xu Tian. Meet the hall master!"

The other party's trembling reply made Zhou He very dissatisfied, but he would not go out of his way to torture an ordinary disciple, not to mention that this person had information that interested him.

"Following the order of Manager Lu, I came to the headquarters to report on the situation of the caravan and the injury of Director Xu Shao Xuesheng."

"Xu boy is injured?"

Zhou He was shocked in his heart, but his expression showed no change: "What's going on?"

"I don't know, but since the caravan was assassinated by the enemy in Qingfengling, Manager Xu has not appeared in front of the disciples again. Manager Lu sent me to the headquarters to tell Pavilion Master Xu about this."

"Assassination in Qingfengling?" Zhou He frowned: "Qingfengling in Qi?"


"Which disciple is this Steward Lu? Does Luqiu Pavilion have the position of Steward?"

"The position of Fourth Steward is a newly created position created by Supervisor Lu. As for Steward Lu, I only know his name is Lu Ye."

After saying this, Xu Tian carefully looked at the expression on Hall Master Zhou's face and added in a low voice: "The other three stewards are called Lu Shan, Lu Yu, and Lu Mu."

"Absurd!" Zhou He slapped the table next to him, shocking Xu Tian and lowering his head.

But for some reason, the hall master who was about to get angry suddenly calmed down and said, "What is the name of Director Lu?"

"Lu Wei"

"I have never heard Xu Qiu mention that he has five talents with the same surname. How could this Lu Wei become the acting caravan director?"

"He was promoted by Supervisor Xu Sheng."

Xu Tian's voice became even lower. If it weren't for Zhou He's profound skills, he wouldn't be able to hear the whisper.

"After Xu Sheng promoted this Lu Wei, he stopped appearing in front of you, and then this acting supervisor Lu promoted the other four Lu to management?"

"Just as the Hall Master said!"

"Take him down. No one is allowed to see this man without my order!"

Instructing two of his cronies to take Xu Tian away, Zhou He fell into deep thought. The disciple just now didn't mention 'Zhou Wen''s name at all.

Based on the friendship between his grandson and Xu Xiaozi, he would never let Xu Xiaozi get hurt easily.
Unless, this Lu Wei is recognized by his grandson!

"There was also an assassination of a disciple of my Gonggong Hall in Qingfengling, but as the leader of the Gonggong Hall, I knew nothing about it!"


(End of this chapter)

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