Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 26 Hunting

Chapter 26 Hunting
In addition to Xiang Bo, the young generals of the Xiang clan in the army also include Xiang Dong and Xiang Liang.

Dongliang and Dongliang are the sons of the coach Xiang Yan, and both of them have higher status in the army than Xiang Bo.

Especially Xiang Dong, as Xiang Yan's eldest son, he is almost certainly the current Major General of Chu.

However, what interests Lu Wei more is not Xiang Dong himself, but his son: the future overlord of Western Chu, Xiang Yu!
Of course, this overlord has not yet been born, but it is estimated that he will be born in the past two years~
"Brother Lu, it's a coincidence that you came here today~" Xiang Bo laughed and welcomed Lu Wei into the military camp. However, he did not enter the Chinese military camp, but came to the racecourse side by side.

The two brothers Xiang Dong and Xiang Liang were changing their leather armor at the side of the racecourse, as if they were about to go into battle.

The two of them smiled kindly when they saw Lu Wei coming here. After Xiang Bo introduced them, they had known each other a few days ago, but in terms of relationship, they were not familiar enough.

"Brother Xiang, are you going to take action later?" Lu Wei asked seriously, "Am I here at the wrong time?"

"No, you're here just in time!"

Xiang Bo took out a curved bow from the weapon rack, pulled the string and made two gestures, then said with a smile: "We brothers have nothing to do, and we have discussed going to the countryside to ride and hunt. Brother Lu, please come with me!"

"Hunting on horseback?" Lu Wei waved his hand after hearing this: "It's better not to disturb Brother Xiang's enjoyment. I'm really not good at bows and arrows. If I go, I will only be embarrassed."

"Hey~" Xiang Bo put the bow into Lu Wei's arms: "It's just a matter of shooting for fun. If I hit a deer, I'll give you half of it!"

"That's right, since Brother Lu is here, it would be too rude for me, Mr. Xiang, to go back like this." Xiang Dong's cheerful laughter came. He walked up to Lu Wei and looked into each other's eyes: "How can I be so rude as a teenager?" Being a farm steward, Brother Lu naturally has something extraordinary."

"I heard that knights in the martial arts can hurt the enemy by picking flowers and flying leaves. If Brother Lu doesn't show it in front of Xiang today, will he look down on me, Xiang?"

"This" Lu Wei smiled bitterly and clasped his fists: "That's what the young general said, as long as Wei refuses."

"Haha, that's right!" Xiang Bo patted Lu Wei's shoulder with his big hand. He was very strong, but Lu Wei's whole body was steady and motionless. Xiang Dong saw this and secretly noted it down.

They casually led a few black horses. The three Xiangs did not bring any soldiers, and were only accompanied by Lu Wei. The four of them galloped out of the camp and quickly disappeared from the sight of the camp guards.

They drove the horses very fast. The Xiang brothers seemed to be deliberately testing Lu Wei, and there was a horse riding competition at the beginning.

It took about 5 minutes for a few people to stop galloping. The horses were tired from running at full speed.

As cavalry generals, the Xiangs are all horse lovers, and they understand what will happen at any time when they get off their mounts.

"Brother Lu is good at riding!" Xiang Dong turned around and couldn't help boasting: "The knights under me can't keep up with the speed of my brothers."

"Brother Xiang is too praised"

Lu Wei cupped his fists and accepted the compliment: "I'm just rough-skinned and thick-skinned. I just forced the horse to accelerate. I don't have any skills at all."

"When we meet these days, I call you Brother Lu, and you call me Brother Xiang." Xiang Dong raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "As a friend, why should you be so formal!"

"From now on, you just call me Xiang Dong, and I just call you Lu Wei. The three brothers and I are reckless soldiers, and you are also a man of the world. How about throwing away those complicated etiquette?"

"Follow Brother Xiangdong's orders!"

Lu Wei's answer satisfied Xiang Dong. The corners of Xiang Liang's mouth, which had been silent, curled up, while Uncle Xiang, his laughter was always loud~
"Okay! Then we rough guys will go to the hunting ground and hunt some wild deer and bring them back for the barbecue!"

The four of them drove their horses to a trot again. This time Lu Wei took the opportunity to ask for advice on how to use a bow and arrow. Such a pragmatic performance won a lot of favor from the three Xiang brothers.

After arriving at your destination, set up your bow and shoot an arrow.

The hunt soon begins.

In a whole afternoon, they hunted six large deer, two small deer, and a large number of small animals such as rabbits and foxes.In the evening, Xiang Jun sent a special convoy to pull back the prey. Xiang Dong, who was enjoying himself, shouted loudly as he watched the soldiers loading the prey into their vehicles:

"Stand still the little deer and don't bump into it too much. We are going to enjoy it tonight. As for the big deer and hares, you can divide it among yourself."

"Thank you, Major General!"

After ordering the soldiers, the four of them lined up at the front of the convoy and walked slowly. The breeze blowing in front of them was very hot and not cool.

"Lu Wei, do all farmers have disciples as skilled as you?"

Xiang Dong's words sounded like questions, but combined with the smile on his face and the actual situation, it was obvious that he was showing off his military power.

After all, what is an ordinary farmer's disciple like? Does Xiang Donghui, as a country's young general, really not know?
Lu Wei, who heard this meaning, naturally knew how to respond. He did not answer Xiang Dong's question directly, but turned to point at the neatly marching convoy:
"Are all the soldiers in the Chu army as elite as Xiang Jun?"

"Hahaha" Xiang Dong raised his head and laughed, his brows full of pride: "If it is true as you said, then the flag installed in Xianyang Palace is probably the flag of my Xiang family~"

The degree of arrogance of the Xiang family in this world is very understandable:
When the king of Chu was still named Xiong, he dared to call himself "the strongest clan in Chu".

The generals of the Chu army only knew the Xiang family's tiger talisman but did not know what the king's order was.

After the demise of the Chu Kingdom in the future, the remaining Xiang family forces will completely abandon the banner of the King of Chu and directly use the Xiang family as the center of the restoration of the country.

It can be said clearly: Although the King of Chu is from the Xiong family, the Chu State is from the Xiang family!
Therefore, no one found it strange what Xiang Dong said to Xianyang Palace. Although Lu Wei knew that the Qin army was by no means that unbearable, there was no need for him to refute Xiang Dong at this time.

What's more, this heir will indeed be able to defeat the main force of the Qin army in the future. Now it's just the father bragging about his son~


At night, the moon was high in the sky. Under the escort of Xiang's soldiers, Lu Wei, who smelled of meat and wine, was sent back to his residence in Shouchun City.

Lu Yu has prepared bath water and a change of clothes for his brother Lu, which is extremely considerate.

"Brother Lu, with our current status, we should hire some young maids for the mansion."

Lu Yu symbolically helped Lu Wei in front of the Xiang family soldiers. After the outsiders left, he said seriously:
"Those noble doctors have maids to serve them and warm their beds. My brothers are much better than those wine bags and rice bags. We should match what they have!"

"What, you don't want to do these little things in life anymore?"

Lu Wei smiled and looked at the younger brother beside him.

"Of course not!" Lu Yu shook his head violently: "I heard that a true knight can die for his lord's word, and I can do this too!"

"It's just that Brother Lu has such a noble status now, so he shouldn't be worse than those people in life."

Staring at his younger brother whose values ​​seemed to have been corrupted by the world, Lu Wei turned his head, neither scolding nor agreeing:
"I have my own affairs to consider. You and Shan, Mu and Ye only need to carry out the orders unconditionally. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Lu Yu retreated.

Compared with lengthy verbal education, an ordinary command can make the fourth boy sober more easily.

As for the concept that they may gradually converge with the powerful, in this era, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

As long as the reins are in your hands, it doesn't matter what kind of grass the foal likes to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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